/got/ general
Jaime is a rapist
Jorah is Azor Ahai
Jaime is a beast
A crippled beast
>Back in our day, you weren't a real man until you'd fucked one girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands. We used to call it "making the eight".
>Eight Seasons
infowars dot com
So how exactly was he "killed"?
Did Jamie just set free a boar in the general direction of Robert? Or did he just refuse to help him? What the fuck happened?
Technically he's a cripple, a bastard and a broken thing. The hero of the story
imagine to be their pusy slave
That would be jaimefags who insist he's never done anything wrong and all the times hes regressed as a chatacter are a fake news conspiracy
>a bastard
Because he's a jackass?
>a broken thing
Because his brain doesn't work?
he's done plenty wrong. just bitches can't catch him riding dirty.
Wine was poisoned, Robert was weakened and got BTFO by a board.
it's got nothing to do with him being a gud guy. the fact is he was put in a position and had to make a decision. he had no choice given the circumstances. should he have been there in the first plce? no, but he was, and he had to do something.
Threatening to launch a baby out of a catapult is wrong. So is raping your sister.
And how is that brans fault? Literally all jaime had to do was NOT be retarded and put himself in that position in the first place. Grow the fuck up you manchild.
robert got drunk and tried to fight a boar.
still bitches can't catch him riding dirty
did i say it was bran's fault? stop being stupid and putting words in people's mouths, retard.
Jaime is the only character who gets slack for shit like this, every other character gets raked across the coals when they do something stupid. Don't reply to jaimefags, they're delusional as fuck.
He got wasted, threw down his weapons and tried to fist fight a wild boar. I believe his words were 'coming here you pig fucking shit'
followed by an 'arrrggghhhh', some moaning as he blamed rhaegar
>Threatening to launch a baby out of a catapult is wrong.
oh spare me. he made a threat that ultimately resulted in a bloodless occupation
>So is raping your sister.
good thing he never raped his sister, showfag.
Either you're backtracking like a mother(sister)fucker or you didn't even bother to read even one post up in that reply chain, don't reply to me again if you refuse to be literate
'come here you pig fucking shit' *
Given jaimes track record the one and only reason he didn't launch the infant was because he never got the opportunity.
he didn't even rape her. saying it's not right will reciprocating, pulling his pants down and pulling his cock out of his breaches doesn't count as rape.
fucking mattress chink fags
>Jaime is the only character who gets slack for shit like this
lol what? what character gets shit for the stuff they do other than the "bad guys"? jaime is the only character that gets demonized for the stuff he does when other characters have done stuff just as bad or worse.
Men's rights activist spotted
Jaime doesn't get demonized you fuck face, why do you think you're all getting triggered on one of the rare occasions when people are actually saying the truth about what a shit character jaime is for once
I'm not an activist for any form of human being.
fuck humans
He didn't rape her. She never did anything to refuse having sex with him, especially after he entered her vagina. As we all know, women have an internal mechanism that can close her vagina shut at will, making any penetration impossible. Only virgins don't know that.
She fully consented.
he does. hence why you're unable to answer the question i asked. tyrion doesn't get shit for what he's done, neither does ned, dany, jorah, robb, etc.
/got/ specifically salivate at the chance to call every character except jaime stupid when jaimes stupidity is what kickstarter the series. Case in point, the fact that you're about to say "no that was bran".
You guys call those characters stupid literally ALL THE FUCKING TIME
>the fact that you're about to say "no that was bran".
no that's not a fact. why do people on the internet always try to tell people things about themselves? i could understand if i wasn't here, and you wanted to make shit up about me, but i'm literally right here, reading the thread and can just tell you you're wrong.
it's something i've never understood. it's beyond retarded.
H-He d-didnt rape!!! Jaime w-would never do such a thing!! He's a good boy!!!
jaime is a badass for pushing that little faggot from the tower, fucking his sister. flinging babies at castle walls.
fucking beast tier. you white knight renly rainbow guard faggot
Are you actually going to respond to my point or are you just going to derail like a coward
>a jaimetards last resort is to sperg out
Jonerys will rule the world!
Russian Redditor post.
Thanks for admitting to being a bunch of bed wetting little children who can't have an actual conversation, guess we can right off jaime and his fans now
tully shits are a disease
That's probably what your parents say about you too
>“Hurry,” she was whispering now, “quickly, quickly, now, do it now, do me now. Jaime
Jaime Jaime.” Her hands helped guide him. “Yes,” Cersei said as he thrust, “my brother,
sweet brother, yes, like that, yes, I have you, you’re home now, you’re home now, you’re
home.” She kissed his ear and stroked his short bristly hair. Jaime lost himself in her
flesh. He could feel Cersei’s heart beating in time with his own, and the wetness of blood
and seed where they were joined.
don't you know all consensual sex is rape you male pig
Oh so jaime is the only character who's not allowed to be criticized for things his show counterpart has done? Then you guys better stop attacking sansa for season 6
lol you're such a fucking clown. there's a difference between calling somebody stupid and calling them out directly on the immoral shit they do and claiming that they're pieces of shit. and little finger kick started the series.
example: dany is never called out for killing all those kids in astapor unless i'm the one calling her out for it.
You're really pretending fandom doesn't shit on dany all the time? I don't even like her and the conversation about her is at least 80% negative unless you frequent tumblr or some shit
is that what a medieval royal hunt looks like?
>there's a difference between calling somebody stupid and calling them out directly on the immoral shit they do and claiming that they're pieces of shit.
Jaime is literally both
nope, but Bobby B was pretty hard boiled and probably wouldn't have liked going on a hunt with 30+ guards, yeomen, sergeants and woodsmen so whatever.
If only Robert was still around, things would be different around here.
No Targaeryan fucking shits running aroung, not Iron Island shitheads rearing their ugly heads, In the end he would've believed Ned about the need to rally the kingdom against the Others and everything would've been better. Too bad Lannisters decided it would've been so much better after poisoning him. Glad it turned to shit for all of them.
Nigger, even normies shit on Dany sometimes. You're really talking out of your ass
You mean Jon, right? Robert was an omega cuck.
Jaime gone get good at swords with he left hand and marry BRIENNE
got fucking hammered drunk, then went all
So is Sothoryos the continent of niggers?
>You're really pretending fandom doesn't shit on dany all the time?
again with the putting words in people's mouths. dany is the most popular character in the series by far, but yes she gets shit on by a lot of fans. that doesn't change the fact that she never gets criticized for the crime against humanity she committed in astapor. let jaime or tywin or walder do what she did there, and no one would ever stop mentioning it.
so are plenty of characters, but you'll never hear about it, and you guys will continue to act like jaime is the hitler of the asoiaf universe.
you're a retard who lacks grade school level reading comprehension. i never said she doesn't get criticized.
>"got drunk"
>"got wasted"
In the year of our lord 2017 there are still people that don't understand that the wine was tampered with.
You hear about how retarded catelyn and robb and sansa and jon and dany and tyrion and so on here all the time, people rarely call out jaime for being a piece of shit hypocrite. Stop lying.
Jaime is a very popular character who gets memed as a Kewl Bro who goes on Bro Adventures and barely ever gets criticized.
>You hear about how retarded
are you guys purposefully misconstruing my argument or are you really that retarded? for the umpteenth time, i never said people don't call other characters retarded. lol this is mind blowing.
I mean, regardless or not it was still a shitty plan. Hoping that drugged wine would cause Robert to get gored by a pig was p.fucking nutts.
>But you'll never hear about it
Holy fuck you god damn moron that's a direct quote FROM. YOU.
> i never said people don't call other characters retarded. lol this is mind blowing.
>so are plenty of characters, but you'll never hear about it,
Almonds: Activated
Having Renly argue in favour of democracy was probably the weirdest decision this show ever made
Getting drunk when hunting boars is stupid as is. That Lancel was giving him stronger wine doesn't change the fact that Robert was getting shitfaced anyway.
Jaime is the Barron Trump of Westeros
you're a fucking moron. if you could actually read, you'd understand that i said you never hear people call other characters out for the specific awful shit they do and make claims that they're pieces of shit.
>dany in astapor
>ned allowing catelyn to abuse his "child"
>robb getting walder's heir and bannermen killed then reneging on their deal
this is becoming too fucking retarded. if you're really this brain dead then god bless you, but i'm not gonna keep trying to help you read.
D&D love Renly for some reason so they tried to make him very progressive
>calling them out directly on the immoral shit they do and claiming that they're pieces of shit
none of that matters. he died because he rid himself of his weapons and tried to fist fight it
Hence he is the saviour
You have a mental disease of some kind if you're actually going to sit there and pretend those characters don't get called out for those things. inb4 RAGHHH I NEVER SAID WHAT I JUST SAID YOU DON'T GET IT
He didn't, the boar was particularly big and managed to push away his lance and gore him in the side. Where the fuck did you heard about the fist fight?
Jaime is a piece of shit you triggered manbaby.
This show is trite, pedestrian garbage
it's in the books bro
so now you're just making claims because you don't want to lose an argument on the internet. go back into the archives and try to find one example of any of that. you can't.
Holy fucking shit you have the audacity to claim /got/ doesn't shit on those three characters all the damn time, 0retend that jaime gets shat on more because you're a pathetic fanboy who can't take criticism of his favorite shitty fictional character, and then turn around tell other people THEY'RE making shit up? You're pathetic just pack it up and go home
The wine was "tampered with"... it was just strongwine.
If it's normal wine then Robert still dies if he finds the boar 30 minutes later ( so he has 2-3 more skins of wine int he belly ).
The strongwine helped, but Robert got himself killed.
If you smoke weed then walk into a minefield, is your weed dealer responsible for your death because the weed was a bit more potent this week for some reason?
Seems to be a continent of pygmies and other mutants.
you're pathetic and emotional. it's actually comical. and i don't care if you criticize jaime. he's also not my favorite character. the point was never "don't criticize jaime." you've done nothing but display a complete inability to read and understand sentences.
how about we collectively agree to drop the autism down a notch? say, from 9 to 8?
he's just angry because jaime is an blonde aryan armoured like the sun while he's a black as coal nigger who dreams of fucking daenerys so he can name his silver afro nigglet progeny 'khaleeshya'
Whatever helped you sleep better you transparent jaime fan bro who can't even keep his own story straight from one post to another and unironically believes people don't call dany and robb stupid pieces of shit all the fucking time. You played yourself.
Yeah the jaimefags are the new emiliatards
Btfo kek
are you retarded? the story isn't straight because it's multiple posters you asperges queer
Take your meds
>Nobody ever calls dany or robb out
>Wait now I'm two people
you're not a smart cookie
Honestly I think you have alzheimers. Honestly. Please go get it checked out, you're concerning me.
it's funny how this had been explained in multiple posts but you're still too stupid to grasp it
Your point is literally nobody calls robb or dany or catelyn pieces of shit except for the fact l that everyone here does all the time, and you can't handle being told that so you pretend it's not what you're trying to say.