

> Never Trump and Never Duke Exposed as GOPe Traitors!

> Melania Trump Plagiarism - The Real Scandal

> David Duke Exposes the Black Lives Matter Terror in Baton Rouge

> The David Duke Show 7/26/16

> The David Duke Show 7/25/16

> The David Duke Show 7/22/16




>Alex Jones
>Young Turks

There are 8,000,000 crooked nosed deviants in the United States alone and they have countless shabbos goy collaborators. Do not let them control the narrative. We're winning this fight.

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Stormweenies need to go. You've been disavowed by the Emperor himself. Sorry there is no place for David Duke here

Is it true he's a CIA plant?
If so are there any proofs/leads?

Looks like dukeforsenate.com is down.


why does he look so fucking evil? have I been brainwashed into thinking white people are evil?

I wonder who's behind this post


lmao, we trolled him for good

Yes and davidduke.com is being DDOS'd by JIDF as well.



also checked


76 get

oh well that's the next best I guess

oh hey look it's that faggot who was shitposting DD in every thread yesterday
nobody gives a fuck about this cutfaced fuck
have a nice day


How'd that nose surgery go Mr. Rosenblum? Duke is polling higher than Trump in LA.


David Duke is my hero.

He is one of the only individuals standing up for the interests of white people.

You guys know that the KKK is a Democrat organization, right?

you sound like a cuckservative

they like to bring this up and say L0L GOTCHA LIBERALS YOUR THE REAL RACISTS

Regular shilling wasn't enough for you leaf?

anyone could be a plant but there is no evidence besides baseless conjecture. you should watch his interviews with the mainstream media, i dont think anyone who was just pretending could btfo people so hard

Found the subversive democrat


David duke is an irrelevant egotistical faggot and needs to gtfo

Stop shilling, leaf

Let's hear you flesh out this argument kikeboy. You two bit hacks are losing quickly, my old man says you guys won't make it to 2100 unless you find a way to censor and control the internet.

I've met plenty of decent Jewish people btw and David makes it clear not to blame every Jew, I have a half Jewish friend who is terrified about what organized Zionism is doing to this planet. Duke is waking up the masses while Trump marries off his daughter and pledges allegiance to Israel. Trump is doing great things but Duke is the only one talking about the real issues.

Cringe as fuck. You're probably doing this to be ironic or you're an anti-Trump shill, which wouldn't be too big of a stretch since you were boasting Duke is beating him in LA (would like source on that)

If you're genuinely right wing you can't be stupid enough to not realise that Duke is just toxic to Trump right now

I used to listen to Dukes radio show Daily (there has to beeee a morning afterrrrr) but after his behaviour during this I can't help but some him as an egotistical ass and I don't enjoy it anymore

Let's hear some arguments rather than screaming like a Salon or Guardian writer. Duke talks about the true root of the problem and he has the fourth most popular independent radio show in the USA.

Obviously it's not every Jew only an autist believes that.

Jews as a group have done bad shit to the White race - undeniable. But

1. It's retarded to blame them all
2. It's not ALL the fault of the Jews
3. Again, duke doing this shit simply isn't helpful and it actually HARMS Trump, it's given the lefties ammo that they're still using daily!

Reminder that Duke will be elected on the same night as Trump. If anything Duke makes Trump look like a moderate, again i'd like to hear you flesh out your arguments.

to be fair you could use the same logic to say that trump is toxic to cruz and is just an anti cruz shill for hillary.

how much do you have to compromise?

If you were truly a fan of his radio show and not a jidf journalist troll you would know that this announcement has redpilled literally millions of people and his exposure and message have never been higher. Trump wouldn't even thank the white community for their support but he called every other group by name.

Cruz wanted amnesty and was in bed with Goldman Sachs, he had to be crushed.

Reminder Duke has a perfect GOP voting record and would be an extremely effectively unofficial Trump whip in the Senate. He already has millions of casual and hardcore followers and is the one man we can all be confident won't sell out to anyone.

>w-why doesn't he thank the white Americans huh??

You stormfags just want to be victims and special snowflakes like everyone else, admit it.

My point was he can't even thank whites by name and has to pledge allegiance for Israel. I don't think you realize how dire the situation is in North America we're not 92% white like the UK we're on the verge of being made minorities in our own lands. Duke is the hero we need, like the other poster said how much are you willing to compromise? Isn't the whole Trump movement about not making compromises?

Whites don't need to be thanked because we'll not emotional faggots like all the other races.

Well, David "nigger" duke obviously is. Plastic surgery emotional faggot bitch.

>and is the one man we can all be confident won't sell out to anyone.
true as fuck. He has truly dedicated his life to fight for his people.

He went to jail for using campaign money on gambling and fixing his house

I thought this was a meme.

too bad i can't report you the window isn't functioning properly

wow you're dumb as fuck

I want him to win, just cause it would be hilarious.

Can't rebuke the Duke
Rolling, pls no jew

I listen to his podcast and he brings up a lot of valid points but he shouldn't be using the Trump campaign to motivate his own.

Shhh... don't make the stormweenies cry.

so is this thread

So has Duke rebuked his past crimes such as this , how do we know he's a changed man?

IRS ended up paying him $6k he pled guilty so they didn't lock him up for life and take his house. I don't blame him and nobody else does either, also the tax case happened 10 years after he ran for office but you already knew that mr. goldberg.

That's another kike doing typical kike tricks. His case had absolutely nothing to do with donations that was another bullshit claim by the media that wasn't even pressed in court. Again the IRS paid him $6k when it was all said and done.

We've just had an influx of redditors recently. Duke needs to do more public stuff if you want to get the meme magic going, though.

Yay Duke!
inb4 >ur a racist that doesn't want trump to win

Major threats to his life so it'll be mostly via the internet. His team seems to think this will be enough and with the state of media I agree they've already driven millions to his work this year.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was true, I've only read about him on wikipedia so I'll have to look into him myself, but if the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn't like him, I probably will.

Is it true he got facial surgery or something to change how he looked, that's what I read too?

Gonna have to shill those when it happens then. Not a lot of content will be made if he doesn't make splashes. The reason Trump got so popular is because he is a walking meme.

>mfw imagining the mass leftist suicide if Trump and Duke win their respective races

Yeah there's something wrong with his face for sure and his production quality is very amateur. He's not a perfect candidate but what he says and his level of honesty and convition is unmatched anywhere else on the planet. He's one of the only people that will point the finger in the proper direction and for that reason alone I will shill for him until he's elected or gives up.

>trump is a meme meme

>major threats to his life

Wew lad, I wouldn't doubt it, hopefully he gets out there though, a lot of times just meeting somebody is good to get votes, like Bill Clinton, he was a good campaigner, and got out of his car when driving just to talk to people on the street and get votes.

iirc he had minor reconstruction surgery because he kept getting hit in the face, around his nose

What would your definition of a meme be?

I like to think that I'm a settlement Jew.

disavowed stormweenies

duke is a spoiler so fuck off

Is this a new SPLC buzzword? You guys must be going crazy over there eh? I'd be terrified too.

A spoiler to what?


It has nothing to do with Trump. Duke has run before Trump, he can run now. Get your head out of your ass you man child.

Can't spook the duke.



Mod senpai noticed me

haha may as well vote for a stray dog. Why does this genuine moron actually bother to run? Who votes for this idiot? Seriously, has he even broke over 4%?

oh man

Yes he was elected to the house of representatives and almost became Governor. The 4% was in the run for President he had zero debate time and polled better than sleepy ben did this year.



>leftist suicide
so I assume that mean you leftist (((Rothbard))) fans will do whats right an hero?

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