So big and so strong

So big and so strong.

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now somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota there lived a boy named Rocky Racoon

And one day his woman ran off with another guy

hit young rocky in the eye

Rocky didn't like that


How do we make space-faring trenchcoats fashionable?

We would benefit as a society if everyone looked like space cowboys

damn good flick

best scene in the movie.

So what's the deal with the racoon. Did some space fuckers modify a normal racoon and put the brain of Bradley Cooper into it as a joke?

I would have liked this scene more if Rocket occasionally shot someone to help out Yondu. It would have made Y. seem a bit less invincible and given the rat something to do instead of just walk along like an accessory for five minutes.

We know he was a lower life form, non-sapient, that was intellectually Uplifted, programmed with piloting, weapon and weapon-building skills, and extensively cybernetically enhanced to increase his strength. We don't know if he was an Earth raccoon or a very similar alien animal but we do know the process was horrifyingly painful and has left Rocket with deep emotional scars only worsened by the fact that he had never been shown the merest shred of human kindness before meeting Groot and the Guardians.

He shot a few ravagers through the walls

We have to go space first

And that part was great, but I was referring to the long walk to get to the control room.

well and the fact that, now as a more sentient being, he's more acutely aware of his loneliness and how little his 'creators' gave a shit about him (the scientists).

So he and Yondu bond over both being abandoned and both being fathers to other characters (peter and groot)

I was really surprised they gave him a character arc at all instead of keeping him a meme character

Rocket really is a shell of a man (raccoon) and it's amazing he functions as well as he does. I think if someone hugged him and soaked up the enraged bites for a few seconds he'd break down crying. He's been shown several times to be emotionally brittle and it's hard to blame him.

i unironically like the trailer

This movie actually made me feel bad for Nebula which was amazing since usually I hate the bitter jealous sibling plot but losing a body part for every loss is pretty fucked up.

Well this is kind of what happened at the end.

Like I have to give serious props to Marvel for ending the movie (post-credit stingers not included) on a cathartic image of Rocket realizing that his friends would be there for him like Yondu's. No "See you next time", no "Onto the next adventure". Just a close up of Rocket's heart healing a little

She and Rocket have suimilar backgrounds and I couldn't help but notice that she was in the entry bay when Rocket stunned Gamora and just watched as the raccoon stared at the closing door. I don't know if she empathized with him or just supported his decision but I was hoping they'd exchange a few more words.

She wasn't even Jealous, she just wanted to have someone care about her or to comfort her in her suffering.
It actually highlights the difference in personality between her and Gamora really well and with a lot of nuance

As a side note, anyone else feel like Ego was really well acted in general.
Since he wasn't ever REALLY hiding anything, you never get the sense that he's an asshole underneath his basic charm.

>What greater purpose could there possibly be?!
>Y-YES (when peter finally uses the Light)
>You are a god: If you do this, you'll be just like everyone else

Maybe he'll let Mantis pet him without trying to snap her hand off.

I just realized how much he looks like a pirate, with baby Groot being like a parrot on his shoulder

Maybe. Think she'll stay as a regular of the team?

Yondu is just OP and didn't even really give him a chance to help

I'm not sure what she'd do exactly. Every member of the team has valuable skills, though some amount to "fights really well". Rocket and Star-Lord are both good mechanics (Rocket obviously far superior) as well as good fighters and I'm not sure what an empath brings to the table other than getting to burst into tears the first time she feels Rocket's inner pain.

Ship shrink?
The only person ont he ship (now that Groot is a tween) who's willing to give everyone a personal session to vent and talk?

I'm surprised every super group doesnt have one

She'd be a fantastic diplomat and also a great tranquilizer in a pinch.