Why is no one talking about this?
Breminale festival, Germany:
24 cases of sexual assault so far
Why is no one talking about this?
Breminale festival, Germany:
24 cases of sexual assault so far
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Germans- do people there honestly believe Merkel did not foresee this and did it anyway, and just used the little dead kurd as her justification?
She had, had to understand that if let in one million, military age islamists, it was going to be chaos.
I'm actually hopeful of the Afd making some real gains. France...I'm worried about the little sarkozy-rothschild jew getting in rather than FN.
German user, what is the mood there now? Are people really starting to turn on here now?
This fucking spawn of a kurd people smuggler will one day be looked back on as the catalyst for the end of Europe as me knew it.
Feels bad man.
I just do t understand how the ordinary person can think this shit is ok. We've had niggers killing white ppl forever since slavery times so about 70% ofwhites her naturally dislike black people but Germany hasn't had that so you'd think shirt skins and niggers raping and murdering would have a more visceral reaction.
The fire is rising
Everyone but 2 guys (a friend and sadly my brother) i talked to (must be 80+) are anti-refugee. However, the way to react is very wide spread. Moderates (like my father) are angry and bitter, but hope for the next vote to change that. The younger generation (including me) is very torn - those who are aggressively pro-refugee and demonstrate for that shit, and those who are not far away from actually picking up a gun and starting an SA like organisation (or attack refugee homes at least)
Whatever way it takes, I hope that we will kick all the muzzies out and that there will be a united German Reich, but without a stupid civil war to get there...
>ficki ficki
>Why is no one talking about this?
Because this is normal now, and the regressive leftist scum is fine with it. Like always, they tend to like it when shit get worse.
No idea where you live or how your circle is, but this is just delusional. Germany is so incredibly blue pilled and cucked, it's unbelievable. I am actually disgusted and ashamed to be German at the moment. Germans are demoralized, weak, naive and hopeless in my experience. - They deserve another 100 terror attacks.
They probably asked for it anyway.
Does anybody have that Merkel "Make Germany the Middle East" hat picture
>Why is no one talking about this?
Because it happens every day. Happened before refugees and will continue to happen after refugees.
This fucking bullshit is so sickening. White people acting like they never raped or pillaged or did anything wrong.
I'm so sick of this bullshit racism. You're just scared because you are realizing how much better the refugees are. Your women are also realizing this.
It's only a matter of time until all of you racist shitlords become accepting of the truth.
>tfw no German ficki ficki gf
Because it's already everyday routine
Now user you shouldn't show the dead bodies! It's disrespectful!
Oh wait it helps my narrative, never mind
I will be praying that this day will come, brother.
And I think now that it will. These conditions inflicted on Europe can't sustain themselves forever.
>Because it happens every day.
Doesn't make it any less of a threat though. If no one reports shit like this, people won't know and it will just be "accepted" because it happens so often.
english source please
Middle Germany, small town near a big city reporting in.
Actually what said holds true also from my experience.
There are those that try to ignore the problem away and those who already sharpen their swords. And the ones who are blue pilled rapidly decline in numbers.
People at work sometimes let thoughts of a new genocide spill.
As a coworker said "This time it should be billions"
And you dont choose the people you work with like you do with your friends, we also earn quite good so no "hurrdurr poor people are at it again".
It´s actually quite interesting seeing the 4th Reich being born.
Also to note, the turks have shut up around here. In the past you had turks yelling and screaming on a weekly basis, people getting mugged etc. You cant a hear whisper from them ATM. They have actually started to fear Germans around them.
I dont think that this holds true for every part of Germany and it is still cooking on a small flame but the comments definately have gone far beyond normal for Germany.
You probably look swarty enough to get a free pass for raping in Germany, so get em as long they are fresh.
You have cheap transportation, a ton of government welfare, and the fucking internet. Why aren't there more protests? Why don't you run for local government?
I hope it is so but I fear the other Kraut is right.
Germany seems truly cuckland.
It's so cuck that perhaps you should hope for another 1 million rapefugees to come this year, the more come the more crimes they'll commit, thus perhaps uncucking your country
>24 cases of sexual assault so far
Fuck off JIDF
We already know those sexual assaults were Israel false flag assaults.
Christian refugee rapes an old woman. You want these people?
Dubble dubs checked. Also would like to see this picture.
I can't believe what these deluded and straight up evil EUcrats have done to our beloved Europe. The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
can you do a translation for the majority of people who don't speak German on /po/ fucking
sounds like germany has turned into a 'kurd-world nation' ah ha ha !!
Poor kid didn't stand a chance.
>It´s actually quite interesting seeing the 4th Reich being born.
lol bro you are fucking delusional.
>racist shitlords
Kindly, go shove it up your ass.
only 24? that's great.
You mean boyfriend. Women only make up 3% of the refugees fleeing war, which happen to all be men of fighting age perfectly capable of fighting for their country, except they can't..... for uh, reasons.
Shouldn't you be voting at the dnc?
K keep me posted
Seriously... because I'll be on the first plane over when shit kicks off
>People at work sometimes let thoughts of a new genocide spill.
No Lebensraum this time Hans. I don't want to get sucked into another European war. If you can do that, I'll campaign to make sure that the worst response to you firing the ovens back up is a strongly worded letter telling you how angry you are, while in reality, we'll all secretly be happy that you are putting Kebab in the oven.
So you honestly mean to tell me that *a 4th Reich is forming* when we have not had a SINGLE demonstration, at least for more law and order, after 4! attacks in one week which were related to radical Islam, refugees and Middle Eastern emigration?
okay :DDDD
our civil war would turn into some kind of usa and everyone else against the nazis who try to rise and overthrow the goverment and thats it..
What do you think why they have so many military bases here and all that shit ? Obviously not to protect us from outsiders
Did you notice Germans posting here never, ever post a translation or at least a quote from the articles? POST THE FUCKING TRANSLATION WITH YOUR THREAD FFS. I won't learn arabic just to read german news articles.
*angry we are
stop shilling against the reich
CIA and american occupation is over
Al Bremallah
who gives a fuck, only town that is worse is Bremerhaven
I too will write a VERY strongly worded letter, Hans.
Just you wait.
also not bad
Normal day in Cuckany
I still don't get how there are German users on this board. Why didn't you kill yourself already, take a look at your country you fucking scum lmao
Because I do not speak runes
People just don't express their concerns in public anymore.
Which isn't surprising, considering we'll loose our jobs for protesting and get fined for voicing dissent.
Glad to hear this. Hope you will get on your feet again soon.
Because not everybody speaks kraut, you fucking Hun.
The number of suspected sexual assault at the 'Breminale' increased noticeably.
The police investiges in 24 suspected cases. 5 suspects were determined by now.
Every suspect is a asylumseeker from Afghanistan.
'Report Mainz' covered the incidents and quoted two 17 and 18 year old visitors of the festival. They said that they were touched on ass, breast and crotch area.
Police guy:'we haven't had such a massiv sexual assault wave at any festival in bremen ever.'
blablabla cba to write more, that's everything you need to know. sue me for mistakes.
thanks for that, Germoney. You just gave me hope, and made me start to care again.
The day you guys start removing kebab with extreme prejudice will be the greatest happening in my life.
Turk motherfuckers had better fear you guys. You still have the drive in you to do the dirty job that needs doing.
Best of luck to you and yours.
I think its funny that the police are wasting resources on wide spread "hate speech raids" due to facebook posts while citizens are literally getting killed every day by foreign invaders.
Okay. So people are even too afraid to voice their oppinion in public - and you can actually be critical as long as you don't go full 14/88 - but a new Reich with right wing death squads is forming and we will fire up the ovens again. - Id's so glose, I gan almosd feel id! :DDDDD
good, very good
let the hate flow through you
I'm not reading that shit in Kraut tongue.
Give me a tl;dr you fucking Kistekopf Kraut cunt.
I assume it's about enrichment.
Why are you posting here instead of removing kebap? Chastity belt too tight to leave the house?
but i need an english source to let people know
There is no kebab to remove here
Check mate Ahmed
saw a middle aged WHITE FUCKING MALE in the bus today. he had a "refugees welcome" shirt on.
a young turk asked him if he is crazy. he just looked confused and both didn't bother to engage with each other after that.
it's funny that even shitskins think that way.
24 women assaulted sexually at music festival in Bremen, all were reported to be of afghan heritage and they supposedly circled the women and began touching them
Because we don't care about you fucking barbarian cucks. You brought this on yourself so deal with it, it's what you wanted. Stay out of my country and my image board you useless Nazi cuck fuck. How did you get out of your cuckshed to shitpost anyways?
Based Swiss voted to ban minarets years ago.
You idiot, you need a civil war to get rid of the muzzies. They aren't just gonna pack up and leave, considering how many of them are [n]generation """germans""".
Not to mention you absolutely need the civil war for the government purge.
Hell the other day one of my colleague said he was going to the local Pegida demo just to see who is there and "unfriend" them. (leftists scum will probably shit on you in every way possible, especially in the company)
Hell the others in my team are all rational people, a good bunch with kids. I am pretty sure they are ALL against rapefugees but would never speak about it in public. (I know some are)
Sure, I know very few that would acutally go full Auschwitz mode on them, but pretty much every person I know would at least look away if something bad happens to them... I always imagine that was the feeling in the 3rd Reich too. A few ready to start shit, a big mass that just does not give a fuck about "the others anymore.
There are more redpilled turks than redpilled Germans, and I mean the total numbers, not fractions.
My God, it's full of Quads!
man das sind erst zwei einzelfälle du rassist
Just be sure to call us again m8
This time we are going en masse
Why are you lying, Bergjude? de.statista.com
This is actually the SAME percentage as Germany had in 2012.
Thanks user, reading that was the first time I've had hope for Deutschland in ages.
I want to visit again. But I want to go back to a proud Germany, a land where they love their land, people, and flag as we burgers do when we're at our best. Where they don't seem afraid of offending people who mock their heritage and values.
Can it happen user?
Hans, remember this?
>Why is no one talking about this
Cuz it's normal nowadays in Germany.
You really are too inbred to get the picture I posted, aren't you?
Dude, I'd go full Auschwitz mode on them, and I hate Nazis. There have been too many clerics and imams openly stating that they want to take over the world, and given that I'm an atheist, I know that I'd be one of the first to go if they had their druthers. I don't give a fuck about most religions, but seriously, fuck Islam.
jesus fucking christ fritz your political compass is dangerously adrift
no judgement
To think you were once so proud and strong, that you had society all figured out and was a shining example of national pride and ethnic homogeneity.
We were one the same, but no one in modern history ever achieved what you did in the span of a few decades.
Wake up Hans, wake the boys and wake the girls. Your house is burning down around you and the smoke has long since filled the heads of those asleep.
>Why is no one talking about this?
This is a normality now. Why do they even still report this?
>go to mass gathering
>get groped by fugees
Yeah, no fucking shit.
>w-we are mildly annoyed! s-someone else will surely do something about this!!
We're not cleaning your mess. Your country is doomed and that's good
We were never the same as you, you multi-culti anglo cucklord.
Keep pretending that it wasn't anglos who literally FORCED Germany to accept turkish "guest workers" as early as the 60s and that it isn't anglos who started the trend of importing subhumans from their colonies.
Like EVERY music festival in Sweden. There was even some leftists who invites Afghans to a FOLK-MUSIC show.
They molested a lot of people, so media went into silence-mode..
kek nothing will happen
It's like these "guyz sign this online petition to show the government how angry we are!!!!"
They'd rather not talk about the unpleasantness. They're fine if somebody does it, as long as they can look the other way
Just tell them you hate them and kick them out.
>The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. However Turkey pressured the Federal Republic to allow its citizens to become guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this, and in 1961 an agreement was reached.[6][6]
Still the German government was happy to get cheap wörkers.
We 'died' a long time ago, everything after that point was the end. We were the same, during our late Empire days. Nationalism was the fabric of our society.
We weren't the same in body but in spirit to that end. Manipulation of our weakened states led to the current state of affairs and we are to accept it as modernity.
I'm so sick of this divide and conquer stigma, I am not responsible for the actions of my forefathers as I'm sure you are not either to your own.
I dig the ingrained guilt and duty.
It seems to escalate so quickly from issue to genocide. I mean it's efficient but extreme.
What's the percentage of these cheap workers' offspring that live on welfare now?
In any case, cheaper workers did not benefit the government it benefited the globalists and the banksters.
Not the people.
>Still the German government was happy to get cheap wörkers.
You can grab them from the west and the east, there are millions of unemployers in Europe.
Why import sand niggers? They're like gypsies.
Rates for rapefugees will be A LOT worse than for our Turks. Especially for the guys who integrated. Rapefugees will bei 90% on gibs for a decade, many forever.
KEK, it's not even benefiting the globalists or bankers. It's making you fuckers more nationalistic and they are a drain on your financial system, not a boon. Next time you need to put petrol in your car, fill it up with bleach. You'll be doing about the same thing the globalists and bankers have done with the refugees, and you'll have a full tank!
the reason is literally in the quote, man...
Why don't you at least demand better security at these events?
it was the usa as always you dumb illiterate.
Burgerboi, if you think funneling middle class money away from white people to the government is not LITERAL theft on behalf of banksters you're a fucking mong.
Look at your own country, where the middle class was quietly assassinated and now you're a nation of forever indebted slaves living off foodstamps.
Not to mention that destroying the coherence of majority white nations, directly benefits the globalists, since those are the people who actually have the IQ to rise up and put your governments on lampposts for trying your slavery shtick.
Because we didn't need this fucking security before you utter chimp.
No, that's not good and you will be fucked as well neighbour.
>mfw cucks tried to tell us we forced this meme as a false flag to make cripchan look bad