>this triggers fedoras
This triggers fedoras
It's just weird, it doesn't offend me.
protestcuck spotted
>this triggers christcucks
Says the guy who follows a heresy based on a fat bastard having a tantrum like a big baby that orders bitches as priests.
only north american ones
a fucking leaf
I don't see why anyone would have a problem with this. People go and have group events based around things like Star Wars, anime, comic books, Pokemon, and other pop-culture stuff. Whenever I drive by this one place there's hundreds of people gathered playing Pokemon GO. It's crazy!
Nothing wrong with people having some Jesus group meetings, too.
If God is real, why did he forget to include dinosaurs in the bible?
only the protestants tho
Atheism is the ultimate redpill.
but senpai its not a animal listing and classification textbook
i think it's the entry level redpill. Most people I know figured this out by the time they were in middle school or high school.
It's a whole era of Earth's history that was just ignored. Lasted several times longer than the time between their extinction and now.
Where are the unicorn fossils?
but senpai its not a biology and geology history textbook
typical atheist believing in unicorns but not God
>implying the Druids were atheists
Cathcucks are a embarrassment. Just today some Muslim beheaded a French Priest AT A CHURCH
At least Buddhists fight off Muslims
no it's not
>comparing degenerates, cucks meetings with spiritual mass
wew lad
>reading Bible directly
I don't blame you you've a lot of protestant idiots out there in America
>terrorist attacks&chimpouts in secular countries
every day, sometimes twice a day
>terrorist attacks&chimpouts in true catholic&orthodox countries
The moment you realize American heretics have managed to indoctrinate atheists to the point that atheists' conception of Christianity revolves around Young Earth Creationism. The toppest of keks.
>implying i was implying the druids were atheists
>implying that druids built stonehenge
I don't believe in either. If unicorns exist like the Bible says they did, then there should be fossils. There aren't though, which is weird. It's almost like they were just mythological creatures.
I just can't believe that people can think a book was written or dictated by an omnipresent infinitely intelligent being, yet it's wrong from the first few sentences.
That's not a red flag for you?
Why would it
>every day, sometimes twice a day
What's your point? A lie doesn't become the truth just because it might have positive results. Oh, and most Catholic countries are poor are shit m8.
reddit pls go
how's your white guilt? Already paid reparations to niggers and made a all-gender bathroom for mental patients who cuck you? Not to mention one of them fucks your nigger king
>>comparing degenerates, cucks meetings with spiritual mass
>wew lad
Pokemon, Star Wars, anime, etc are basically religions. In fact, I'd say they're more religious than the classic religions based on how obsessed people are with them.
I used to be le edgy christian-hating atheist, but since Islam came to the west I kind of realised how wonderful christians actually are.
you atheist filth knows exactly what the word "unicorn" refers to
Considering you are Norwegian, you should be like Varg, but burn down Mosque instead.
Yes Christianity is absolutely a lesser evil. But it's when they hinder general public knowledge telling them that evolution is evil or other retarded bullshit is when I have a problem with them.
Still better than mudshits though.
tfw you'll never raise plenty of future master race children that will be considered the gods of men in the next generations as the current children will all turn out like crossdressing manchildren
my point is recognizing patterns. If atheism is so awesome """"redpill""" why are the jews endorsing it so much on white people and why western secular societys are so degenerated especially when compared to christian one? Why do they bend they asses over to mudslimes and niggers when we stand our ground? Based on your logic shill it should be quite opposite
That's another heresy, potentially two if you include sola scriptura.
Read the catechism of the Catholic Church and the compendium to it.
I don't understand why people can't dislike both. They're both backwards and toxic.
>But it's when they hinder general public knowledge telling them that evolution is evil or other retarded bullshit is when I have a problem with them.
That has only ever happened in America though
I was a catholic for 15 years. I don't know what you mean by genesis being heresy.
>WHITE Jesus
Really? 2016?
>worshiping a fucking picture
that's that redpill that hitted me two.
When I was a leftist rebel teenager to my parent I was an edgy fedora too. But since I had worked in several western countries and compared them to my I changed my view. Even if someone is an atheist he should not attack christianity because he's not threatened by it.
Only edgy protestants have problem with evolution
Actually agnostics are the most red pilled people here and there was a poll recently that showed most of Sup Forums is skeptical of religion.
I find it funny how you can consider yourself red pilled but blind to the fact that religion is just man made bullshit. "Hey we promise you everything you've ever dreamed of only as long as you subscribe to OUR religion and ONLY our religion. Come to our congregations and give us donations and we promise you everything after you die!"
You're confused. The redpill is truth, not 'awesomeness'.
Maybe things are different in Poland, but there's nothing "edgy" about being a twenty-something atheist in most of Western Europe. If anything, it is to be expected. That's why from our point of view, this "fedora" meme is just bizarre.
How many times did you read the Bible? How many times did you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church? How many books wirtten by Saints did you read? Did you attended all the masses and actually try to live by virtues od God?
Most people who say
>you know I was catholic for x time so I know better about it than you
are people who didn't really gave a fuck about it's teachings and didn't do any of their chors as catholics. Sleeping during the mass doesn't make you an expert on christianity
Because when you come to the realization that life may be meaningless it destroys some people and they see it as an excuse to be shit.
Red pill does not fucking mean you are anti jew or whatever other bullshit, it means the truth. If Neo had taken the blue pill he would have had a much better and easier life, but he chose the red pill, the truth over comfort.
I had to attend many hours of Catholic sunday and summer school over the course of many years, I read much of the bible, didn't take long before I realized it reads like an ancient myth because it is an ancient myth.
I'm really amazed that some people just ignore the red flags that the bible is objectively wrong repeatedly.
I don't care what spiritual value people find in it, being a christian requires that you believe at least some of the magic parts to be true, I don't.
Weird looking at this.
It's like seeing what Ireland was like 30 or 40 years ago.
I see the degenerate Jewish cult is alive and well, willingly sending money to Israel, to make own country poorer, but when that's not enough then they can always suck English trend penis and betray country by migrating. Christians are bunch of retards with non-existent intelligence.
>and there was a poll recently that showed most of Sup Forums is skeptical of religion.
pic rel
>I find it funny how you can consider yourself red pilled but blind to the fact that religion is just man made bullshit. "Hey we promise you everything you've ever dreamed of only as long as you subscribe to OUR religion and ONLY our religion. Come to our congregations and give us donations and we promise you everything after you die!"
you have no basic understanding about catholicism you just think that it's some evil guys who want to leach off from you. Check the charity work done by the Church- scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net
>truth sold you by the jews
no thanks m8
not my fault most atheist are neckbearded degenerate leftists that think
>being atheist=being super smart
I don't generally got problem with people who don't believe in God but when people try to push it here it makes me angry.
The beggining of this country started with baptism. Church helped prevail this country both during the communism era as in the era of annextions.
nice pic
What is this? A NABLA convention?
What triggers me more than the religiousness is that the (most likely inaccurate) image of Jesus takes center stage. Doesn't the 2nd Commandment forbid that?
I hear atheists claim that believing in these religions is dumb, not that they are smart.
Is it not stupid to believe in an ancient myth without evidence and much evidence that contradicts it being true?
That's called being easily fooled and it's a sign of stupid people. Not saying all christians are stupid, but there is definitely a trend. Poor and low IQ areas are the most religious, rich, developed and high IQ areas of the globe do not buy into these religions nearly as much.
>redpill is not anti jew
shill spotted
>didn't read the bible as whole even once
just like I thought
One of the basic mistake home-grown Bible """"experts""""" make is that they can understand The Holy Book without reading it as a whole (a couple of times). You're not able to remember and understand everything at first readings thus you'll not see all the metaphores, context and comparisions in The Bible. This will lead to you wandering around in the darkness.
the ultimate redpill is understanding that atheism is the first step towards degeneracy
>I don't generally got problem with people who don't believe in God but when people try to push it here it makes me angry
Yeah, it's only cool when religions do it, right? Which, by the way, it's ALWAYS religions doing it. You never see atheists handing out pamphlets, going door to door or trying to convert people in public. It's ALWAYS religions. So fuck off with that shit.
In fairness, it has a lot to do with religion being forced on children before they're old enough to be able to think critically and figure out that it's all shite. There is definitely a correlation between poorness, lack of education and lower IQ scores with belief in religion though.
It's wrong, I don't need to read the whole thing to see that it's repeatedly wrong.
Am fedora; not really. Christianity has some stuff to answer for, and it's not for me, but ultimately it's been a net positive for the west and kept a lot of information extant after the fall of Rome and kept scholarly pursuits alive. Hell, the best model for cosmic expansion came from a Jesuit.
It's just those fucking mudslimes that shit everything up desu.
I do have an understanding of religion. I'm talking about the religion's intention, I'm talking about reality. Take the Mormon religion for example. It is so unbelievably obvious it's a fabrication yet people STILL believe it. They are also the nicest fucking people on earth from what I've seen. But that doesn't fucking make their beliefs any more true.
Funny thing is thousands of years from now their religion will be ancient to them and will be even more believable due to the fog of history, similar to how most religions today are.
>I'm not talking about the religion's intention
I meant to put a not in there
>I hear atheists claim that believing in these religions is dumb, not that they are smart.
>Is it not stupid to believe in an ancient myth without evidence and much evidence that contradicts it being true?
if you think that empirism is the only true way of logicthen please prove that using... empirism
>Poor and low IQ areas are the most religious, rich, developed and high IQ areas of the globe do not buy into these religions nearly as much.
that's not an argument and also citation would be nice. Poor people with no degree are also the most pro-Trump people- does it mean that you should be a #HillDawg? Also most of the rich countries developed their positions while they were more conservative and religious. Now they are all going down, while we're going up. Not to mention countries like mine suffered from a total destruction of our countries during WWII, had no financial help from America like the West, and had to bear with communism for 60 years.
>if you think that empirism is the only true way of logicthen please prove that using... empirism
SJWs built their logic without empirism and look at how wrong it went
I'm saying this again- if atheism is so redpill then why jews are so pushing it in their media?
>You never see atheists handing out pamphlets, going door to door or trying to convert people in public.
We don't have it here- being catholic here is a normal thing here, maybe jehowas only try to do that. Oh and atheist with their demonstations and shit.
Being anti-christian in Poland (and to be honest in most Europe) is basically saying a big fuck you to all your ancensors who died here with Jesus in their heart. Some of them even not so long ago.
>it's wrong because I said so
>ignored completly your argument
and this is an atheist man who I respect
>Take the Mormon religion for example. It is so unbelievably obvious it's a fabrication yet people STILL believe it.
wew lad
>raping your daughters and cousins
they're degenerate heretics and I don't know why you mention them. We're talking about catholicism
>if you think that empirism is the only true way of logicthen please prove that using... empirism
I had one of the stupidest arguments with some religious idiot about how empiricism is bad... So tell me good sir what do you propose knowledge should be based on if not empiricism?
Because Americans are retards.
> Poor and low IQ areas are the most conservative, rich, developed and high IQ areas of the globe do not buy into these reactionaries nearly as much.
> In fairness, it has a lot to do with consertiveness being forced on children before they're old enough to be able to think critically and figure out that it's all shite. There is definitely a correlation between poorness, lack of education and lower IQ scores with belief in bankers though.
Really makes you think huh
that's not an argument especially when you consider that almost all of the SJW are atheists, with a hate toward christianity
>be me
>be atheist but rised as catholic
Only thing what triggers me in that picture is that current pope is leftist scumbag.
>raping your daughters and cousins
>they're degenerate heretics and I don't know why you mention them. We're talking about catholicism
Yes, and I can't recall any catholic that has ever done anything wrong ever. Nope, never.
>present atheist side without empirosm as totally fucking wrong
>nah not an argument against not using empirism
Polish intellectuals
They don't have a hate toward christianity as much as they have a hate for christians themselves. They hate that christian is the "accepted" religion of the US and think they are the cause of all their problems from privilege and all that bullshit. So to be contrarian they pick whatever the fuck else and nothing seems to trigger christains more than atheists.
If they TRULY were skeptical of religions and were about facts and logic, they would understand that Muslim is the actual worst religion for humanity and would fight that more than Christianity.
why should it?
>suggesting polish catholics are as cucked as french ones
^there's decent english subs
Are you really too dumb to realize they are worshiping the Dude on the picture, not the picture itself?
Empiricism can't be proven by empiricism, without the use of circular reasoning.
Ergo, for empiricism to be valid, there must be valid non-empirical forms of reasoning to proven the validity of empericism.
This guy is still the leader of your church at the end of the day
No you just need to accept the basic minimum assumptions. Which is basically what keeps us from spending 90% of our time and energy wasted on "what ifs."
There are natural causes for things that happen in the world around us.
Evidence from the natural world can be used to learn about those causes.
There is consistency in the causes that operate in the natural world.
Its just creepy and sad. The way you view worship in North Korea of their God is the same way we view that audience.
Not really, i respect Christianity.
If people want to belive in God, im not stopping them