Why is (((Rotten Tomatoes))) sabotaging all Warner Brothers' projects?

Why is (((Rotten Tomatoes))) sabotaging all Warner Brothers' projects?

but poorly reviewed movies do well all the time

also WB partially owns RT

I think it's shit purely because the safe and generic average films get fresh and controversial works get the red tomato or rotten.


Stop caring and enjoy your flicks

If anything this suggests that WB funds interesting films.

RT isn't the problem. It's the braindead "critics." I don't discount the possibility that many of them have been "paid off," just not in the most obvious way, more like the ones who don't sucl Mickey's dick just get "uninvited" to the next premier. That's a pretty powerful incentive.

Also, I fucking loved this movie.

Was this movie any good? I kinda got turned off watching it since the rt reviews were so terrible and guy Ritchie hasn't made anything decent for a while

All normies go to RT to decide what movies to go see now. The site killed a whole knights of the round table franchise. Capeshit are the only movies that can survive a bad RT score.

UNCLE is literally Decent: The Movie

>a while
Try ever

>Let's turn the most honorable knights in fiction into ganstas and shiet

Yeah fuck outta here

No it's great, it has David Beckham in it.

>Also, I fucking loved this movie.
me too man
and the way it ended, fuck.
You just know its not going to happen

I like Guy Ritchie. But it's true the best stuff was earlier in his career.

I'd imagine this has been a perfectly decent movie.

See, here's the thing, once you have a reputation for poor work whether that be school, work, college, etc; everything you do is going to be evaluated with that prejudice.

This is what has happened with Guy Ritchie and WB Studios. They've put out a long string of crap to the point that even if there's a solid 8/10 movie somewhere in that shit heap it's likely to be discarded as garbage as well.

But this seems to have a winning formula as I see it. I loved the shit out of the camelot tales (and history in general) growing up, and I like Guy Ritchie. Even Ritchie's newer, less good, material.

And I'm trying to figure out if Guy Ritchie is either losing his passion or we've just seen the tropes so long they know longer seem to have that unique brilliance they used to.... I wonder the same about Tim Burton.

I'm guessing this is a perfectly decent movie, leaning towards good..... that's not really given the respect it deserves because both Guy Ritchie and WB are not the respected players they once were.

It could still happen. I've made it a point to tell everyone I interract with how awesome it is, and that I think the critics are a bunch of retards. Maybe word of mouth will bring people around. This movie deserves it.

>critics control what people like

love this meme

Most people like what the media tells them to like.

This film is great.

Like if king Arthur was a pikey bedtime story.

> also WB partially owns RT

Not anymore, they sold it

WB are doing a great job in sabotaging their own movies by making them shit.
Remains the fact that RT keeps giving Disney's capeshit absurdly high scores tho.

It's not that he's losing his passion, he's just attached to larger movies now which tend to be more generic since more money is involved which means more producer meddling and focus group testing.

What he should do is crank out a couple of smaller films that are more on the scale of Lock, Stock or Snatch. Something where the script carries the story instead of wasting his talent making bland blockbusters that can literally be directed by anyone.