No one here actually subscribes to cable, right? Where do you get all your shows? You are watching them in a comfy manner, right? Torrenting episode by episode is not comfy.
No one here actually subscribes to cable, right? Where do you get all your shows...
Sebastian Foster
John Butler
Michael Wood
I don't have a television. Or a computer.
Caleb Martin
Phoneposters need to leave.
Elijah Reyes
I-I have Fios
Jack Hernandez
Me on the left.
Caleb Edwards
Cooper Wood
I never paid for TV in my life. Parents did.
Have not watched it regularly in almost 10 years.
TV keeps you weak, and subdued.
Jeremiah Kelly
>underage b&
Leo Hall
I'm 32 and have never paid for cable in my life. It's either been part of my apartment rent when I was in undergrad or graduate school or my parents paid for it when I was a kid and when I moved in for a few months after my fiance split for Kansas.