Before social media, a woman could always find a willing man. Then social media and tinder came and they had a catalog of willing men to choose from. Now, as a result of this unlimited source of willing men on demand, women no longer need dating. There is no more courtship; there is no more obligation to bring something to the table. If one guy rejects her she gives him a soft next and sits back and lets the next chad in line grovel at her until his attention and resources stop flowing, ad-infinitum.
Because of social media women have been spoiled by having an unnaturally large selection that they have reduced men to a resource, moreso than men have reduced women to fuck holes. Do not fall for the personality meme because it won't get you laid. Your personality is the only resource she can extract from you on social media in the form of attention and entertainment.
>"say something creative"
>"be interesting"
Already admitting she's just here for her entertainment. Oh, you matched? She's got two chads and a sugar daddy on speed dial. She doesn't need you. You are just attention and entertainment to her. Tinder is nothing more than a scratch off lottery tickets for women: they're fun but she's hoping for her chad jackpot. That's her end goal. She will string you along with false hope of eventually giving you the honor to buy her a measly cup of coffee until she decides she wants to wait on more options.
That's modern female dating in a nutshell. Literally sit back and wait for Chad, but put up a lofty list of demands to procure the best beta entertainers. You have been reduced to nothing more than a court jester.
>"feed me pizza tee-hee and tickle my muffin top."
Even the fat slobs do not even need to try to seem appealing to men, in fact they do the opposite because they know they can.
If you have never gotten laid by a half-decent woman from tinder are wasting your time. If you've ever purchased cuck points or beta boosts you need to slap yourself.