God is a woman and she's black

How is this not cultural appropriation, libshits?

Fucking BuzzFeed, a two-year old is more useful

Television and film, fuckhead



This makes me want to puke

>Literally 0 imagination.
How do they not feel shame?.

makes sense to me

god is just a Jungian archetype: obviously a black woman would see god as a black woman.


t. Sup Forums

>and it's stunning

Why do they end every single stupid shit with this?

I got banned for posting in a dubs thread and warned for latzaposting but this shit goes up daily

Fuck off reddit scum

oh it's stunning alright

Sup Forums are the sjws of 2017

Nice no posts like this in and many others
Don't step up when a game of whataboutism shows your true nature, Sup Forumsedditor

God is a semitic deity
How is this not cultural appropriation, romanshits?


It's about fucking time somebody said it

of course in the original, God is wearing a tasteful white robe and this Nigger God is wearing a loudly pink, cheap-looking granny robe.

How many times are you going to make this thread this time, OP?

That's because you're not Sup Forums

Stay famished my niggers.

uhm, but the original drawning was already made by a not white person


alright get off the Sistine chapel ceiling and back on the aunt Jemima bottle

What the fuck happened to this place? Seriously are any of you over 25?