>Daily reminder that renting a house instead of buying one is the same as throwing your money in the trash
Daily reminder that renting a house instead of buying one is the same as throwing your money in the trash
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Yup. Thanks for the reminder.
>not living at home saving all you can and buying a home paying it off and renting it out and repeating the process until you don't have to do shit but sit back and collect your money from rental properties
For you. Not for the guy you're renting from
I would rather worry about owing 1 months rent vs 15 - 30 yrs of a mortgage if something happened to me and I couldn't work.
Your move Texas
Is that a bucket of KFC or a nigger?
I can't afford to buy one.
thank you for the reality check
1st of all, no
Paying rent = me having a place to stay and keep my things
Throwing money in the trash = getting nothing
However you are right, makes more sense to pay a mortgage
So you have never owned a house then?
Currently living in a small apartment to save up money, pay 4000 kroner (500 dollars) a month, that includes unlimited water/warm water/10 gig internet connection/electricity/repairs.
If I decided to live here for the rest of my life I'd pay less than if i bought a house, because as you apparently don't know owning a house includes a ton of running costs as well.
>Daily reminder that if you buy a house today you are buying at the peak of a housing bubble
This applies to most western countries.
I won't put money into stuff that I can't pack up and leave with. Who knows how long we have, until we can only die in the race war or retreat to somewhere else.
Are you serious? You just sell the house and pay the bank back what's left of your loan. You should still have a substantional amount of money left if you paid of the loan for money years. Then you can start renting but some money on the bank.
Nope, sorry boomer shill, I'm not paying into your pensions. I enjoy not having to maintain a property and I enjoy the ability to not have to be stuck in one place for the rest of my life.
You know you can buy AND sell houses right? It allows you to move places.
I have spent the last 4 years building credit and now I'm saving for a down payment. Am I doing it right or no?
Unfortunately, renting a home is generally the cheaper, and only, option available these days.
While I agree that ownership of a home is better than renting forever, they are also jewed to fuck.
If you can't pay off a mortgage within 5 years, that house is above your means.
He is just one of those retards that believes that because housing prices increased last year they will increase next year and because of that you make money by getting into the housing market because your property values always goes up.
Then the credit expansions stops and you have a 1 million dollar loan or a property that won't even sell for 1/3 of that because of all the other retards that went into debt they couldn't afford are now selling of their houses.
Save your money, buy in a few years when it goes down.
>implying you actually own a house you buy
The market is trash. I'm not waiting around for years hoping somebody buys my house for well below real value.
If you buy a house you are a maximum goy.
Bullshit. I live in Calgary and a mortgage is about 2/3rds of what renting the same place would be right now.
And you only have to pay out of your ass for transfer taxes and paperwork twice! What a deal!
I'm living in my parents million dollar house that they bought for like $62,000 back in 1985.
Why would I leave? This area has turned into an upper-class area in the last 30 years. If I leave here, I would be forced to live with the peasants in peasant-land.
Just don't buy when there is a housing bubble (like right now in the US) or you are screwed.
>living in Suburbia
>not living on an acreage in a remote area
Yes user, buy a house, their price won't go down ever, that's ridiculous! Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
>Buying during the worst housing bubble in recent years
Ok nigger
You don't need credit - it's a scam
what you need is to prove to them that you're not a risky loan, credit scores is how they figure this out, but you can negotiate to that point without the credit score to begin with.
If you walk into a bank with 5 years of a 15 year mortgage in cold cash ready to go, and you have a reliable job, are healthy, have a family, etc. they will not turn you down.
They want money. They want to know you won't fuck their investment over. They will try and use your lack of a credit score as leverage - you negotiate, talk to multiple banks, and/or tell them to fuck off.
I agree. Unfortunately cost of living is too high to save up a down payment.
I'm 29 and live with my parents.
Why are all these retards buying houses in areas affected by housing bubbles?
It has to be the stupidest bullshit I've ever heard to. It's actually why I'm packing up and moving to the east coast because I refuse to pay 1/4 million for a fucking condo.
youre right m8. that's why i just bought a house. no more good goy behavior for me
>not selling most of your properties right now at the bubble and buy new ones when it pops
As a bank family we all have "crippling dept" because we own a ton of houses because we buy and sell alot.
This. Most mortgages calculate to many, many years in the future. Why would you buy in at the top of these rich, overvalued, bulltrap prices?
I guess you don't understand what the word "generally" means.
You can find plenty of instances where renting is more expensive than ownership, but far more often you'll find the opposite.
That's because renting isn't desirable, ownership is. Renting is also easier to accomodate than ownership. Supply/demand creates different prices, and those prices favor renting.
Just because you can pull up an anecdotal case doesn't mean rent is more expensive than ownership; doing that just makes you a dumbfuck.
Well I already have impeccable credit so does that make it easier for me?
We are talking never missed a payment here.
>Why are all these retards buying houses in areas affected by housing bubbles?
Because that is where the work opportunities are for most people.
Unless you want to live in a fucking ghetto.
Having a good credit score is much easier to get than 5 years of cash in a 15 yr mortgage.
If you're smart with your credit cards you will never pay interest.
i would if i had the money bitchass
as long as you can pay what you cost financially why be upset about it?
why western parents love to kick their children out asap?
Wow genius
>buy house low, make bank pay
>sell house high
>give bank money back
>keep the rest
>rinse, repeat
Why would somebody go out and buy a house, then charge less than what a mortgage + upkeep would be? It makes no sense these people get into real estate for a reason.
You must be quite the pussy magnet
Because you can get multiple people renting in a single house
fucking christ how old are you?
What will you do when there is a housing bubble and all that sweet money you put into the house is worth nothing?
No. It's not that simple you faggot.
Why can't we just live in a van down by the river?
I live alone in a flat my parents pay for
Well I live on the west coast of Canada. I get paid about $18/hr here at 22 years old. It's still not enough to afford a half a million dollar mortgage for a basic house.
I'm moving to the east coast with my woman (she's an acupuncturist so once she gets business we will be doing very well) and I will be taking a small paucut but it is much more affordable.
You know it.
Using a credit card is great if you aren't a retard
>don't miss payments
>do pay interest
>cash back bonus
bide your time, renovate it.
fucking idiot portugal not even european
>confirmed 7 7
I got my credit score to over 750 doing that.
>multiple people renting
I wouldn't have roommates. Unless you're talking about basement/top floor apartments. But then you're into thousands for a reno.
Can't buy a house because my student loans are preventing me from getting a loan. Have to rent till I graduate.
Where is a good place to set up my own homestead? Been doing some research on various state property laws. Florida has some decent protections under homestead outside of municipalities up to 160 acres. Any other states also have friendly homestead provisions?
Pro-tip incoming
Got my first house, only make $10/hr and have only had the job one year.
I got approved for 140k, and I found a house, the only house in the area in a rural area (40 miles from seattle) got the house for 129k.
Value is already up to 150k. Once I am done renovating it, it should be a 200k house. I plan to borrow against that equity and buy the next property with a conventional loan so I can get foreclosures and shit
Reminder that being a perma virgin while living with your parents forever is the way to go.
* unless you live in Greece; where if you own property, you are a sucker.
>Daily reminder that buying food to eat is literally flushing money down the toilet
This guy gets it. Woman just want to steal your precious bodily fluids anyway.
Most people that buy fucking houses end up paying for that shit for the majority of their adult life and don't really see the benefits of it.
People like to hoard and own shit even if there isn't any particular rational reason for it. And when economy tanks their dreams are crushed in a matter of a seconds by the banks.
I know this a bit too much for that brain of yours, since judging by the level of your reply you must at least have a few abbo genes floating around in that mud you call blood, convict.
False. You throw more money in the trash with the interests of buying a house. Also if you got a lot of money it's better to invest it rather than buying a house in cash.
>not getting with a woman who already makes lots of money and gives you good sex
It's like you niggers can't into life.
She is still stealing your bodily fluids
>Buying a 150k house
>10k in closing costs
>Have to buy fridge, washer and dryer 2k+
>525 mortgage just a fraction of that going to the principal
>paying 400 a month for insurance and property taxes
Starting to think I fell for a meme
Nigger I don't care she can have my bodily fluids. She's the reason I can drive a nice truck and can drink expensive liquor.
Wish id bought a house years back when they were handing out mortgages like candy
Here's my anecdotal experience with the matter-
I'm at the age now where a number of my friends are buying houses. Prices are still pretty high so that means either buying a "fixer" at a reasonable price or paying out the nose and hoping prices don't drop much further.
I have two friends that went the fixer route and one who took out a massive 30-year loan on a newer property. The two fixer guys are perpetually broke because any time they get a lump of cash it has to go back into the house. The guy with the newer house is underwater because he owes more than he could sell the house for currently.
Then there's me. My fridge broke recently and all I had to do was make a single phone call and boom, a day later I have a brand new fridge. My company relocated not long ago and it's surrounded by new condos. All I have to do is wait till September when my lease is up and I then live 5 minutes from work. Just picking up and moving is not as easy to do when you own the place.
>bought a house in belguim last year
>recently finished.
>live in constant fear that the housing market in belguim will go in free fall and i'll be paying for 25 years for a house that now costs a fraction of what it was.
The bubble is still there, it even went up in 2009, i'm starting to think it will never pop here in belguim.
I hate it when they empty out my piss jugs that i save up for home made exotic leather tanning. i mean fuck i dont want a hot pocket. shit let me an waifu BE you know leafbro?
Doesn't the seller pay closing costs?
T. Poor person
We will stil come out ahead.
The point isnt that renting has less waste in the cost. The point is:
1. After 10ish years you can extract capital from your property for other ventures if you wish
But most of all
2. By retirement age we literally will not be paying anything BUT taxes and, if we still want to, insurance.
A lifelong renter will forever be paying mortgage, taxes, insurance, and profit for someone else, meaning they have to either remain working longer or sock away far morebmoney for retirement.
'Mobility' is the real meme and most of us (milenials) fall for it because we think we are finding success in a career, and in the process we lose sight of what really matters which is ownership of assets.
I use 'we' simply to demonstrate perspective, of course. I own a home with land and invest in equities.
Because in western countries we believe in independence. I wouldn't expect a chinamen to understand.
worse still is when they mess with the macromade decorations and start wiping the smears off the walls, i mean FUCK OFF BITCH it's edgy it's niche you know, like these walls are shit i need to be freed.
>daily reminder that owning a home brings with it myriad costs associated not with owning the asset, but just maintaining it so that retains some degree of value.
Owning a home is like having a second job once you get home.
There is nothing wrong with renting.
worry about 1 months rent for the rest of your life you fucking faggot.
Unless you need a mortgage.
Having a mortgage is literally handing your money to the Jews.
correction: most people take loans for shit they don't need. but houses are important m8, just don't buy in the crest of the bubble
>Own and live in a house in a collage town
>Go to school rent free and make profit every month
>Roommates pay all of the expenses of owning a house
I'm living free while renters pay off my mortgage, when I graduate I can sell for a profit also.
It all depends what you negotiate... I dont think this seller really had the money
tfw your tenant doesn't claim rent, claims squatters rights, trashes the place and brings the property value down.
lol what bubble faggot? maybe it's just in shit states but in cali homes are about where they should be and property will always be sought after here. you know because it's not a shit tier state with no jobs and everyone wants to live here.
That's not true, look up any model of housing tenure choice available in basic public economics textbooks.
swing and a miss maplenigger
look into what it actually means when you "own" real estate
Property tax means in the end, you're still just renting.
We're only on this dirt ball for so long, everything will be trash in the end.
>tfw you don't rent to niggers, get a lawsuit, have to pay out 10 years worth of rent when you just started renting it out a month ago
>tfw I bought my house right at the lowest point in the housing bubble crash for a song, and got a 2% interest rate to go with it
Feels good guys
wow good job using daddy's money to buy a house
With all the fees and interest, it often costs less to rent, over the long run.
Houses are utilities. Ownership is overrated specially in the times we live.
Now owning land is something completely different. If you say owning land is important, i'd say that is a more truthful statement. Owning house important? no. Provided you are getting a fair deal in renting, it's better then taking a loan from the eternal jew to acquire something that might not even be that valuable down the line.
Wanting to own shit so bad you take up loans is what the banks want and crave.
Kiyosaki is that you?