>he complains about leftists and libtards corroding society by being useless
>he spends 16 hours of the day shitposting on Sup Forums
He complains about leftists and libtards corroding society by being useless
Lol there are neo-nazi NEETs one this board who claim leftists are a cancer on society, let that sink in.
It's partly sad, partly hilarious that they don't even see a problem with it as demonstrates.
This board is one of the biggest hives of degeneracy masked as self-righteousness. It's no wonder Sup Forums can never shut up muslims, they're just like them.
I was expecting better from you. Saged.
The board is so hypocritical that is mirrors satire even though most of these people are serious about what they believe. So cringey and like a trainwreck I can't look away.
I have a disability you shitlord
Yeah you're useless.
>16 hours
fucking casual
also check these dubs
being fat aint a disability
>implying shitposting is useless
I am NEET and I spend most of my day BTFOing liberals on the internet and redpilling people on multiple websites. I tell people to start lifting for the upcoming race war so we will be guaranteed to have fit men on our side once it starts. I show people how their degenerate ways destroy society and they start to stop behaving that way. I am better than liberals who destroy our countries. I am fighting the good fight. You should be thankful for NEETs like me.
>there are always posters on this board
>therefore anyone who posts on it does nothing else at all
flawless logic
Except I just got out of work. I'm not a useless drain on society or my parents. A lot of the people here are hypocrites.
>this is what edgelord NEETs shitposting on Sup Forums actually tell themselves
The most cringey thing about this board is that people never provide a source for any of their claims and don't follow basic academic rules of political science. Yet the 'sticky' is some high school fedora tier meme pic about good argumentation.
Pffft what a delusional faggot. Newsflash Fritz, nobody is impressed and you're a waste of space.
And a large amount of that shitposting is people complaining about other people in the way you just did. Really makes you think.
You are the degenerate, you are a net drain on society. Your contribution is Sup Forums posts and you think this makes you a contributing member of society? Cringe.
>literally memeing a candidate into the whitehouse
>being useless
>not degenerate
get a job and stop living off my money
>taking credit for Trump
Bahaha, Sup Forums did nothing of value to influence the vote.
As oppposed to slaving away for meagre scraps in a job you hate, making some jew overlord rich?
as oposed to shitposting on reddit from a hipster coffee shop with an iphone while looking after wife's son?
I'm not even touching that, you have to be fucking retarded to think Sup Forums made Trump popular.
>Russians not knowing how question marks are supposed to be used
Man the passive aggressive tone is strong from these leftists
fuck off autist
trump is even using our memes, you are clueless
he posted a website made by Sup Forums anons just one day ago
My job allows me to, idiot. I'm a local truck driver, I spend 85% of my work day in shitty old warehouses.
Sup Forums shitposting about faggy liberal retards and their failed ideals has done more to sway people away from leftism that you can ever imagine, leaf.
That, or you understand what's happening and are terrified of more of the same. Either way, get blown, you beaver fucker.
You tell him Hans. Tell him to go make some more beautiful aryan babies in your bratwurst talk
Get a job.
You don't live here, people jumped on the Trump train when he gave his mexicans speech and when BLM consistently fucked things up and SJWS defended them.
It's not Sup Forums driving this you delusional child.
Ben Garrison? Yeah I know him by that name. Hell, I worked with him in Nam. Back then we called him "Gook Gutting" Garrison because he never came out of a tunnel without a scalp, an ear, or covered with blood. Most would call him insane, but that is why the green berets trained him. They saw potential. It wasn't until they learned his methods that they truly realized what a monster they created. You see, most guys that go tunnel clearing take guns. Not Ben. No, he took knives, clubs, hatchets, sometimes nothing but his bare hands. After a few missions I got a chance to talk to him in the mess. He was wearing his blood stained hat, sunglasses, and combat fatigues, smoking a cigarette and drinking johnny walker black. It was contraband, but you NEVER told Ben what he could and couldn't do. I asked him why he never took guns with him. He lowered is head and took a long slow draw from his hand rolled cig, pulled off his sun glasses and looked me right in the eyes, piercing my soul. "I do it out of respect. Respect for the white race. These slant eye'd scum bags don't deserve the mercy of an American made bullet, but the slow torturous death of the hands of an American man!" In a flash he pulled out his weathered, but razor sharp knife and stopped just short of sticking my gut. "The look in their eyes when I slip this baby into their swollen, rice filled bellies is reason enough. To see the last lights flick off in their heads as they see a real killer work."
>t. Cuckold
I'm literally an ultra lefty and this board is filled with literal vile trash.
>being this much of a delusion faggot
Pffftahahaha, Sup Forums has done nothing but trick a bunch of useless neo-nazi NEETs into thinking they can do something of value by being anonymous shitters online.
>t. le ddit cucktards
kill yourselves
fuck off shills
Truth hurts, doesn't it Swedecuck? Have you asked your mother how big black cock tastes yet?
You must be 18 to use Sup Forums.
Fuck off with your shitty psyops. Kill yourself.
>being a Swedish Trump fanboy
How does it feel to be cucked AND stupid?
Kill yourself.
Bahahaha bullying Swedecucks is great.
Copypasta worthy.