I don't need to know you

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some webms for your repost

I will be the one

what movie?

fucking retard

Legend of the Drunk One

I'm nobody's bitch


I remember thinking the special effects in this looked way too good for its time. made the matrix look like crap

>dat feel when their will never be a sequel where someone else attempts to become the One and tries to break Law out of the prison universe
>Que to prison universe and Law is basically still bitchslapping everyone 24/7 since first getting there and he's standing on a mountain of asswhooped prisoners


I think after he killed maybe like 50 -100 people they'd probably stop trying to fight him.

Also originally this was supposed to star the Rock, a sequel featuring him fighting himself would probably be even more over the top, it'd basically be two Hulks going at it.

I'm ok with no sequel though, the way each Yulaw had a different fighting style was a cool way to tell them apart.

why didn't he save the weakest versions of himself for last?

It wouldn't have mattered either way? the power is divided evenly between all the other versions.

>implying the guards aren't dropping new prisoners from all over the multiverse nonstop into his warpath

I mean shit you could probably make a multiversal tv show like a mix between Cops and Celebrity Deathmatch from it

if he gets the weakest ones first, he'll have more power for the tougher ones

He probably means the least experienced in fighting last.

>new fish lands there
>who's the toughest guy here
>check with the dude on the staircase with the throne made of the bones of everyone he's killed since he got here

In the movie it says he committed I think 123 murders or something, are you really telling me that there are only 125 versions of him in the known multiverse?


to be fair when deciding between an effeminate twink version of you that likely has the fighting skills of a child and a version thats a relatively badass cop Its as the very least less bullshit

problem with that is the tougher ones become stronger as well, granted he was willing to kill the others any way he could from a sniper rifle in the night to a fight fight in the light


The most unrealistic part of this movie is the fact he had a white wife. Took me out of the whole thing.

why is this movie shilled so hard here? What happened to Cobra posting?

Not that I'm complaining.

>implying you wouldn't race-mix with Jet Li

>last name is law
>he repeatedly breaks the law throughout the multiverse

There is no multiverse law.
The people after him acted without any actual authority granted by the state they were in.

he was a multiverse agent though

Without any actual authority.
That world wasn't even aware of the multiverse.


>the fucking way he turns around like some grumpy cartoon character


you can tell Jet was having fun