I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary

I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary.

My time in DC made me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate. I don't expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawed, someone with the baggage and the scraped knees that come with the territory. Gentle, ego-less, altruistic people do not go into politics, especially not at this level. They don't.

I'm voting for POLICIES, and while I may not agree with Clinton's stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view than Donald Trump or any of the other crotchety nutcrackers wheeled out by the GOP.

Does it matter to me that she's a woman? Yes, to a degree. I would absolutely support a male candidate with similar policy positions, but the fact that Clinton has gotten this far despite the RELENTLESS bullshit thrown at her because she's a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE about her. So, yes it matters to me.

When PAUL FUCKING MANAFORT blames CLINTON for Melania Trump's plagiarism and says that anytime Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" she tries to "take her down" and "demean" her because oh, well, you know how catty those WOMEN are... it makes me feel like I am going to BURST INTO FUCKING FLAMES. When the RNC is selling anti-Hillary buttons that say "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, left wing" ... I want to see these OLD RACIST SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lose. I want to see them lose to a WOMAN who is 10000 times smarter and tougher than they'll ever be.

So goddamn. Yes, I'm voting for Hillary, despite all of her flaws and screw ups.


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That's a false equivalence.

Children will eventually mature into adults.

Men can't become women even though they cut off their dick and pump themselves full of hormones.


Yeah okay.


not here famalam

>I EXPECT someone flawed
and crooked

That's what the daily show said

Everyone hates her just like you do your boss.

Hurr durr

>Natural progression is the same as an unnatural change.



>used to be a man
can scientists swap XY genes now?

It's pasta, saged

>used to be a man

Man and woman are meaningless terms and aren't actually used in biology. Gender is up to the individual, not biology.

> $0.05 has been deposited into your account
Good goy

Shut the fuck up Juanita.

These Correct The Record wankers pretending to be ex-Berniecucks are beginning to piss me off.

>left mocks trump for small benis

Haha epic xD good joke

>right mocks hillary


I see the newest CTR copypasta has made it out of focus group testing.

>Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms...


No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

This is pasta, faggots.

Sage, and move on.


>I presume you are not a pedo either
You presume wrong


I'm unironically voting for hillary, ask me anything

It's even dumber than that

If you considered that a woman used to be a child therefore you're sleeping with a child then you have to take into account that YOU TOO used to be a child

So it wouldn't be pedophilia just underage sex

While I admire your attempts to bail water out of your rapidly sinking ship, shills, I think it would be best to abandon ship before it goes nose-up and vanishes without a trace.


Do you understand the Democrats are attempting to turn America into Brazil 2.0?


I'll take that as a no.

stealing this for bait

explain how they are attempting to turn america into brazil 2.0

God, I think I just actually had a bile reaction to this level of social degeneracy.


I guess I'll sage then.

Do you exist? Are you a person? From the current year?

9 year old girl gets legs extended, and takes extra hormones and gets plastic surgery and vocal surgery to make her look like a 25 year old.
STILL A LITTLE GIRL, by law, still naive and unable to consent.

25 year old, has legs and bones shaved or shortened, has plastic surgery to look 9 years old.
Socially unacceptable; looks like a child, acts like a child.

Man has plastic surgery to look like a woman.. All male parts removed or turned into vagina.
Still a man, still the experience of manhood.

Woman has plastic surgery to look like a man.
Still literally unfuckable.

I'll just leave this right here
