>you will appropriately take your place in the back of this bitch
what did she mean by that?
White people ordered to the back at DNC
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck, this is where I go to school. Just cuck me up now
>Whites send people of color to the back of the proverbial line for centuries
>"it's only fair!" -Sup Forums
>people of color finally get their voices back, begin to enter politics seriously in the last few years. Start fighting back against ingrained positions of institutional racism
>institutional racism
>something falsifiable
pick one
niggers not even once
oh man it slike a cartoon
>Be white democrat
>Get told by sheboon democrat to get 2 da bak
>I'm racist if don't, she's racist if do
Any white person there is getting what they deserves
>it's ok when non-whites do it!
Cut off EBT. Starve these niggers
>Sup Forums is one person
>doing the same racism is ok because it happened to someone i never met but had the same color
So you're saying institutionalized racism is fine?
Yhww hrrhd hrr
how can we ever recover ?
under the cover of night..
Boy, you've been working overtime today, Goldberg!
>take your rightful positions behind us
Why do liberals tolerate this?
that woman repeating das rite
They are making up for the sins of the past. They are building bridges, Trump only burns them
I mean, this looks like trolling, but it's just so angry
such effort
Is this big though? Is it an important march/rally at all? Will this even make the news?
Blacks have low IQs. That's it.
There are 54 black countries on Earth and every single one is an impoverished third world hellhole. Every single one.
Whether whites went to the back of the DNC and did this every four years for the next century, blacks will still be poor and underacheive due to their intractable genetic inferiority.
This women is fat and ugly and a member of the genetis underclass. She's also rude, smelly, and racist.
>Trump only burns them
A bridge to Shitberg doesn't need to exist in the first place.
>implying we care about some sheboon putting cucks in their place
This isn't a rage thread, this is hilarious. These aren't our people, these are our enemies getting shut down by their pets.
Wouldn't even bother me...
Hey this is what liberals want. I'm fine with this.
as a famous woman once said.
Like Trigglypuff it doesn't matter if it's politically relevant or not. People are flipping out about it on twitter and it's gonna get Trump another batch of voters.
There are multiple rallies and marches going on in the vicinity of the DNC. Any individual one will only get covered in the event of a chimpout.
How do we survive, Hon. Member?
>Pretending white guilt is still a thing
Race War 2017
White guy here, I can understand this. You guys need to take on other viewpoints and maybe think you shouldn't be the leader
So where do Asians and Hispanics fit into all of this?
>white guy here
yes, i am also a white male like you, and we need to remind goys- i mean privileged people to take their rightful place in the back of this bitch.
Why should be take ANYONE's viewpoint. No shithead should tell us what to do.
>white people in the back
Good... good...
Now just bend over darkie.
Nobody gives a shit about what's fair.
Oy vey
Who should be the leader? Low IQ blacks who subsist on our tax dollars and barely make up over 10% of this country.
They have 54 countries. Every single one has failed.
>White people ordered to the back at DNC
And ya know what? I'll bet the faggots went.
Because respecting all values, cultures and beliefs is why this nation was founded. We are the great melting pot
Niggers are sickening caricatures of human beings.
Good, you can only be cucked if you let yourself be cucked.
(((white))) guy here
i agree with this post, it's time that white men, er, i mean WE white men take a back seat and let minorities and women take the lead for once
that's why i #ShillForHill
Kekd and checked
This is shit bait. Blacks don't have a culture. They speak our language, practice our religion, and live off our tax dollars and technology.
They are inferior and everyone knows it.
>Show up early so you can stand near the front of an event
>Thinking that you are in charge of said event and a "leader"
Clearly these two situations are indistinguishable :^)
This is fucking bullshit. I don't even live there and I'm triggered af.
I'm sorry, but it is YOUR duty to fight this. This is not acceptable - people can't be this blatantly racist in public.
>carcetti after a long day campaigning, and pandering to the blacks of baltimore
I can't wait for the Wire 2.0
And that's why they're losing the election this year.
Why the fuck is it so hard for them to understand?
That was way chimpier than I was expecting. I thought it was going to be a college tumblrite, not some monkey babbling.
The dem pandering to the niggerest of the niggers is unsustainable and could collapse any second now.
>being a melting pot means "respecting values, cultures and beliefs of other peoples"
>a melting pot isn't "drop everything at the door and become an american"
wew lad, the shilling hasn't been this low-energy since jeb!
>be a minority
>be in country founded by whites for whites
>while enjoying whites ideas and technology aswell as gibsmedats whites decided to give you
>depend on said bimedats to succeed
>tell whites to fuck off because you're all 'equal'
>this is somehow ok
Why, because they're being racist to white people? You realize most white people are perfectly okay with anti-white sentiment, right? In fact a good portion of them encourage and defend it.
>america isn't cucked
brah don't even try to defend the term "melting pot" in any regard. it was a bullshit concept from the outset and, fun fact, it was literally invented by a british zionist jew. guy wasn't even an american.
She will always wake up a nigger.
I agree with this, I am white and ok with racism towards me. It doesn't bother me at all and honestly I can see where it comes from.
Pic related, my blue eye to prove my whiteness
It's kind of scary in a way. If we lose then in a few decades our children will be murdered in the streets
When whites become an outright minority they suffer worse than any other race
If she wants Clinton to win, why is she trying to alienate the white democrat voters?
Doesn't she know felons can't vote?
Is this a stealth leaf shitposting with a proxy?
Do you want AIDS? Because that's how you get AIDS.
Lol some of those white people act so confused. Whaaaa but I'm not a Nazi that means I'm good!
It will be their downfall. Well, that and hilarious levels of corruption.
like fuck we do. who built this machine?
who will righteously wreck the fuck out of everyone if we feel like it? Who paid for your burger, nigger?
Good. If you are stupid enough to be a cucked white then I hope you get beat by a black calling you a privileged pansie.
>people can't be this blatantly racist in public.
You're right----they can't. But niggers can.
So do they beat up the people that don't go along with this?
what will they do when Trumps is going to win ?
Only cucks. Anyone with self respect tires of that shit eventually. Which is why Trump is going to win the election.
This is not racism. I don't even know how anyone could consider this racist
For fuck sake, grow some balls.
Its now full circle
I agree, but normies don't see it that way so use it for what it's worth.
Please there aren't enough white people that are uneducated racists to win trump this election. Women, white liberals, blacks gays and Hispanics are an unbeatable coalition and will be the future of the planet.
White men, and again I am white, need to stop expecting things just because they are white guys. White men are only 30% of the nation and aging as a group. The hold on ppwer we have is weakening and is a sign the GOP is doomed.
In 15 years there will only be the democratic party at the nation all level.
mozart wasnt black,
but hitler was a fat black woman apparently.
>You realize most white people are perfectly okay with anti-white sentiment, right?
It more like Black Nationalism is mainstream in America. People don't even see it for what it is.
"Happy Kwanzaa", Shani-qua. Y'all be derivatives created by Yakub.
pic related.
>black power fist
Segregation isn't racist?
If I was such a fag to actually go out to a BLM rally I would use the Hispanic card to hold my position at the front of the crowd.
Then explain Trump's lead.
rosa parks would be so proud
I really wanna post this to my goybook with the title, "Such a powerful movement".
Should I do it, bros? Should I stir the shit?
Illusory bullshit and failing to take I to account the mass turnout of Hispanics to stop trump for tearing n g apart their families
Nah, Hispanics and half Hispanics will also have white privilege in the future.
He's right. When you look at the huge success of African nations, when you see black test scores, when you look at how wonderful black fathers are.
I mean God, look at Haiti! I so want that for our future.
>Women, white liberals, blacks gays and Hispanics
those groups hate each other, they just stick together at the moment because the media is pushing them together. But they'll soon realize it and eat each other up.
Look at LA, do you see blacks and hispanics living side by side? Hell no, they're killing each other as fast as they can.
Do you think black men and women like each other?
Do you think hispanics actually like gays?
I was going to say that he was a sneaky leaf only to be beaten to the punch by another leaf... What in the hell?!
>the huge success of African nations
ghana and maritius are okay
White men are the most destructive people that ever lived you would do well to remember that before encouraging us to let ourselves be subjugated.
You do know that this isn't going to stand, right? You're going to understand why you live in a system of white supremacy. If you seriously think we're going to meekly accept electoral disenfranchisement you're deluded. We'll take it back by force and your rainbow coalition be damned.
stay low, don't reveal your power level. Not yet...
>DNC is literally about putting the wants of non-citizens over the rights of citizens
>will win
>this is a good thing
Ayy lmao. If Hillary wins I'm claiming my social security disability for social anxiety/autism/depression. Time to get on the dole like every nigger and spic using public services without paying into them.
Black people are trying as hard as they can to turn every white person racist. I refuse to believe otherwise at this point.
No, which is why we frown on people like you shilling for it.