Why does Sup Forums like nazis when they were clearly liberals? They believed in welfare, social justice, animal rights, environmentalism, and Islam.
Why does Sup Forums like nazis when they were clearly liberals? They believed in welfare, social justice, animal rights...
The Nazis were Social Democrats for ethnic Germans. They were also authoritarians.
Sup Forums likes that last bit...
fuck if I know
Nazi - SJWs with an army
wtf I hate nazis now
Not everyone here likes them, and not everyone likes them for the same reasons. The only people who agree with the leftist SJW aspects of the nazi party are the stormcucks who legitimately revere Hitler and think the swastika has occultist importance.
>The Nazis were Social Democrats for ethnic Germans.
Pretty much. They weren't called the National Socialist German Worker's Party for nothing.
Similar sounding and same things aren't the same with different laws not being the same. You got to look at whole picture. Socialism didn't had foreigners, since that's the whole point of Socialism, to be self-sustained without foreigner dependence, while monarchies needed slaves, foreigner money masters, even in early times when they invented first money or started digging for gold. Socialism didn't need foreigners or slaves. Liberalism of today is simply capitalism where rich people who don't do anything but steal money, pretend they are democratic by not giving a shit about securing the borders or solving crime.
IS there a story to that pic, she's got a hell of a rack
I wonder the same thing every time I see the pic.
>. Socialism didn't had foreigners, since that's the whole point of Socialism, to be self-sustained without foreigner dependence
Socialism is an internationalist movement. All workers from every nation on Earth are united by their class.
The Nazis were "National Socialist", this is something they defined in opposition to "Socialism". It was based on "blood and soil", the volk and the nation.
Titty inspection day. Remember how the Nazis were inspired by American eugenics programs?
>>believed in Islam
0/10 bait
Nazis were fucking cancer and were responsible for millions of deaths.
1950s American conservatives are much better sources of inspiration.
All of those things are more than fine if it's exclusively for non-degenerate whites.
Literally socialism for nationalists. It's not hard to understand.
t.hershchel zogbergwitz
This hoe was a titty general by the time it was over...
Big titties for healthy hitler babies...
>welfare, social justice, animal rights, environmentalism
I do too... for my own people.
They believes in welfare and social justice for their own kind.
We are paying for people who dont even want to be american and dont even want to work.
What I wouldn't give to have a stormfront gf and just rail her in the ass while listening to old speeches. Delusional attitudes make bitches fucking crazy in bed.
Dat girl really wants Frau Blucher to notice them taytays
Because the labels liberal and sociailst have been muddled purposefully, in order to sell communism to the left, and neoliberalism to the right.
A strong wellfare state is great if you have a relatively homogenuos society with a high quality gene pool. National Socialism is about nurturing that gene pool.
>Literally socialism for nationalists. It's not hard to understand.
No, it's not "Socialism" for nationalists; it's Social Democracy - healthcare and education, mostly.
If it was "Socialism" workers wouldn't have had their wages reduced by 25% and been banned from quitting their jobs, nor, would they have been banned from joining a union...
>Socialism is international
How can you be that much of retarded bluepilled dumbass? Socialism banned stocks, when Socialism ended stocks came back. What ended Socialism in Soviet Union is one trespassing foreigner migrant Mathias Rust, who flew into Soviet Union and landed without getting shot down, he was the first illegal and even he was allowed Gorbachev, since that's what Gorbachev needed to replace all army generals, which caused the end of Soviet Union when those new generals organized overthrow of Soviet government.
>why would white people like a government interested in the prosperity of white people
idk OP
wtf are you talking about?
Just simply dump your ww2 german waifu folder here pls, no need for b8
wtf i am a gommie now
I am talking about you being a retard, a dumb Anglo and probably a kike on stick worshiper too. Obviously you have no clue, since what else can one expect from retards that are Anglos.
>mfw people think Hitler and the Nazis were pro-white
>mfw people don't realize that Hitler only cared about Germans
Nazis were the original 99% that hated Jews because of their money.
Progressives removed the racism and hate anyone with more money, kept all the social justice crap.
Does this devolve into scissoring or not?
What are they conserving again? Only one thing: the flow of Christian money flowing to Jews. You talk about conservatives, but please name one conservative from 50ies and what the fuck he conserved, since in 50ies Eisenhower released niggers upon white population and written "in god we trust" on money, literal idiots and bunch of dumb Christian shit. Then they also gone and ruined food and replaced it with this GMO crap.
Liberal doesn't mean what you think it means.
All these points are damn ok for MY people. (to some point of course, but Nazis pretty sure would not accept long time NEETs and leeches but rather "give" them a job - building Autobahns and stuff)
>doesn't know history
Kek, Muslims love hitler cause he loved them dumb fuck
Because Sup Forums is full of retarded people who understand nothing about politics and sociology. Including you, OP.
The 1950s American Conservative were not afraid to talk about racial differences or declare communism = jewish.
Read up on history.
I don't think "liberal" means what you think it means.
They love him for the six gorrilion, retard.
He did have a thing for that religion because it is obviously great to mindcontrol stupid people and make them total lunatics that have nothing better to bomb themself to death for the cause. That was not easy even with his program and propaganda.
Damn I wish this were Sup Forums, then it would become a Nazi tits thread
Good one, Johnathon.
It's a meme.
I've found that women really don't care what you say in bed as long as you say it with confidence.
Your scenario sounds entertaining...
Sieg Heil!
Hitler was a Fuhrer, in true meaning of the word, he could organize different people for his cause, he gave them propaganda they followed to fix Germany. But what was he fixing again? This is what Anglo history will never tell you. Apparently countries invented Socialism out of blue sky like Anglos and Christshits like to explain themselves, then they go and cry how Socialism hunted Christians, which is just another eternal Jewish cry of how Jew loses money.
Communists weren't Jews you dumb Swedish monkey Christian. Communists were fighting against Jewish monarchy, among them Hitler, who was also a Communist. Communist didn't had the international connections, money and power, they were poor and exploited workers standing up for rights. The power was on side of monarchy like queen of England, Habsburg family and many other eternal Jews who shipped slaves around globe and invented stock exchange which they use to glue international globalism. Jews escaped after WW2 to USA, those conservatives there are nothing but Jews, democrats too. We are now living in Americanized world, they are importing rapists and crime to every town.
>The national SOCIALISTS believed in socialist principles
stop the fucking presses
This, my fellow cuckserva...I mean conservatives instead of having no minorities lets just corral them into ghettos where they can have 20 kids each that will all want nothing more than revenge on whitey plus we can have a steady supply of Bulls!
You have no idea what you're talking about. That much is apparent.
Who was that semen demon?
Queen pretty much has a legacy of nigger pollution, internationalism, extermination of natives around the globe, being head of state of 20 countries, running banking. How is that not enough to identify the eternal Jew anti-nationalist? During Socialism in any country of the world from Soviet Union, Myanmar, China or Yugoslavia, you wouldn't be able to simply migrate there. Why do you think DDR had a wall? Think a little.
Is pic related the female version of benis inspection day?
they fought for the germanic people of europe, please dont mistake the british isles and the balkans for white
The simple answer is we'd all be liberals if the world weren't so fucked up.
The labels have been manipulated so heavily, that we are "conservative" now.
This is a microcosm of the fall of America
Jesus loves all people, because he wants everybody's money, so he invites as many niggers with as many crippled retarded children he can get, doesn't matters if they rapists or killers, as long as they join the Christianity cult and give money to international company that is Christianity.
Jesus preached against the churches and even beat kikes up.
You're delusional, a kike using a celver form of deception, or have been misled by kikes
its good that you atleast aknowledge that the man who died for our sins exists
That's some good American education, there.
That might be true, but you know Jesus isn't running the church, doubtfully Jesus even existed, people run Christianity and Jews will try to turn any ideology into their favor, so you better watch out who you put in charge of your alt-right group now and in future, because nothing lasts forever if there is no control and well defined standards and most importantly punishment for those who break the rules. During Socilaism the biggest problem with church was not the Christianity aspect, but the cry of priests and chief Christians who couldn't get money or send money to/from international money masters.
Jesus didn't die for your sins, he died for sins of people born in year 0 and before. Jesus didn't die recently, your sins are still intact.
That's because stormcucks = sjws
ruled completely by emotion and identity politics
She had the best job in the Third Reich.
he died for all of our sins, all of us are sinners and he gave us the possibility to seek forgiveness
>Why does Sup Forums like nazis when they were clearly liberals?
National Socialism doesn't buy into the flawed left/right narrative.
>They believed in welfare,
For Whites alone.
>social justice,
For Whites alone.
>animal rights, environmentalism,
Nothing wrong with either of those.
>and Islam.
RIP Jesus, now your time has come with every Arab you rescue from waters.
>tfw she was probably turned into a rapebaby factory when the russians stormed berlin
>Or swallowed cyanide before they could
I wouldn't really have a problem with Muslims as long as they stayed in the fucking desert where they belong.
I also wouldn't have a problem with welfare if I lived in a racially homogenous society.
Any respectable white person knows that animal abuse and trashing the environment is nigger tier behavior.
>not supporting the first four
please die
Tfw you will never have a hot Aryan German qt as your wife.
things must be pretty bad in slovenia for someone to have that much hate for everything except for yourself ofcourse
and people like you shout DEGENERATE to silence people you hypocrite. Virtue signalling in the exact same manner a leftist shouts RACIST. Difference is I'm not trying to silence you, I'm just saying you are as bad as sjws
Do german women still look like this or do I need to get a time machine to find a big tit fraulein?
In socialism the workers are slaves.
>and people like you shout DEGENERATE to silence people you hypocrite.
You anti-Whites are degenerates though.
Diversity, multiculturalism, racemixing, pornography, homosexuality. All degenerate.
>Virtue signalling in the exact same manner a leftist shouts RACIST.
Difference being that there's nothing wrong with being a racist and there is something wrong with being a degenerate.
>Difference is I'm not trying to silence you,
Anti-Whites should be silenced and there is nothing wrong wit silencing anti-Whites.
>I'm just saying you are as bad as sjws
Well it's a good thing that I don't listen to the lies of anti-Whites.
Here's my stance.
I live by the teachings of Jesus by his known behavior and words.
I use kek secretly to induce chaos in the illuminati system where I see fit - by way of public "intervention" of a plot.
Going to church is for plebs who need controlling to be free.
Because they did it right
There is a false left/right dichotomy in the US right now, it's not real. NatSoc is the best
They only difference between nazis and democrats is nazis are honest about how they feel about minorities
so yeah nazis are liberals
I'm convinced that at least 8/10 American flag posters are jews or christfags who literally worship jews.
If you can't tell the difference between "let's take our country back from foreign bankers" and "muslims and africans deserve our country more than we do", you might be a cuck.
Looking for the best to please the men.
you can't use "liberals" and "democrats" interchangeably and you especially can't do that when citing something that was written at a time when "liberal" actually meant something more like libertarian.
Fuck, tell me about it.
I would even have the older lady in black.
It's all a moot point anyways as liberal and conservative, left and right, and democrat and republican are just all part of the same, flawed, corrupt, Jewish narrative. The Jews are happy with you choosing one side or the other. As long as you choose a side.
National Socialists are neither left nor right.
Whatever is good for the people, who are homogeneous, they use.
But when someone calls Nazi's "leftists" they're really tying to vilify Nazi's by comparing them to liberals (ie: anti-Whites).
And National Socialism is the only ideology on the planet that the Jews and those in power don't want you considering or joining.
See? Thats what im like.
Thought that was called a "moderate".
Im National Socialist then.
>Im National Socialist then.
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
Mein Kampf
This Time The World - George Rockwell
White Power - George Rockwell
The Lightning and the Sun - Savitri Devi
Those will help you understand NS and become a better NS.
>Because socialism and authoritarianism is good so long as it isn't for anyone but whites
t retards
inb4 triggered retards
>who are homogeneous
What if it's not, like the u.s.?
>What if it's not, like the u.s.?
Then you gotta make the USA homogeneous now, won't you?
How can you unite the people when the people can never be united?
As long as the races are forced to live together in White countries there will never be peace, prosperity and stability. And in fact, the White race will cease to exist because all the races of the world are living in our homelands, slowly destroying us.
It is tho. Socialism in the West today is terrible because it equates to Whitey slaving away to pay for shitskins to breed us out of existence whilst authoritarianism is used to keep Whitey oppressed and compliant. National Socialism was excellent.
Enjoy your no roads lol.
>No, it's not "Socialism" for nationalists; it's Social Democracy - healthcare and education, mostly.
you sound like a bern out lmao
good job pussy bitch
The fuck is the guy in the back doing?
>Communists weren't jews
>Monarchy was jewish
I see that the Slavic Jew has appeared again.
>The Nazis were Social Democrats for ethnic Germans
Let's totally forget the part were the nazis killed the actual german social democrats.