Why are these guys always causing trouble and trying to destroy Europe?
Why are these guys always causing trouble and trying to destroy Europe?
If we can't rule Europe it's better to destroy it.
t. Kraut
I would do the same thing if I had to pay reparations to everyone. Next year with merkel 2.0 in the white house you fags will do the same thing.
Germany has always been considered the "blacks" of Europe (before and during World Wars) and was constantly bullied because of that and their barbaric ways.
Why did your country create the refugees and kill dictators like Gaddafi that kept people from getting into Europe?
>just ate a fat burger
>build the european union as a prison for german
>it takes it over and uses it try and conquer and destroy the continent AGAIN
Objectively, Germans, not Jews, have done the most harm to whites. Solution to the Kraut problem when?
Once is a mistake. Twice is carelessness. Third... they just want to fuck Europe's shit, as sure as Britain must stop them. again.
Why cant you guys just chill out?
That's the spirit!
haha, Brits never learn, this is the third time you're destroying your country trying to get at ours. Nice move taking in the same demographic problems, dummies.
Europe is clearly too retarded to know how to run a country just look at them.
While that's true, it's not us causing the problems. Merkel is just Obama's sock puppet. Blame the American Left.
We are always trying to safe europe but you faggots keep ruining it
Germans are very authoritarian people, its almost impossible to go against the general opinion and question the current consensus.
We will go on doing what we do according to our self-set of rules, ignoring all warning signs until the problems cannot be ignored any longer or a full blown crash happens and everything turns into a genocidal nightmare.
You did jack shit tho, the russians won the war with some US help, you were pretty much insignificant
We just want to be liked by everyone.
But we allways overdo it.
Feels bad, man.
Everybody knows Obama is behind ISIS and the Arab Spring and thus to blame for the migrant crisis.
>b.buh merkel
Merkel is just Obama's pawn, it should be clear that she does not act in the German interest
Germany is nearly completely right wing, if we had anything to say about it, people would be forced to reside in their homelands and migration would not be a thing in Europe full stop
Im visiting Germany and I can say few words about Germans. They're the most soulless Europeans literaly the chinks of Europe. Sure they nice but all they do is work or harz4 and drink beer. Pretty boring life. The lack off souls causes them to do sometimes pretty anti christ things, the Gott mit uns was always a meme. So the best thing for the world is to give Bayern to austria. And split them 3 or 4 times. Germans are handsome but the women are ugly as fuck. I rate Germans 6.5/10 nice but boring and dangerous. Also their porn scares me.
and then there's this queer
I think you forgot the desert campaign...
Prove me wrong then
Because we let the jews continue to run wild in the most powerful European country, Again.
>Also their porn scares me
Weak tastes confirmed
Erster Pfosten, bester Pfosten
Imagine the world if they would just had hand us over Europe after WW1
Why is the leader of the CDU so Islam-friendly?
Germans are extremely rigid and cold. They seek order and very collectivist so socialist authoritarian politics have alway dominated their thinking. Why they seem to believe that the rest of europe is like them is beyond me though. Autism could be the cause since Hitler was a confirmed "gifted" autist himself.
Jews in the US produced movies like Shindlers List to guilt German people to destroy europe.
>Also their porn scares me.
Scat porn is best porn.
cant handle the bantzzzzzzzz
Of course we are Jose, the truth is US Media has been guilting Germany with Nazi moviies for the last 50 years or so... so everybody does their best not trying to be a nazi.
>finds shit hot
>calls himself a übermensch
>Imagine the world if they would just had hand us over Europe after WW1
How do Germans feel about the Nazis? Are you ashamed or do you guys secretly love Hitler?
>cucked by US military occupation
>entire generation has a self-hating Nazi complex
I feel sorry for Germany. They've been cucked so hard that they're collectively suicidal.
I'm pretty sure after all those years of brainwashing they are ashamed.
Eastern Germany was brainwashed by the soviets just because Nazi Germany was Fascist. They were trained to hate their past.
Western Germany was brainwashed by the americans simply to keep them in line and prevent them from rising to become a military superpower and potentially attempt to take over the world again. They were trained to be ashamed of their past.
>Hitler was a confirmed "gifted" autist himself.
So you are telling me there's still a chance to turn my live around
4th Reich soon
Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner.
Why wouldnt you be ashamed to be a socialist? Do you realize that socialism has murdered more ppl than all wars in human history combined? No one wants to a be a socialist
This is why the world hates you
the inner machinations of the kraut brain everybody
Gifted if youre 19+ and not a major political thinker in your community then forget about being the next hitler or stalin.
So you are basically anglo
Ironically we will probably produce the best Islamists in the future, it will be the closests we will come to Hitlers dreams.
>Getting caught in the prison called eu built by the french
>Steal the hegemonial power from france (this can't be happening i'm in charge here)
>crashing this continent with no white survivors
Literally Scorched earth strategies.
Gifted means an IQ two standard deviations above the mean. In a white man's case, this is at least an IQ of 130. That's a full three standard deviations above your average mexican IQ.
When i was visiting munich i stopped off in Dusseldolf to catch the train to munich, Whilst i was waiting for the train i was surrounded by 10/10 tall blue eyed aryans.
I suddenly became full of hate for these blue eyed nazi devils, Why do you insist on being a good race?
Why will you not submit to the anglo
Get lost you fucking Kike cunt.
You are the destroyers, and no one else.
You germans are big guys