How is your 2nd amendment and your guns gonna protect you from government tyranny when the government has tanks and fighter jets?
Check m8, americucks
wtf i hate my rights now
How do the mudslimes?
Owning a tank is legal in some states.
Civilians can own tanks an jets though
And remember, politicians aren't bulletproof
We are gunna have this thread every day arent we.
How do you expect me to shoot cans in my yard without a 2nd Amendment?
>4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bullets per tank
pretty sure we can win mane
Volunteer army.
Tough to get soldiers to fight against their own families.
Could sustained small arms fire take down a tank? I don't mean a few thousand rounds - I'm talking literal millions.
Our tanks and jets are occupying EU countries. Better FedEx priority that shit. Plus their vehicles are made in my state, not hard to shut production down.
don't forgett number 5 that took out the first sign of a militia like defined in the second amendment
>this early
shoo shoo leaf
They'll go full Turkish.
Only once they have robot armies, small drone attack copters, and rolling drone tank bots will we be truly incapable of defending ourselves. The future is creeping up on us all very quickly
Dumbass shitposts about how americans who love the second amendment and freedom are gonna be controlled by guys in suits when it comes to killing other americans.
Sure thing buddy
>1 post by this ID.
Someone ban this faggot.
US military - less than 1 million
Armed US citizens - 200 million
Youre stupid huh
What are homemade IEDs? How do you think mudslimes destroy US vehicles?
This. Who's gonna be operating that shit when the enemy becomes the common man? Also, yes they could probably bomb the shit out of us, but that would leave them with less to rule over in the end. We give them power by being subservient to their will. If we resist and they kill all of us, the nation that we maintain for them will fall apart
usa population
318 million
usa military population
2 million
>usa is divided
>civil war
>50% angry
>50% passive + military
2 million vs 190 million
take a guess on who wins there buddy.
>How is your 2nd amendment and your guns gonna protect you from government tyranny when the government has tanks and fighter jets?
So would you rather have nothing to defend yourself with then ?
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
How many times do we have to go over this?
American soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors would not fire upon actual Americans. A vast majority of polled members of the US military report that they would desert or disobey if ordered to do anything that results in the loss of American civilian lives. Those tanks are useless when the enlisted guy from Virginia refuses to drive it. The destroyers won't fire their tomahawks if the captain gives the higher-ups the middle finger, or if the fire controlman refuses to operate the targeting systems.
You are a dumb fuck and deserve to be sodomized.
obviously the ones with the big guns, tactical advantage and fucking nukes in their arsenal.
euthanized*, but that works too
Jesus you sound like a fucking edgy idiot. Acting like a tough guy on the internet isn't going to help you at all.
you seem to be pretty new 'round here
Did you miss that coup in Turkey where the citizens stopped the army's tanks with their bare hands?
You're not actually defending that clown, are you? Read his fucking post again and tell me that nonsense doesn't infuriate you.
Underrated post
yeah seriously that guy sounds like some dumb kid trying to 'act hard' so he can feel better about himself
>Implying a civilian uprising wouldn't dismantle those all.
The second a nuke is used on our own civilians, Russia and other opportunistic countries will claim we are a oppressive regime and aid the uprising. A volunteer based military means we can expect at least a 25% defection rate and with them they bring knowledge on improvised IEDS and military strategy
Fuck off newfag.
Just admit it
you like shooting things, and it's worth some nutjob unloading into a school every now and again
we won't judge you for it
I know what you mean man. That's weird that people would actually say that kind of crap and mean it. They don't look cool or tough, just dumb.
You realize we had I.Ds on this board right?
>How is your 2nd amendment and your guns gonna protect you from government tyranny when the government has tanks and fighter jets?
Ever hear of the Viet Cong? The French Resistance?
Ask how unarrmed civilians stopped tanks, helicopters and figher jets in Turkey Coup.
honestly it's really cringy but no one seems to care
whatever i guess, they probably like that stupid crap
>When your such a newfag cunt you don't realize that we have IDs
Retard BTFO.
I've been here for a while and I just learn to live with it. Sometimes it gets to me but yeah, just ignore them :)
the fact that gun conyrol is still an issue means your handlers and their owners dont think the tanks and jets will be sufficient for them to achieve end game.
asymetric warfare and small team assissination programs are remarkably effective against entrenched, lumbering imefficient beauracracies....
On top of the samefagging he was replying to which is pasta in the first place. Who knows it might be some next level sliding though
How is your wife's strap-on going to protect you from muslim terrorists?
i'm kind of new around here and the rqcism and overall edginess is really offputting. i think i can handle it though thanks for the kind words man!
Have you even SEEN a gun?
maybe in few years riflemen will be torally obsolete but now is NOT that time....
No problem bro, don't let a few bad apples ruin the whole thing for you. You can find some good news every now and then, but kids like make me sick.
If his ass is already filled by his wife and her boyfriend where will they rape?
Anyone have an archive of these? I want to a redpill folder going but I can never seem to find any.
The only reasons we lost in Nam against gooks with old Russian tech was because our heart wasn't in it and the democrats went back on their word (surprise surprise). If you honestly think a volunteer military is going to fight and win against a hundred million well armed and angry citizens of its own country, you're fucking crazy.
lol yeah i usually just stick to the pure news threads and occasionally the 'happening' threads. i don't want to sound like an sjw or anything but those kinds of posts just get on my nerves!
will post for greater justice
Yeah I feel 'ya. Threads like this could have good discussion but then people like that other guy start shit and ruin everything. This is Sup Forums, though, so it's to be expected.
t. Samefag.
Do you have terminal brain cancer?
How well have tanks and jets quelled unrest in Iraq and Syria OP?
What the fuck are they going to nuke? Their own population centers? The places they want to control? Where they get the wealth to maintain that arsenal?
cops can organize thugs and degenerates to jump you on the streets if they know there could be no casualties (aka no guns involved), but if you are in a state where guns are legal and you own guns this is iikely to be less prevalent
I am now a #cruzmissile
Are you retarded?
thanks for pointing out the obvious, autist.
it's not much but it is a start. hope the mini-dump helps
Yeah, those government jets and tanks seem to be really effective against Muslims within Europe.
Hey look, it's this thread again.
Guess I'm gonna have to sage.
You don't need to attack the whole snake... Just the head of the snake.
People can use guns to kill the government and steal the tanks and jets.
>shooting people is a right
ayy lmao
That sounds like a leftist who wants to destabilize the US a not a patriot or even a white nationalist.
>How is your 2nd amendment and your guns gonna protect you from government tyranny when the government has tanks and fighter jets?
I take it you paid no attention to the attempted coup in turkey recently
It's legal to own guns here
If Ukrainians can do it we can
*and not a patriot or even a white nationalist.
The US army can't even fully control a country of goatfucking sandniggers hiding in the mountain.
I guess the US citizens should be alright.
Go choke on some lutefisk.
Jesus you morons this is a slide thread
t. samefag
>Wanting to take guns away from civilians so badly that you're willing to drop nukes on your home turf.
This isn't Ace Combat, fucko.
but you should be able to make thermite.
Computer games say yes
the military is majority right-wing too. I don't think the military would care that much if Obama or any left-wing politicians died
Once me and my crew take our M1a2 and my brother takes his A-10, we'll have something to defend the Americans with.
No, but a bottle, gasoline, and a rag will.
>the feds will destroy their own breadbasket