Protestants are the only true Christians.
prove me wrong.
Protestants are the only true Christians.
prove me wrong.
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The lord has blessed me with dubs! Take that papists!
Seems like no one is willing to debate a true follower of Christ.
poo in the loo
>Prove me wrong
I'm not Christian
If Roman Catholics were the first Christians, then shouldn't you follow them?
>The chiurch that spread christianity all over Europe was actually Satanic t. Baptist burgers
Satans a funny guy aint he?
Messianic Jews were the first christians
Because they are wrong and have corrupted Christ's teachings.
This is true but most Protestant and catholic denominations are cucked
protestants arent christians
Protestant scum, even tho the current pope is a cuck, we had more accomplishments in fighting infidels than you, Martin Luther was heretic, maybe Satan spawn, Charles Martel not Henry Tudor, deus vult XXD
Who /true_religion/ here?
Protestantism is division upon division where churches die out and denominations die out.
If Protestantism had its way, Christianity would no longer exist, or at least be so watered down it might as well become agnosticism. Martin Luther would look on with abject fucking horror at what he spawned if he saw what went on today.
Please stop this retarded shit.
How could you know they were wrong?
They successfully spread Christianity and were way before Protestants.
In my opinion, if one group of christianity deserves to be considered a white religion if would be the Roman Catholics. Otherwise it's pretty much pure Jewry from Semite/Arab lands
How can this be disputed? I don't know much about the Council of Trent, but it seems to me to be extrascriptural.
Protestant: Catholics follow man-made rules!
>Makes their own man-made rules and man-made interpretations
"I'm going to make an authoritive statement on a historically authoritarian institution, reguarding a split from the churches seat of power in rome to a de-centralised, individualist based euro-schism to its authority, which has appeal to the modern human in emerging conditions of 'consumer choice' (as it seems like religion is a product, even if 'gods' produce them), but no centralized authoritative ability to unite for war (ala crusades).
Ok OP, I'm sure you knew exactly what you were saying.
The Catholic church is the last remnant of the Roman pagan state religion.
Can't you see that this division between Protestant and Catholic has caused us to spend more energy fighting one another when we could be uniting and serving and spreading the Gospel and glorifying God? Why must we always tear each other down?
It's all Jewish fanfiction and both branches are cucks.
The Bible doesn't mention Protestantism at all.
Proddies BTFO
>Protestants are the only true Christians.
the only protestants are the Lutherans and Calvinists..Everything other then that is pure garbage and heresy. Even Luther wanted those who missused his ideas persecuted and executed.
Too bad Christ said that only those eat his flesh and drink his blood will gain eternal life.
Even Luther wasnt stupid enough to deny that.
>female priests
I agree with you completely, but as a political enemy (I think) of your theist position, I am totally okay with religions with no driving force of truth behind them dying out.
If we forgot how to make the ignition engine somehow, one day we would re-discover it.
If we forgot how to be 3rd day Adventists or whatever variant cult you like, then it would be gone forever and never return.
reproducible results -----> accurate reliable models of reality
un-reproducable results ----> unreliable, inaccurate models of reality, personality cults
Protestantism is pure degeneracy, especially Anglicanism
> "Catholic theology asserts that works are a predecessor to justification..."
That was the last I read. The guy have no clue what is talking about or, what is worse, is blatantly lying.
1987 The grace of the Holy Spirit has the power to justify us, that is, to cleanse us from our sins and to communicate to us "the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ" and through Baptism:34
But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. For we know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. The death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves as dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.35
1988 Through the power of the Holy Spirit we take part in Christ's Passion by dying to sin, and in his Resurrection by being born to a new life; we are members of his Body which is the Church, branches grafted onto the vine which is himself:36
[God] gave himself to us through his Spirit. By the participation of the Spirit, we become communicants in the divine nature. . . . For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.37
1989 The first work of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conversion, effecting justification in accordance with Jesus' proclamation at the beginning of the Gospel: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."38 Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accepting forgiveness and righteousness from on high. "Justification is not only the remission of sins, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man.39
>First grace, second and first work "conversion" They cannot be separated.
This was the savior of protestantism.
I'm sure you think in baptism you are actually crucified, right? And when Jesus told parables he was only speaking literally? Mysteries and symbolism go hand in hand.
Only real Christians are Christian Jews
>Synagogue of Satan
Same thing brother man. Revelation has a lot to say about the Apostate church (RCC)
Ave Maria
>he plays EU4
>as a Protestant
>where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in there midst
>personal relationship with god on individual basis
>not a contradiction
>Be Protestant
>Use a translation of the (Catholic) Bible that was assembled at Hippo
>In fact, this is the only place you're allowed to get your theology due to Sola Scriptura
Never said I was a protestant. I subscribe to christian identity.
A declaration of heresy only makes sense when you have an established orthodoxy as well as an authority capable of handing out such a declaration. Simply put, a protestant declaring any other sect to be heretical does not make a scrap of sense since the foundational principle of the protestant reformation (that which most clearly separates it from both Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy) is its rejection of apostolic authority and its assertion of the primacy of individual conscience. This is why there are literally tens of thousands of protestant sects, each with their own varying interpretations of scripture. When the underlying principle of protestantism is that the individual is the sole interpreter of scripture, and that the Holy Spirit will infallibly guide each individual to the interpretation which their salvation requires, then there is no logical basis by which a protestant may declare anyone else to be a heretic--neither in the administrative sense of having an authority structure capable of handing down such a judgement, nor in the logical sense of being able to make such a judgement without first contradicting your foundational principles.
TL;DR: learn your own theology, bro.
Also greed is good is an American value. Americans worship snakes and celebrities who they raise up as idols and calls others ignorant and superstitious.
Remember kids, Protestantism lead to the spawn of Mormonism.
Funny, not one priest I've ever known said anything shitty about Protestants or that you would go to hell for not being Catholic, but Protestants attack us all the time.
Because they are so Pagan it's insane. When Rome adopted Christianity as it's official religion, it was thanks to Constantine. At the time, Rome was entirely Pagan. He wanted to include Pagan traditions so it would be easier for people to transition. That's how you get pic related.
>Christmas is Pagan
>Easter is the Feast of Ishtar
>They got ride of Graven Images commandment so they could have idols
>Pagan symbolism (pic related)
>They changed the sabbath from Saturday to the Pagan Sunday.
>Invented Transubtantiation
>Invented confession of sins being a man->priest practice instead of man->God
Not only that, but the Catholic church is responsible for some serious atrocities in the name of "Heresy!". There are Protestant denominations that do this too, but any Christian religion who murders those who have "le wrong belief" is not God's church. Catholicism has never been God's church.
Who are the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths? Three Germanic tribes that were wiped out completely by Holy Wars of Emperor Justinian because they had different Christian beliefs. Now they're extinct and had all their documentation burned completely. Similar happening with the Waldenses, Inquisition—anyone who dares practice the faith in their own way.
People slag on Protestants for having so many denominations, but that's only because the Catholic church had a monopoly on Christianity a thousand years. When everyone split off during the reformation, there was still a lot of truth left to be discovered in the bible. The biggest fault of Protestantism is that new denominations would spring up with new truths (like Saturday sabbath), but other groups wouldn't go along with it because their leader didn't discover it. So you end up with Baptists doing baptism by immersion because it's Biblical, but not Saturday Sabbath because the Seventh Day Adventists discovered that one.
Protestants should have stuck together, true. But Catholicism is still Pagan.
Catholics or Orthodox are the only two that can have a serious claims to be the true Church.
Protestantism is just the name for the chaotic multitude of heresies that Luther unleashed upon the world.
Give up Protestant heretic, admit your error.
I think the issue at hand here is the order or relationship between faith and works. With which of these following statements would you agree?
>"Faith alone brings justification, and this brings good works."
>"A faith that has no works is not saving faith."
>"Faith with works is necessary for justification."
>"Works are necessary to maintain justification."
I'm interested in what you think about the rest of the article.
>funny, not one priest I've ever known said anything shitty about Protestants
Yea they are too busy raping little boys to remember to this
Sola Scriptura.
We have the internet bro it's not hard to learn that 50% of what the Catholic church teaches is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
Just cross reference the denominations and yes, let the Holy Spirit guide you. That you have no faith in it is telling.
What a load of horseshit. You all are pagans and I weep over your soul.
Daily reminder that divide and conquer threads like this is why Islam is winning in Europe and in the west.
Galatians 3:28. We are all united in Jesus Christ. Let us not forget this. It is our strength, and how we will win against Satan's religion (Islam)
>That site without a design
I fucking hate reading on that site, give me something more aesthetically pleasing.
Symbolism is one thing, he was confronted by an angry mob after he said these things only further illustrate his point by asking them to gnaw on his flesh.
Paschal Lamb.
They reject Christ and seek after idols.
>Ye will know them by their fruit
They are just as lost as the "jews"
>Taking words in a book translated eleventy billion times in antiquity at face value.
God blessed protestant Sweden during the 30 years of war. There's no other explanation. Our military achievements during this time were phenomenal. We shouldn't have triumphed, but we did.
Catholicism is heretical to the core. It's outright satanic and needs to be purged from the planet.
Good to finally be on the same side as your Swede. I pray and weep over your peoples.
What happens when a country abandons Christianity entirely?
quick question where did protestants in the US come from in europe?
>A book assembled and written in large part by the Catholic Church discredits the Catholic Church
Something doesn't add up, here.
Obviously it is because is the main cause for the Luther rant.
To the Catholic Church there is no relation between Faith and Works, the main Theological virtues are Faith, Hope and Charity. If you are a Christian by grace you are Faithful, Hopeful and Charitative.
Virtues are not bough or earned, are given by God to those who need them.
There are not one without the other two or two without the other one.
Is this simple.
From the Early Christendom point of view this is quite easy to understand. Now the children are baptized and there is no need of a real conversion before it happens. That's the root of the confusion.
They are not the only ones who assembled the Bible, user. Look up Textus Receptus (center stream).
>Lost Manuscripts
Oh God, Protestants are getting desperate now. Do you still read the Queen James bible, a politically motivated translation put into circulation by a famously homosexual King? Absolutely disgusting.
Anglicanism is heresy then?
What are you going on about? I know quite a bit about the Bible, because I study it all the time. If you care about God, you'll want to study His Word.
You have to look at all the translations, yes. Even the King James has misleading translations (such as Gehenna, Sheol, Hades, Tartaroo all being translated as "Hell" even though they refer to different places, where different entities go for different punishments).
Well, I agree with what you said as you have outlined it here. Why is it there is so much strife, then? Do you believe baptism brings sanctification, even if it is separated from faith or the person is incapable of contrition/repentance, as in the case of infants or young children who haven't "counted the cost," so to speak?
per article VII of the Augsburg confession, all of you dirty memorialist low church faggots, and calvinists and Arminians with improperly taught gospel are just as heretical as the papists.
so, basically, the pre-tridentine church, the Lutheran Church, and some high church Anglicans are the only non heretical church.
other than that, the rest of you "protestants" are doing it just as incorrectly as anyone...
Lad, even if Protestantism were true then Anglicanism would still be heresy because it recognises itself as apostolic and derives authority from, I believe James, rather than the Bible itself. Plus you have women priests and gay bishops.
All the Bibles come from original lost manuscripts, user. The Bible started as an oral tradition and is around 6000 years old. We have to look through the stream of time and compare everything we have, because that is our duty as Christians.
Almost no difference between cathocucks and protestajews, Orthodox is the only way.
Between some sects of Protestants and I admit I don't know much about Orthodox, they are probably closer to the teachings of Christ, than the abomination known as the Catholic church.
I don't have a problem with women as priests,
Gays however can get out.
Just because I am an Anglican does not mean I agree with the Church of England.
First to come, first to go
They were the first ones to corrupt the word of God.
This is common fucking knowledge.
I thought you were rejecting the bible at Hippo and misinterpreted the picture you posted. But the graph is wrong. The Queen James version used both Douay-Rheims and the Latin Vulgate in translation, among other English bibles. IIRC they used the Tyndal bible, too.
While Luther did start the schism that separated catholics from protestants, he did this because he reviled the theocratic ruling class that dominated Western Christendom. He in no way wanted protestants to continue down this retarded path of further division, you're right. So why not put our faith in Lutheranism? My family and I our Lutherans and it is the single closest denomination to Catholicism.
Between the mentions I've read here and a former professor from college I've seen enough talk about Orthodox now to have my curiosity piqued. Where can I find more information?
catholics had better artists
The Church of England recognizes both John Fisher and Thomas More as Christian saints, both men who opposed the creation of such an institution and didn't recognize its legitimacy. If your own saints reject your Church, why don't you?
>shitposting since 1500
Not going to prive you wrong, troll.
Educate yourself.
Not going to prove you wrong, troll.
Educate yourself.
what kind of Lutheran are you, bro?
The only true christians are the Orthodox, the rest are just heretics
Because it is run by a cuck and has been fucked up beyond recognition does not mean it's core beliefs are wrong.
There are probably historical reasons for recognising them as Saints, such as to pacify the Catholics or Rome.
>Be Orthodox
>Enslave your fellow Christians and sell them to the Turks
>Scream "we dindu nuffin" when the lads come a knockin' for revenge
Last Byzantine Emperor rejected Orthodoxy in favour of Catholicism, and his nobles betrayed him. Mehmed II had them killed for the dishonour.
No they weren't. The Jews done believe that Jesus Christ is God. Therefore, they are not Christian. Catholicism was the first Christian church and thus the church of God.
They used everything they had, but it's largely based on Textus Receptus.
Why would Catholics care who Protestants venerate? You already turn your back on the holy tabernacle then consider it some great taboo to turn it on the Queen
As someone who has visited a Lutheran church several times and attended Mass once I can attest that this is true. But I still get the feeling it's all about religion and ritual. I didn't care for the procession at the start of the service where we fix our eyes on symbols, where the pastor tells us we are forgiven of our sins because we read from the liturgy-- it seems like going through motions without thought.
The human genome project(run by a christian) determined that humans came from a group of about 2000 individuals roughly 50,000 years ago. Adam and eve did not literally exist. Not scientifically possible.
No adam and eve.
No fall
No need for a savior
You're all wrong.
I don't talk about what I believe, I'm talking about very basic Theology.
Sacraments are not magic.
There is grace in the sacrament, but the will of the person is fundamental.
Ok, lets put an example: a religious person in comma. The Anointing of the Sick requires confession and repentment. But in this case ecclesia suplex: the Saints Assembly intercede for this person to help him in a dangerous situation. The same reason Catholics ask the already dead Saints for intercession.
Baptism is quite especial. Thats why there are godparent to take the responsibility of the recently baptized and his faith.
As I said before, this is the problem.
The early Baptism required proofs of faith (ie.: free the slaves)
And that's where this confussion comes.
Lutheranism > All Other Faiths
At that time the Roman Catholic Church was fantastically corrupt, we left just before that piece of shit Rodrigo Borgia became pope.
On Thomas More apparently Pope Pius XI canonised More in 1935 as a martyr. Pope John Paul II in 2000 declared him the "heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians." Since 1980, the Church of England has remembered More liturgically as a Reformation martyr.
We don't remember him as Saint.
Its a metaphorical story written in a way that the writer understood.
Of course we're the only true Christians. Who would say otherwise?
Oh, yeah. The Cucklics.
Catholicism is based on the false doctrine of universalism, in the sense that the "church" is one institution rather than every congregation being a church as the word church means and the term is used in scripture.
This universal doctrine is in the title "Catholic" itself. A misplaced urgency to be "one, holy apostolic" has caused the emphasis in church teaching and tradition at a sacrifice in scriptural authority
Members of the Catholic Church can be Christian just as members of the Lutheran Church can, even though I believe both of these hold incorrect interpretation of scripture
"Protestant" means coming from the Reformation, not a requirement for biblical obedience.