You've got to be joking me. Is there any hope left for Europe? What if ISIS in Syria has just been a distraction from Islamic terrorists at home?
You've got to be joking me. Is there any hope left for Europe...
>by every means
Such as hand-wringing, dawdling, playing dead, etc.
by every means
translated into french
that article is certainly a push in the appropriate direction
>rev up those crying cartoons
what are they going to do?
put fucking boots on the ground?
>by all means
so the occasiional airstrike? noice
Here's hoping he actually decides to help the enemy "win" en masse.
Fucking gutless socialist cowards
What's Hollande gonna do? Start bombing Paris?
Muslim terrorists believe that they'll be teleported straight to an orgy in heaven once they are killed during their
That's the only possible explanation for why 2 young men would throw their lives away to murder an old infidel who
was near death anyway.
Islam needs to be banned, and muslims need to be deprogrammed. There is no orgy in the clouds waiting for
them, there is no satan or hell wanting to torture them forever. Many muslims must have seriously low IQ's to
actually believe this so deeply.
Where do guys think today's terrorist attack will happen?
My dubs say Sweden
did you ever think maybe its just fun to be a terrorist?
>Is there any hope left for Europe?
Every means necessary. Could we possibly have the French (surrender memes aside) launch a ground campaign against ISIS?
Here in Amsterdam to be honest family.
Right? I bet after a three month tour breaking in sex slaves in Syria, you're probably all fucked out and tired and blowing yourself up just seems like the last thrill left.
Wage war against them (((by every means.)))
Will he stem the tide of illegal aliens into the country? No.
Nigger ain't gonna do shit.
The problem is the growth of Islam in our own countries, not some group in Syria.
We need to be very clear about traditional Western culture and values, and equally clear in sending a message that all those that don't want to live in this culture can fuck off.
Ban mosques, demolish those that exist, ban Islamic practices like Halal and ritual circumcision.
Aggressively educate the youth about the greatness of Europe. European history and culture.
Fucking beat them with it until the either love it or they leave.
Multiculturalism must be purged.
There is no need for that. Just secure european borders and deal with radicals inside. Deport all families of terrorists out of the country. A lovely excuse to deport muzzies.
Give some gibs me dats to Pakistan and they will take them all
Deport them to Atlantis
i support this
theyre going to fuck that place up even harder though
Why do these fucking retards keep talking about ISIS. ISIS is just a symptom of a bigger problem, and just the last in a long line of Islamic terrorist organizations. Even if they defeat them, a new one will come along. Hell, there are dozens of them around the world, and even without an organization to claim responsibility, muslims will still be blowing themselves up in Europe.
There's only one enemy, and that's Islam. Get rid of Islam, and the problem will disappear.
A ground campaign where? Paris? Marseille? The problem is on their door step. The horse has already bolted. They're fucked.
All they can hope to do is step up intelligence agencies and standards of investigations and then implement a zero tolerance possibly on anyone found guilty of any links to extremism.
I wonder what the fuck these niggers are thinking?
Islam is a form of retardation, it spreads like a virus and there needs to be a cure from it. Only a few more attacks and Europe will fight back... however what comes next will have to be HUGE enough to annoy Europeans enough to fight back.
What, again!?
I thought he did that after the concert shooting.
Fucking coward liberal frog, can't see shit through to the end, he'd rather have his forces stomp around African in some "glory" campaign.
The same as always: Nothing
This is kinda true. If ISIS didn't trigger these attacks in Europe, then Al Qaeda would organise them.
the problem is you can't trust filth like Hollande to do it
They'll bomb Iraq some more but refuse to stop the refugee influx(and naturally create more refugees in the process)
> draws line in the sand
> says tough things
> changes nothing in his campaign of bombing a few people in Syria from the rust bucket Charles de Gaulle
A few moments later
> new attack
> Draws line in the sand....
>The problem is the growth of Islam in our own countries, not some group in Syria.
this. globalist scum try to channel anger at islamic terrorism into ineffectual interventionism abroad while changing nothing relevant locally.
Not all out war again Hollande. Whats this your 10th all out war on ISIS
> A ground campaign where? Paris? Marseille?
Good start. I'd wait for the next Eid prayer and open with some air strikes though.
There's already troops on the ground... in France.
I think "ISIS" is a fucking meme. Even if we eradicate all their bases of operation some kabal would still be around to get muslim or nigger retards to blow shit up all over the world
Now is the time for fortification and securing borders. Equip the western world for dealing with all outside threats. Stop focusing so much on this one group. We need to be building towards some XCOM earth defense network with lasers and forcefields and shit
But im afraid we are going to come to a point in history where we have to either accept hardcore big brother global authoritarianism or globalism. Im not sure which is worse
Women don't fight back. They cry and do group hugs. The west gives women too much power, so our defenses are weak. Women spread their legs to invaders, they don't pick up swords.
God, Europeans are so fucking dumb.
What did they think would happen?
>Hurr DURR let's just let in random immigrants claiming to be refugees
>even though the UN says less than half are even Syrian
>HURR DURR let's just let in random immigrants claiming to be refugees
>even though there is a huge blackmarket for fake Syrian passports.
You know the funniest part? They were probably going to memorialize the Paris attack as though it were a one time thing. Then they get 80 more dead. FUCKING EIGHTY less than a year after that.
Wew lad, better write solidarity on twitter and color your buildings more! That'll do the trick!