The One Reason the Election is Close

Hillary Clinton is largely preforming as well or better than Barack Obama did in 2012, except among White Men without a college degree.

Trump's gains among this group have been so overwhelming, they more than cancel out his losses among non-Whites and Whites with College Degrees.

Why don't White Men without College Degrees like Hillary Clinton, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

proves college is just sjw brainwashing

>White Men

Are you being racist on purpose ?

Really now, what has she ever said or offered that works in that group's favor? Maybe she doesn't think she needs to speak to them directly, but it looks like poor whites are feeling left out and left behind.

Trump is beating Hillary on working class whites by something ridiculous like 31%

>White Men

Seems problematic the why you worded that.

Because Hillary never talks about the working class and everything she supports fucks over those in that class.

White men without college degree: the working class of America. The people who are tired of seeing Mexicans stealing their jobs, niggers leeching on welfare, and that billions are being spent on the USA's interventionist foreign policy, instead of being spent to improve their lives.

Definitely this

(((College))) degree...

>paid money to be fed neo-liberal globalist trash

Blue collar patriots
>free of indoctrination

this is true, over here if you debate a professor they try their hardest to fail you

This reply, the first, is the best reply.

Those White men went through the Indoctrination thats present on all college campuses

>get a degree
>suddenly democrat

It's almost like they're using universities for political indoctrination, but that can't be true.

ITT: basement dwellers convince themselves college isn't worth it and education means nothing

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

this is why a Trump presidency is going to be a disaster. He's promising a return of blue collar jobs, but automation is taking them away. Working class white men will chimp out

this guy gets it

They aren't indoctrinated in college.

Seriously? That fucked up. Over here it's mostly student union wanks that are the major source of SJWism.

Might help you get a specific job, anything beyond that is delusion.

This is accurate.
I did this they tried to fail

The only thing education is worth these days is a scrap of paper that says you are marginally more qualified for hire than someone else. Modern education does not teach you how to be a smarter person, how to debate better, or how to be a leader. It is nothing more than a self serving cycle that nears on social meta monopoly.
But congrats, you got your degree in 18th century dog philosophy, you are now marginally more qualified for hire as the mcdonalds manager than paublo, but he gets us our tax break so he gets hired anyway.

> implying having a college degree equals having intelligence.

Woman's studies
African American studies
Liberal arts
I can keep going

I wish they could further break this down into real degrees and shitty degrees. At the firm where I work, Trump has the support (not necessarily enthusiastic, but will receive the votes) of whites with degrees in accounting, finance, and engineering. I don't know any personally, but I would imagine Shillary has the universal support of whites with "degrees" in SJW theory, history of white oppression, feminist butthurt studies, etc.

Also remember that for these statistics they count things like AAs as "degrees" so they're overwhelmingly skewed towards the community college crowd.

>never went to college
>knows what a college classroom is like

Really made me think.

Because white men w/o degrees are skilled labourers, and tradesmen. The people that the left fucks over the most.

Is this new copypasta...

Cool, calling me too stupid to vote for Hillary definetly makes me want to vote for Hillary.
I guess I'm #MentallyHill now.

Excellent first post!

Along with this, most men with degrees are married to women with degrees who they met in college, so even if they aren't sjw's, their parasitic wives are.
So they support Clinton because they've enslaved themselves to one pussy just like they do to one job.

>implying all education is worth something
There's so much garbage in academia nowadays, it's absurd. College professors in the humanities push their view of the world like gospel if you get the wrong professor.

There is no longer critical thinking, just expected viewpoints.

STEM is still good though. Education doesn't make you more intelligent, just more well informed according to a certain view unless the field of study has empirical standards instead of just relative viewpoints.

You mean it's not a good idea to heap shit one the largest demographic in America (well, one of the largest two, don't know if more white males than females in the US) when you rely on them voting to get you in office?

Well fuck me...

Political indoctrination in schools and universities.

of course impossible

Does this mean white men without degrees won the election for Obama?

Because the universities bluepill students to vote democrat.
That's why liberals always say that republicans are uneducated and stupid.

Why are white men even allowed to vote? They are so racist. Need more Jim Crow laws against them like VAWA and hate crimes laws.

If you're white and don't have a college degree, you fucked up big time.

They are. I'm having to take a (required to graduate for my Bachelor's) course, that isn't related to my major.

Mind you, all these courses focus on globalism and were made a graduation requirement in 2010.


Nah, it means that stupid white men are republican because they ain't gots no gud American coledge Educashun

>50% of Americans marrying outside of their ethnic groups
This is a flat out lie

Trump is leading among the people who will most benefit from his policies who also happen to make up the majority of the country. This is shocking and definitely racist

college (((degree)))

only STEM matters

>we're the party of the common man!
>let's laugh and mock the common man for not supporting us.

People who engage in destructive or self-destructive behavior such as deliberately engaging in anti-intellectualism and anti-social behavior should be shamed.

Trump will win

Weak game, here's a (You) you addict.
0/10 work on your bait game kid.

>wants to raise small business taxes
jesus christ its like she wants to fuck us up in the worst way

Of course it is.
Here's some questions from the last (((test)))

>tfw I'm a STEM aspie
>Have to take this joke of course just to get my bachelor's in chemistry

Because we work for a living.

this. People went to college and came back retarded. It happened to my sister and I had to dive in to a bottomless pit of darkness and despair saturated in delusion to save her and she was just one among an entire generation of her peers. .

This is the per point increase, not the average you fucking mong. That's not how it works.

White men overwhelmingly vote REP in the States, degree or not. Hillary has stopped trying for the majority lf the white (non Hispanic obviously) because she knows she can't sway it meaningfully. The DEM's have always relied on black and Hispanic votes mainly.

Think of it this way, if you already have 40% of the country voting for you (103mn), you only need 28%(60mn out of 206 mn) of the white vote to make it into office.


Anti-left isn't necessarily anti-intellectualism.

Because Hillary is a dumb fucking cunt!

As a degreeless white man who became right-wing because he observed how niggers leech off welfare, I approve your post

They also know you will be good peasants since you already espoused what you know to be lies to get good grades so you will do the same to get paid.

>uneducated white males are still smarter than educated white women
Really makes you think



Two of my professors were openly marxist.

This is misleading. Whites are very hard republican especially men.

I've noticed this among high school friends who went to college for meme degrees, instead of STEM.

This is entirely true. Right now I'm taking Intro to Sociology as part of my basic classes and the entire textbook seems like it was written by an SJW for their tumblr.

>most Americans are white
>most Americans are not educated
>uneducated white men are more likely to vote than women

Sounds like she isn't going after the winning demographic

Lol skilled

Right, but it's the relative gains compared to 2012 that have kept this election close, since Trump has lost ground among other groups.

Its because all the old boomers who like Trump never went to college, hence no degree


It's just polls and temporary butthurt. The only gains I would expect to show up election day would be those among women.

I have two STEM degrees and I am voting Trump. Funny, after I say I am voting Trump on phone banking polls, they don't ask for my education.

University/college isn't, and has never been, a learning institution. 99% of the times, its just some bored professor reading big words from a power point presentation for the class. Everyone can read a presentation.

I know this because I am in university, and that is pretty much all that happens in most courses. Some courses are greate though, usually the ones that require math, where most professors use some sort of interactive tablet and display so they can draw and solve math in front of the class.

this is why you never reveal your red pill in college. they will flunk your ass so badly. you have to go double agent on them and pretend to be diversity and multicultural. You never reveal your hand in a poker game and college is just like that.

I have a hard time believing that Hillary is pulling +4 of white men with a degree. This includes boomers and gen X with degrees which outnumber millennials. Republicans have won the white men with degrees vote since Nixon.

nope. Most of Sup Forums is either in STEM or a business major. They aren't fucked up like the other majors yet with sjw shit so we havent been turned yet.

the post right before the second one is of the highest quality to be found in this thread

>people who are directly affected by open border policies are against candidates that support open borders

I am university educated and I would vote Trump if I could.

Hmm, watching the country be given to foreigners who hate us, listening to news and television shitting on us 24/7, I can't imagine why whites who have self respect despise the Democratic Party, Neocon Republicans and Leftism in General.

This is not surprising at all

>tfw the entire black segment is no college degree and makes 30k

It's true. I remember taking clac and my prof did proofs like every day even though some of them weren't even required to solve the problems themselves.

You don't see this kind of shit in the joke classes because the profs can get away with not teaching. There's nothing really to teach. STEM actually requires intelligent thought, you can't get away with just reading off slides without your entire class fucking hating you for being a lazy piece of shit.


Whereas I would like to limit the SJW brainwashing to non-science related/unpractical studies. It's definitely there to some extent, but not nearly as bad as the useless degrees.

Having a degree doesn't mean anything anymore

Anyone can get into college and get free loans for it, I would be interested to see what the voting pattern is by occupation, note I didn't say degree

Unemployed law school grads who went to some shitty law school and apply for clerk positions at a two person shingle don't count as attorneys

the real answer is become stupid people love trump.

That was the single thing that pissed me off the most about college. It's somehow acceptable to be openly Marxist. What the fuck? Marxism is a failed ideology based on a specific concept of historiography that clearly did not occur. That alone should be enough to discredit it. But that's not all. Marxism led to millions upon millions of deaths as a result of the ideology. It preaches armed revolution and the denial of reality. And yet it's okay if professor Shitstein teaches it.

On the other hand if you have an even mildly right-wing prof they get censured or protested unless they were smart enough to STFU until they got tenure and their political views are covered under their research and tenure arrangement. Fucking kek.

Only because most young white people today have a degrees in African Womens Gender Studies

The more educated they are, the stupider they are.

>but getting a degree not only exposes you to different perspectives, but also gives you knowledge on how society should function! Those from university are therefore much more concerned with equality than those without a degree.
How does one counter this in a conversation with normies? I have heard this so many times

Bahaha, ignore this shill, they tried it with brexit and look what happened.

Hey OP, don't worry I'm sure Hillary will keep paying your bills when she loses the election.

This comes from a person who studied hard to earn a degree and who spent five years surrounded by brainwashed idiots. All the friends I share ideas and beliefs with are not college graduates.

I know it should be obvious, but they don't let retards into college.

Who decides how society should function?

>not a cesspool of critical theory and liberal fascistic thought

t. white male 19 hours short of a degree

>vote for a communist who encourages the theft of your income and violence against your people otherwise you are a basement dweller

Whip out your phone and show them this

Fuck all the statistics
Fuck the polls
Fuck the experts
Fuck the media
Fuck the banks
Fuck the political establishment

We voted Brexit against overwhelming odds because it was the right thing to do. If Trump stands up for Americans he will win.

>tfw white with degree
>tfw voting for Trump

I would say maybe it's because I'm STEM (bio) but most people I met are liberals. Anyways though college is a joke, there are too many general ed classes that are pointless and useless and if you're getting a meme degree you're learning nothing valuable. Even with my science classes I don't remember a lot of it, I barely remember organic chemistry and anything past basic calculus. Yet I have to go in depth for it all, along with many other courses that don't affect me.

The bio classes were good for the most part because they all kinda built on each other and it's more relative to me but I don't know I feel it can be heavily condensed to 2 to 3 years assuming you took good classes in high school

The fact that a person believes a central authority should have the ability to dictate society as a whole, (in terms of non violent actions) is communism

College is important for some, but not all jobs.

If I was smarter at 18, I would have been an apprentice electrician or plumber. After all these years I'd be making a lot more as a master electrician / plumber than I do in my office job, and I'd have no student debt.

The problem is all the professors and the SJW lifestyle that thrives there

I remember my writing Prof stops class one day to start saying that "when a baby is born, you can't really tell it's gender because it could have just a tiny penis or a huge clitoris"

And yes that's an exact quote. In a fucking writing class where the assignment wasn't even remotely related