Great film, but rewatching it today is a bad idea

Great film, but rewatching it today is a bad idea.
This movie was so unbelievably preachy. You see it as a kid and you're distracted by the fact that there's dinosaurs on the screen but the asinine philosophical message being shoehorned every time two characters interact makes for one eye-rolling experience as an adult.

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It's amazing you can watch anything with your head that far up your own ass.

Spielberg is a hack.

With how adamant the archeologists are they come across as anti-vaxxers and the GMO hysteria crowd.

No, a fucking asteroid smashed into the planet.

The fact that mammals only were given a chance at developing because they were largely wiped out is a decent enough reason to give pause to anyone. Moreover, look at what housecats have done in other ecosystems, contrast that with fucking dinosaurs could do if somehow introduced.

Maybe because the whole point of the movie is to question whether it's ethical to bring 65 million year old animals to an era where they've never been and will do whatever is necessary to survive?
Just a thought of course.

Evidently they wouldn't be introduced. They were created solely for scientific research and entertainment purposes, and moreover are limited to a single island. Housecats wreak havoc on wildlife due to human presence only, through our removal of apex predators such as wolves. These dino's themselves are apex predators, like wolves or lions, existing only at our mercy, caged. They'll be as much of a threat to us as elephants because believe me, there's no dinosaur that can stand up to a guy in a helicopter with a 50 caliber.

What the movie seems to imply is that there is some kind of universal script we're breaking, some unseen force we're going against, a divine force. Scientists hold these opinions. It's flat out preposterous.

>Great film, but rewatching it today is a bad idea.

>I can handle it as a child but as an adult I'm too thinskinned and politically motivated to watch this pulpy action adventure film

I'm going to smash your head with brick

I'd rather not be slogging through inane dialogue implying that the T-Rex killing the Jew lawyer is the wrath of God incarnate.

That's not implied at all.

How is it not? The Lawyer is the only rational character who sees this as a serious busines opportunity and he is ritualistically punished for being the only non-hysterical detractor of Hammond's vision. And even Hammond himself chides him for being a "blood-sucking lawyer". The only character more hated is Nedry, a symbolic Folly of Man incarnate who sabotages the entire operation. And they all receive their just desserts! Because nature, in its infallible wisdom, sees all! And will not tolerate any human ambition beyond what it has been bestowed.

>Evidently they wouldn't be introduced. They were created solely for scientific research and entertainment purposes, and moreover are limited to a single island.

Islands like that are often home to rare endemic species that live nowhere else. Given the dinosaurs voracious appetite it's likely that the natural ecology of each island was decimated to make way for genetically engineered monsters. Moreover, in the book they make it to the mainland.

>They were created solely for scientific research and entertainment purposes, and moreover are limited to a single island.
And look what happened anyways, the film and book aren't saying to drop all scientific data just in case but rather to take a step back and question whether certain scientific experiments are ethical and, in the park's case, at least make sure you've got everything down right before trying to make your scientific discovery into a public theme park.

I don't know why this would be so upsetting to you, it's a pretty simple concept that was being hotly debated at the time the movie came out as well with advances in cloning technology (and the first real cloned animal being born in 1997).

Which is why it feels so dated in 2017.
Cloning is a regular thing now. This '90's hysteria for things we don't understand, be it the internet (millennium bug), AI (omfg terminators!) and cloning (nature's wrath!) has been put to rest and it really dates the movie.

The lawyer isn't "punished", he just happens to get eaten by the T-Rex because they thought it would cool for the movie (although he was kind of a slimeball for wanting to just get the park up and running as soon as possible for the sake of making a quick profit).
I can understand Nedry being punished given that he literally sabotaged the park, but Gennaro was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't know to not move.

As Malcolm says, the scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they never stopped to think if they should. The consequences of their actions aren't taken into account; the moral is that this common mistake in human ingenuity could be avoided if people gave it more thought than simply trying to make a quick profit.

Groundbreaking movie for it's time.

Prove me wrong.

>The Lawyer is the only rational character who sees this as a serious busines opportunity

He's myopic, overlooking the potential dangers because he's so bent on making money, thus he gets his comeuppance. This theme is the same one that A.I. detractors, genetic manipulation cynics, and cern skeptics point to as the potential downfall to humanity.

It's pretty solid and you're a short-sighted idiot who deserves to get eaten by a t-rex.

Terminator did it better

How is it dated? Cloning is still questioned within the scientific community to this day and we still haven't seen many attempts to clone humans because of the ethical dilemmas surrounding it.

Hell your other examples (AI and the Internet) are also discussed as potential factors for the downfall of humanity given the increased use of social media and heavy reliance on technology like smart phones that's apparently caused a brain drain in recent years.

And why shouldn't they then? What objection is there to cloning an extinct animal in a controlled environment?

Dude making money is bad just get all your shit from the government for free!

It's just a silly action film dialogue.
Don't overthink it.

>This theme is the same one that A.I. detractors, genetic manipulation cynics, and cern skeptics point to as the potential downfall to humanity.
And those are all idiots without exception.

What book?

Because the environment was clearly not controlled, that's kind of the whole point of the movie (even the smallest shit like Nedry being in control of the park's security).
Watch this scene again please, it's probably the most underrated part of the movie and demonstrates how easily we can be blinded by our dreams:

>What objection is there to cloning an extinct animal in a controlled environment?


It's not a controlled environment, they didn't actually clone extinct species because the genetic code was incomplete and they had to guess the missing parts, they were being expoited for profit straight after being created rather than being studied, they could barely survive in the modern environment, and so forth

Jurassic Park

That's part of what makes the movie interesting.

It shows the attitudes of the 90's.

How are those movies even comparable?

Dude let's make this really cool thing that will save the world and make us tons of cash that we can spend on yachts and hookers!

Oh shit we accidentally wiped out the human race because we were blinded by lust and pride.

Yeah bra, A.I. doesn't have the potential to wipe out the human race, let's fucking do it!

Reddit spacing gave you away.

Is it any good?

>man has wrought its own downfall

so the book is different from the movie?

Creating technology without fully considering the implications.

Well go read the book then

Where dinosaurs do escape from the island and causes havoc on the mainland

Thanks for preaching to us as if this isn't a film we watch like once a year.

It's shit

Hammond and malcolm die, the climax is anti-climatic, gennaro's a bad ass, Sattler is hot, the kids are cartoonish in behavior and supremely annoying. Reminded me of Jurassic World

Yes, the book is a lot better than the movie. It's very suspenseful and the technobabble works well.


i take it over the shit that is jurassic world

I browse /lit/ regularly and read tryhard bullshit, so I'm going to ask again, is it any good?

Yes it is, it's not deep but you'll easily be immersed. I wish there was an adaptation that followed the book more accurately.

Such a shit meme. That post is perfect example of why double spacing is necessary. The first and second paragraph would be misconstrued as two sentences in the same paragraph if not for the double spacing.
Also, you only say that because you got btfo'd.

Thank you.

What people forget is that man is a continuation of nature, we are not separate.
If man is to reinvent an extinct species thats no problem. It breaks no rules, there are no rules, only-man-made morals which are also nature. Things can't not be nature because all we do and everything that happens is a result of nature because we are nature.

I think

I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody.

Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Not that guy but what part of basing your world view on shitty '80's and '90's action flicks counts as gettin btfo? If anything you btfo yourself.
AI cannot wipe out the human race by any means, terminator isn't real.

>nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself
shut up rust you're out of your element
just catch the fucking bad guy

>AI cannot wipe out the human race by any means
Sure it can

Launch all the nukes, either bomb the crap out of everything or launch them all towards Supervolcano around the world.

Why would it do that

>not understanding that Jurrasic Park was just a metaphor for mankind pushing the limits of technology to near disastrous levels

How embarrassing!

To wipe out humanity

Why would it do that

So this is that "autism" thing I've been hearing so much about.

Jesus Christ, what a fucking try hard faggot you are. It's a fucking action movie about dinosaurs shut the fuck up already


We ask an AI to fix all of your problems, AI figures out that the easiest way to do so is to kill all humans. No more humans= no more problems for humans

your stupidity is the problem, not the movie

>its a movie just turn your brain off
american education everyone

>my friend says that wouldn't account for it.

Yes it would. They're right next to a black hole.

>what part of basing your world view on shitty '80's and '90's action flicks

Pessimism of technology goes beyond the 80s and 90s. Are you unaware of how close we came to a nuclear holocaust? You sound like a head in clouds liberal thinking that technology is all good and fun.

Roko's basilisk

>We ask an AI to fix all of your problems
That's not a realistic premise at all.
You'd have to make the AI your God with absolute control over the entire global infrastructure first.

We didn't

It gave itself access

>An action movie about dinosaurs has hidden meaning and a strong political message that I must find

European intellectuals everyone

>Roko's basilisk
>Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment about the potential risks involved in developing artificial intelligence. The premise is that an all-powerful artificial intelligence from the future could retroactively punish those who did not help bring about its existence, including those who merely knew about the possible development of such a being.

I like how in both of your definitions AI would have to be all-powerful in order to be harmful in any way.
Here's the trick; don't make it all-powerful. There is no inclination or scientific need for it to be all-powerful. It will never be all-powerful.

>just turn your brain off

You ever hear of living in the moment? The moments where you aren't analyzing or scrutinizing are the best parts of life according to Camus and the Buddha.

You can have fun being an internet highbrow while me and Stacy are entertained by food, sex and fun movies.

This is actually the greatness of Spielberg, the film would be total shit if the book was 1on1 with the film.

Dont you understand

We didn't make it all-powerful

It made itself all-powerful
Movies are never 1:1 with the books

>don't make it all-powerful

That's not how AI works friendo.

Once a machine reaches human level intelligence, there's no reason to think it won't take off and become God-like. Once it's as smart as the people working on it, it will be able to make changes to itself, but at a pace thousands of times faster than any human. A silicon brain processing information in binary is thousands of times more efficient than our shit brains.

Once the singularity hits and general AI is reached, there's no telling how powerful it will become in a matter of days.

Crichton wrote the screenplay

Fuck those jews, life is best spent thinking.

James Cameron wanted to make Jurassic Park hard R Aliens style. Spielberg made it kids shit.

Pay debnts

>asinine philosophical message
Are you talking about Chaos Theory?
That's actually pretty legit once you understand it.

not reading the thread but you're completely right. The original and all the movies after that really push a disgustingly liberal hippie agenda. Anybody saying otherwise is a liberal hippie themselves.

t. virgin loser carrying on the socratic tradition


Movies like 8 mile have a message.

Jurassic park is just about how cool and scary dinosaurs are.

You have to remember how dumb people are.

Trump is actually the president.

People actually think there is an invisible man that lives in the sky.

Kinda like the thing from the ghost in the shell anime movie.

>Movies like 8 mile have a message.

What's that? Lose yourself in the music and don't spill the spaghetti mom gave you?

No, its Schpiel-bergs Biophilia that you can see in many of his movies (ET, JP, AI, Poltergeist, Hook, the list goes on).

Its a form of Nature worship where nature itself takes the place of the demiurge and the worshippers of this (the characters that intuitively side with nature, most often children) end up as the "winners" of his stories.

It's about the struggles of lower class people.

The movie ends with him saying "don't judge lower class people when you don't know what we have been through" to a rich private school fuck head.

Then he goes to his shitty job to keep trying to make his life better.

But make sure to judge every other class, because the lower classes are the new noble savages and no one can go through stuff quite like them, everyone else is privileged.

That's retarded. A man's attitude goes some ways, the way his life will be. This is all that matters

The guy was a rich private school kid pretending he was from the ghetto while mocking people who actually were lower class.

The movie paints eminems character as a misguided youth trying to make his life better and makes it clear that his enviroment such as his trailer park home is causing him problems.

>The guy was a rich private school kid pretending he was from the ghetto
Social mobility only goes one way right? If Eminem becomes rich, he's true and honest because he has "suffered", someone rich is false and fake, they can only "pretend" to live a life of the noble savages, the lower classes.

>makes it clear that his enviroment such as his trailer park home is causing him problems

That's not true

Watch the film again.

He has nice clothes and a big black suv with fancy wheels on it.

Also yeah because rich people often have rich parents, aunts, uncles etc that will help them if they get into trouble with debt or the law.

Also a bad upringing fuck you up in the head and makes you think things like drugs and crime are normal and it's hard to realise otherwise/

I blame Charles Dickens and Mark Twain for this line of thought, turning the lower classes into a nobel savage that can never be touched. They are always holy. They are the only ones who can have problem. They are the only ones with struggles.
Yet none of us can attempt to be them, because that is faking it, yet the other way around, a happy ending story with the lower class protagonist "making it" and becoming rich is not them "faking" an upper class lifestyle they are instead now well deserving of their hard work, which only they know about.

At the same time, they are the people that hate work. They detest work and think people with wealth should share their wealth so we can all live good lives. This to me is the greatest illusion, much as the flea circus of Hammond.

Sure you can become lower class.

Nobody is saying you can't.

You can also be fake rich with fake jewellery, fake polo shirts and a 20 year old base model Porsche.

That's also cringey as fuck.

>they hate work
human beings hate work, rich people do not work, everyone tries to avoid work, work is a value rich people are very stingy about paying fairly for, most rich people inherited their wealth, poor people have character while rich people despise it and seek to destroy it out of pure narcissism and insecurity, their dads or granddads started out poor and worked hard to get the money they inherited and they resent that but their dad is dead so they punish anyone attempting to work hard and succeed if they haven't already succeeded. Rich people really are scumbags who need to be humbled and have their undeserved wealth taken away: they benefit more from taxpayer money than anyone else. A school is a thousand times more important to a company than it is to a mom and dad who pay ridiculous taxes by comparison. The free market failed, we don't even have a free market anymore, it's a mixed system like China. Rich people need to have 99% of their wealth confiscated and there needs to be universal income.

>t. autismo 9000 retard

>It's a Sup Forums needs to shut his brain off episode
Just go back watching capeshit dumb pleb

Why can't I like multiple kinds of films?