Why do republican voters vote against their own economic interests infavor for more corporate welfare ?
Majority of Republican voters vote against their own economic interests study finds
We get this thread every so often. If you have to post, sage.
Because they vote for what they think is fair, regardless of what benefits them personally
All these meme pictures are fake af
Read this, if you wanna know about our system
Because they may become rich in the future, retard.
The Nordic model only works in small effective nation states. The Soviets learned that the hard way.
Because they believe in principles like justice and giving credit where credit is due, rather than voting themselves free goodies somebody else worked for.
>$20 minimum wage
We have no minimum wage.
>33-hour work week
Not true.
Why don't you people sage? OP is just posting bait that has been posted plenty of times before.
Here's the reality of that so called "paradise"
Because they're a part of sliding this board
>republican voters see the bigger picture
>don't actually want government handouts
Arguing with b8 threads is what keeps Sup Forums from becoming a Reddit tier echo chamber.
>no blacks and muslims in denmark
hahaha good one
Even Bornholm is not free
It's quite impossible for that to happen because there's no restriction of express except child porn and off-topic threads, (maybe gore). Also, there are legitimate contrarian threads that can be responded to.
Also, the only upvote system is the number of responses a post gets and the more likely a thread will stay on the front page with replies.
>vote against their own economic interests
>Voting for free shit lmao
>Instead of ethics and morals
>32k median wage
>60% taxes
>High costs
No thanks
>communist that earn less, have high debts go around telling people who make more that it's better for them to get taxed more and have costs skyrocket
>Dane shuts it down
oy vey goy think of the minimum wage workers
It's an echo chamber if there's no contrarian position hence these threads. Sure we aren't in possession of uber censorship or up votes but if it's just one POV then it's an echo chamber.
>no contrarian position hence these threads.
But these are bait threads, which don't have to be posted. Shitposting is shitposting, which doesn't make the board better.
But these b8 threads only exist because Sup Forums is a conservative hive mind board wth no liberal posters
Fpbp sage in all fields.
>conservative hive mind board wth no liberal posters
But this literally isn't true. Again, you missed the point. It's not that hard to make contrarian threads that aren't bait. Threads like these that are made multiple times with the same format are especially heinous.
Nice fucking bait
isnt denmark the most prescribed anti depressant country in the world?
>following a country the size of one of our states
Ask me that when denmark is a superpower....
Ahh! The Denmark meme
It betters it in the sense it offers discourse to refine someone's posistion.
Also not all thes threads are b8. Some people do hold a differing view that can be debated