Star Trek Discovery. Are you hyped for this, guys? I am!

Star Trek Discovery. Are you hyped for this, guys? I am!

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just fuck my Trek up

Chink ship looks good
qt niggress
Since everything is retconned out of existence except for ENT and JJtrek, I am glad they are updating the tech.

JUST Klingons.
Bridge is actually too big.
Ships in atmo bothers me, even when deadtrek did it.
Hologram communication...starwars shit.

Good reasons to be upset by the trailer:
>too many Dutch angles
>too many lens flares
>where have all the colors gone?
>it looks like the 25th century, not the 23rd century
>seriously though, a holographic communicator?
>it's a bad idea to control your spacesuit by voice, because you speak more slowly than you hit buttons
>the USS Shenzhou is a bait-and-switch
>Michelle Yeoh is a bait-and-switch
>Klingons have radically changed appearances before, but right now they look very generic, and I hope there's a good explanation for this
>Why are they wandering in the desert and pretending to be lost, just to get beamed up moments later? What purpose does that serve other than funneling money to the Jordanian government as an incentive to build a Star Trek theme park in Jordan?

Stupid reasons to be upset by the trailer:
>Sup Forums shit


>A black bitch is chosen as the thumb nail for the video.

Easily the best looking trek uniforms since ST VI.

I'm fine with SJW shit if it isn't forced. It just seems like the trailer focused way too much on it. I sincerely hope this turns out as a good series. I feel like this might be unwatchable because of how pleb it looks. I see a drama series about SJW's hulu style and not science fiction.


that jj abrams aesthetic is so ugly holy fuck does somebody think it looks visually pleasing

this is gonna be garbage. trek is dead

>hyped for this

Female protagonists are BORING!

The entertainment industry is like a child screaming:" I'M NOT RACIST! I DON'T HATE WOMEN! SEE?" over, and over again.

I truly cannot wait until they move passed this phase, and get back to interesting stories.

Cluttered control rooms, lens flares, female "internal emotions bullshit", and soothing the spirits of races by representing them in fictional characters over, and over, and over again, and again, and again.....

Fuck this repetitive dogshit.

>they move pass this phase
I think they're just getting started.

>I've literally never watched any Star Trek series, ever

Star Trek has always been culturally diverse because it represents a culturally diverse and equal federation that doesn't judge people based on their race/species/etc. Honestly just don't watch it and take your Sup Forums shit elsewhere.

>until they move passed this phase
Do you even think it's possible? You think woman and minorities will one day stop pretending to be victims?

>Honestly just don't watch it
What are you gonna do when literally everybody takes this advice

>this argument again
The different is when you saw the "diversity" and it generally was like one or two characters, you didn't think much of it back then. Today we live in a hyper polarized SJW PC society so of course people expect this if you are filling up a show with minorities like this one is. No one gave a fuck about Janeway or Sisko because during those times liberals didn't ruin our culture like they have today.

Every fucking series of star trek was "filled up" with people of color alongside white people you fucking clown. I'm not the biggest Trek fan but my god you're so dishonest it's incredible.

Every star trek series before this didn't exist in an insane SJW PC Liberal culture where diversity and inclusion took precedence over actual interesting characters and plot you dumb dishonest fuck.

Shit trailer. Who knows though, maybe it'll be good.

Nope if anything it looked less diverse. Except for those klingons

>pay service only
>captain isn't the focus

isnt that the niggress from the walking cuck?

she died in TWD to be in this.

the thumbnail alone tells me everything i need to know even for lefty commie Star Trek standards

The two most important characters on the show are non white woman. Shut the fuck up.

The issue isn't the diversity, its the 'in your face' nature of it. - Sisko was a black captian, janeway was a female captain but what came first was the CAPTAIN part. People are justifiably worried that in todays political and social climate the BLACK or CHINESE or WOMAN part will come first.

>no white people
>only mixed mongrels


When it flops we'll be hearing nothing but "It failed due to sexism and racism!" for years and they'll keep trying to shoehorn black women as captains for any future trek attempt.

It was obvious this was going to happen given how much of an unquestionable power girl trope Uhura was in the JJ verse.

Uhura actually was a likable character but they fucked up making her Spock's love interest. Whites and blacks should never mix.

>i'm trying to save you
>by upsetting the klingons

So it looked pretty good, the production values are what we've always wanted. But why did they have to gang rape the Klingons?


>I'm fine with SJW shit if it isn't forced. It just seems like the trailer focused way too much on it.


first klingon encounter with the federation was not with the enterprise?

Find me any articles from the 90s saying sisko was "breaking white barriers in Star Trek" or that janeway was "finally time for a woman's place in a sexist universe"
Nobody cared about that in the 90s

>Millennials acting like this is the first time Klingons have changed appearances

For that matter, it was a retarded decision for DS9 and Enterprise to retcon the Klingons in TOS as being all genetic cross-species abominations instead of just chalking them up to the limited makeup budget/imagination at the time.

You know, the truth.

>Find me any articles from the 90s saying sisko was "breaking white barriers in Star Trek"

You didn't have to look for articles. There's literally an episode where Sisko bitches about a holodeck program taking place in an era that was shitty for niggers.

or when sisko plays a black writer in a shitty time-set

Dont be ridiculous, there was tons of bohoo about a female captain.

How is this trailer more in your face than those other series? Besides the characters look there wasnt anything else. And deep space nine had episodes focusing directly on racism

Yes, episodes - Driven by character interaction and characters. Just being black and oppressed isn't a character. Personally, if it turns out decent i'll watch it happily - I'm just worried it turns into a social justice mouthpiece about how white men need to stop and STRONG WOMENS OF COLOUR and all that shit.

You're a Starfleet captain on an away mission with your crew to explore a newly discovered Class M planet when you notice your Vulcan science officer seems a bit more buxom than usual, probably owing to her mammaries being partially exposed in a fashion that Old Earth euphemists might refer to as "spilled milk."

You pull her aside for a moment to point out this irregularity, being careful to be as professional and discrete as possible in order to avoid causing her any unnecessary embarrassment, only to be met with a rather stern and characteristically Vulcan response.

>”Captain, with all due respect, I must attest that I find your quaint human notions of indecency and modesty to be outmoded, unenlightened, and worst of all, illogical. Indeed, your obvious attempts to impose your cultural normative values against my own constitute a clear and apparent case of racial discrimination in violation of Starfleet regulations.”

Response, Captain?

Top and bottom right look like different races of the same species.

Reminder that it is almost certain, given that this is a web series and given the fact that star trek is popular only on the internet, that CBS shills are here RIGHT NOW.

Anyone deflecting legit criticism by saying go back to Sup Forums is a bona fide CBS shill, and should be reported.

too much, vulcans are more blunt.

The Two masterminds behind the show:
>LGBT writer
>Jewish writer

This is what hollywood is.

Those episodes were the exception and not the norm.


We are going to see a gay 90lb black woman defeat a Klingon for SJW view.

Fuck this.

>it's okay when a 50 year old grandpa like Picard does it!

Shut the fuck up, Yugi!


It's gonna bomb hard as fuck because women don't watch Star Trek you motherfucking retards so why would you pander to them

> people of color

Literal nigger-tumblr-speak. Fuck off my board faggit

Do you even watch Star Trek? If you did, you'd know how stupid your post is.

>50 year old grandpa

t. Underage numale

Trailer literally shows they will be hand to hand fighting in space.

And Picard never fought hand to hand with a Klingon.

Great argument, fuckwad.

Thats because captain Affirmative Action of the USS Diversity needs no man.

Yeah, 50 year old dudes tend to be much stronger than scrawny women, you nigger apologist

see? This is whats wrong with you retards, you want to pretend the evil sjw media just recently wants us all to turn into trannies. This is 2017 amr? Lol 2017 everybody! Look niggers and lesbians

Ofc there ALWAYS was discussion of the progressive nature of trek. People bitched fuckton about janeway and sisqo. You are not in us vs. them war that started with gg. You are just spouting memes and getting manipulated, that's it



>Hologram communication

Starfleet only started using holo coms very late in DS9, wtf are they thinking?


>Hologram communication
they had a flip phone.

>they don't count because they're from a time before I got triggered by everything

I think you replied to the wrong post, because that's not a citation.

Almost had me. Then I noticed the image you were using.

I don't think TOS uniforms would look good now when they will have a lot of CG stuff. I'm glad they took from Enterprise look for it.

where is race referenced there?

>Divegrass goalposts

Go be a Brit numale somewhere else.

Most important was a black man
Most important was Janeway and Seven

>Today we live in a hyper polarized SJW PC society so of course people expect this if you are filling up a show with minorities


It's not America in space, it's humanity. And there are statistically more Asian and black women in the world than white men. How are they minorities being overrepresented?

So far it looks good enough.
I am not a trek fan so for me it suffice with it being a good sci fi show.

I don't really care about the SJW political statement as long as the characters and the story are interesting so i'll reserve my critics till i actually watch at least a few episodes.

1 Black MAN
Two WHITE woman

Why are you playing dumb here? Again the two most important characters on this new show are non white woman. Stop playing stupid.

>trying to deflect

It really is a symbol of how important Star Trek was to me as a child that I can get so disgusted by every aspect of this trailer and then still get excited when the music plays at the end.

>It's not America in space, it's humanity

>two most important characters

Just one.

Because it's a laughable joke to imply chinks and niggers can into space travel. Whites got us there. Whites are privatizing it. Whites were in the NASA control room when we landed on the moon. This is just affirmative action and Chinese market pandering.

Are you literally shaking?

Why does she look so grim?

>not arguing

they do when this sexy beast is on it

A large part of the trailer is dedicated to the Asian woman you lying fuck.

I wanna hold hands with Yeoh..

Can confirm, my mom is in love with Jean-Luc Picard.

There's been a picture of him on her bookshelf since I was born.

You mean the one who isn't even captain of the Discovery and who will die in the pilot?

Jason Isaacs is captain of the Discovery. I'm going to assume any arguments you make from here on out are shitposts, even though you were probably doing that from the start.

Women are half your potential customers.
It just makes economic sense to try to reach them.

>I like when it's just one diversity

you are a giant fag.

>There's literally an episode where
*scene where

And he was portrayed as being stupid and wrong.

Star Trek was interesting partly because it envisioned a future where humanity was pretty much over sexism and racism. They needed to bring in aliens that hadn't reached that point to even have a discussion on the matter. If Discovery underlines the fact that the captain is a strong black woman and proposes that it's somehow remarkable, that's going to be annoying in that it makes no sense within the setting. It just becomes mindless pandering at that point and damages the lore in the process.

and this is you projecting your paranoia. You fags on Sup Forums see it everywhere and most of the time it's nothing to bitch about. Like this. She's been a first officer for 7 years, almost as long as Riker, and Riker had already turned down a Captain by this time. Yeoh is pushing her out the door like Picard tried to do with Riker. Nothing of that says anything about sexism or racism.

>And he was portrayed as being stupid and wrong.

Except it was stupid for them to even bring it up in the first place. Sisko shouldn't even identify as a "black man" in the 24th fucking century. That episode was pure SJW cringe and you let it slide because otherwise you'd have to admit Trek has been progressive agenda-pushing from Day 1.

>i know the entire plot of the show already
You are one dumb fuck. That chink actress is well known. They aren't just going to off her in episode 1 you retard.

You're right, I don't know what I was thinking.

Kill yourself.

>If Discovery underlines the fact that the captain is a strong black woman and proposes that it's somehow remarkable

Literally nothing in the trailer even suggests that. The only way you could come to that conclusion is if she overcomes obstacles and has an arc like any other character would in her position and somehow that means her race and sex is being "forced."

Or do you actually think they're going to have lines like "Look, it's been hard for me as a black female making it in Vulcan society!" when it's already been established that the struggle was about her being HUMAN in a Vulcan society?

More like having a mediocum of awareness regarding current pop culture. You will note I did say "if." Maybe it will all be fine, even a likeable addition to the franchise. Maybe it'll be boring Enterprise 2.0 shit. Maybe it'll be JJTrek-lite with all action and no brains. But if you don't think the pandering scenario is a strong possibility then you are naive.
