Usagi Yojimbo #154 Storytime

Hop in for some ronin* action

*masterless samurai warrior

Other urls found in this thread: yojimbo special edition



My body is ready


Cheers to you OP.
























Have a nice day/evening, everyone

Hell yeah it's an Inspector Ishida episode.

The pain train has no brakes for Usagi and friends

Usagi is great and OP is great for posting this

Was honestly expecting him to add another member to the harem.

No, after Bridge of Tears, Usagi's life has been an endless expanse of suffering.

You should have known by this point that as soon as usagi helped her she was marked for death.
she had better chances bleeding out on the rain.

>It's an Ishida story


do you think that Usagi killing that foreign ambassador will come back to bite him in any way? I figure he'd be likely to have friends or superiors that wouldn't be too happy about that, even if the dude was crazy.

I'd love to see another foreigner story. It blows my mind that it took this long for the first one to happen.

I always thought it was kind of neat that Usagi distrusts foreigners. He's not some kind of magically progressive guy, he's a 16th century samurai, so of course he thinks whitey is bad news.

Usagi is the type of guy who would end up being friends with a foreigner though. He is obviously not going to trust them immediately, but once they show they aren't a massive dick he'd warm up to them.

Post your favorite Usagi Yojimbo story/arc or character

The story where Sasuke shows up for the second time is amazing just because of how much he blows away Usagi with the power level he's working with

Usagi has at least one kindred spirit in the BPRD's past.

Anyone got the uneasy feeling there's gonna be more tearjerker stories between Usagi and women due to the unfortunate event recently in Stan's life.

>part 1 of 1.

So I just got the volume 1 of the Dark Horse collections. Is there any way to still get the stuff from BEFORE Dark Horse?

Possibly, but Usagi has a storied history of tearjerker stories involving doomed women going back decades already, so it's not as if it's much of a diversion from his characterization or story tendencies.

>Looks like I can afford this place.
>The woman is literally yelling cheap food.

If he was in modern times, Usagi would be a guy with a Costco pack of ramen in his closet.

Did that happen in an issue or did that happen off panel?

What happened? Divorce?

No. His son died in a car accident.
I think his wife is really sick too.

Sasuke the Demon Queller is awesome because he's the only guy who can really make Usagi go "OMG WTF IS GOING ON?!" and act in a state of near-panic.

He's had a hard few years.

Dragon Bellow Conspiracy is the Helm's Deep of Usagi Yojimbo.

Uh.... His wife is no longer sick. She kinda died.

>tfw you love this comic and don't want it to end but are also terrified Sakai is going to die before it gets a proper ending

Well, at least they let him finish his drink first.


>Japanese math.

The most beautiful bat waifu basically just looks like an okay tier cat waifu.

>tfw reading through the Fantagraphics special edition straight through to UYS 6
>tfw watching Sakai's art style sharpen up before your eyes

>turn the page
>it's a Gen storyline

There's A Box Set for Thatâ„¢ yojimbo special edition

Thank you OP.
> part 1 of 1
and thank you Sakai

not enough people do one and dones these days and it's something that Sakai is really fucking good at.

Different user.

I actually picked up that box set because of that user who used to storytime the early UY stories.

Thank you!

I got the fantagraphics on a whim just after christmas since I had a ton of bookstore gift credit and I kept seeing people on Sup Forums shilling it. Ended up buying all the available Saga books by January

What's with them all falling for Usagi? Does he just have a magnetism for women? Is it that every chick he comes across is so sexually repressed that they fall for the first man that doesn't slap them for not being a complete killing machine?

This one is less bitter when you realize that ninjas don't have nearly as strick of a code as samurai. She could have dropped the job and flown to the beach for as much as ninjas mattered.

That's really rough stuff. I don't think I could cope with that level of shit.

>What's with them all falling for Usagi?

Because the story calls for it? I love UY but Usagi himself is my least favourite character

I think we need lewds of kazehime.

His distrust isn't based on blind bigotry though, it's based on ugly experiences surrounding or involving them, that one Samurai with Tuberculosis, Gunpowder, the guy with a Hara Kiri fetish. I imagine if he met a reasonable foreigner he'd behave very differently.

Sasuke is my favorite NPC. Dat powerlevel, dat anti-social personality disorder, what's not to love?

But I pretty much love all UY characters. I can't even pick a favorite storylie, but Return of the Black Soul is up there. So many feels.

He seems to get along with weeaboos.

>the guy with a Hara Kiri fetish
Man fuck that guy

Too bad there weren't many reasonable foreigners. The Dutch traders weren't too bad I guess. They stayed on their own island.

He looks so weird in this art style. Mirin' them arms gains though.

Literally five issues ago. Things rarely happen off-panel in Usagi.

Because, as it was often stated, Usagi is a handsome fella.

He's also a genuinely kind person, who sticks his neck out for total strangers who seem to be in trouble, which most people in Feudal Japan decidedly did not.

That kind of behavior gets you exceptional results, whether positive or negative.

Oh. It's these cunts again.

I honestly never thought Sakai would manage to produce a cute Komori kunoichi.

What's next, a cute Mogura?

I adore how Usagi likes kids and loves telling them stories. With adults he can quickly lose his patience, but not when it comes to children. He literally allows them to sit on his head and laughs about it, while adults (most often from lower classes) are shocked that a samurai is not only nice, but is willingly wasting his time and energy to entertain children he never met before. It's a nice trait for the hero to have and it made me appreciate Usagi as a character more.

Aw man, why couldn't she be reoccuring?

Bats are cute. It was about time we get one who's not completly ugly.

>a cute mogura
I want to see someine try this.

I both love and hate how those covers lie about what's inside while still giving us a taste of it.

Hey, anyone willing to storytime the recent Chizu meets Kitsune arc? You know, to get the discussion going.

Oh yes, Usagi time

Poor Usagi, it's so rare for him to truly be able to save a life

> Every story after Circles is anyone Usagi ever rescues/cares about getting his or her life ruined

Such is karma

Sasuke is great but Noodles is my fav one cause it shows Kitsunes long hidden real character.

> tfw you have drawn lewds of Jei and Usagi but you don't want to post them because you think it would be in bad taste

When will the government stop my sinful hand?

You already know it's going to happen.
And then YOU are going to die as well.

Why does all Usagi stories have to be so fucking sad?
It's about a fucking rabbit, god damn it!


Don't do it user!
Some things are just best left untarnished.

,,, boy jei or girl jei?

>proper ending
Didn't the alien comic take place in the future and Kill Hibiki? I'd think that'd effectively wrap up Usagi's big life mission.

>*masterless samurai warrior
Aren't all samurai supposed to be warriors ?

Many thanks OP, those scans are top-notch quality.

>you'd been delirious, talking about your mission.
Yeah, great way to convince her to eliminate the only witness. Good job, Usagi.

pre-Grasscutter so boy

Senso was so badly recieved by fans it's canonicy is even questioned in the comic itself.

Usagi Gundam was a neat touch though

Well, taht was a nice story. Too bad it didn't turn into seeing a recurring character fthat sides with Hikibi.

Poor guy. I'm surprised he still draws Usagi.

He fucks like a rabbit.