Not counting the refugees of course.
Paint the countries that you personally consider white
While the rest of Europe was being fat, lazy, and gay. These motherfuckers were inventing and exploring 24/7.
I'm on the phone so fuck you
I'd consider the whole map white except the well known Islamic capitals of Western Europe, Bulgaria 1 and 2/Fyrom, Albania 1 and 2, and Turkey
- Königsberg obviously aslong as Russia owns it
This is my personal view.
I consider them all as "white" but there are varying degrees of white.
All countries, which geographycally are in Europe, except Bosnia and Turkey, are white
luxem niggers are not white, like half the damn country is fucking chinese and east asian. it is pretty tho
You're a fine one to talk, you fucking chink cunt!
This is un-debatable.
What do you mean?
>Finland is white
>East is white
>luxem niggers are not white, like half the damn country is fucking chinese and east asian. it is pretty tho
Are you retarded? 20 % of the population is Portuguese, with the rest of the foreigners being mostly Belgians, French, Italians and Yugoslavs. The biggest visible minority are Cape Verdeans.
Any Hispanic country is not white to any extent of the imagination. These people are a different breed.
its prussia not german
we've been through this.
Darker blue is saviour of white race and lighter shade means allies
already brown
yes we khan
>>>> not counting refugees
to be precise
We're already fucked.
(thoe not as fucked as the Islamic state of Sweden)
oh no
>Slavs not white meme in full swing
Why am I not surprised?
desu i think you were already too late
I've got some bad news for you Onee-chan...
please God, no...
You can still come and give us your tourist money.
The west coast is pure besides large cities and towns.
it's already brown
And you think that would scare me?
That is a meme right?
Got some actual statistics?
wew lad
Only consider Turkey not white
It's >0%
>West coast is pure
Isn't there a town in Mayo or Galway where 50%of the population are muslims?
None except true balts
Clearly look at yourself
Americans are so deluded about Ireland.
The chode of Scandanavia
It's 10%
Shh... Ww need airgead!
I would generally consider anything in the red circle as white.
Why did you make ireland whiter than the uk?
Can't get more accurate than this.
All the whites left there are either Polish or Lithuanian.
too late
And therefore I am correct
lol Skåne
>t. mr 60%
At least I'm in the 60%
I know how much butthurt this will cause, but i'm sorry
Mediterranean cucks were never white, factor in centuries of mudslimes and you guys are very brown
at least you aren't niggers
Very insightful
well, yeah, considering usa counts arabs as white
>implying you're not a mutt who is quarter sandnigger or native
*also, im skeptical about some of you slavs near turkey, but ill give you the benefit of the doubt*
>bulgarians being white
top kek
also why the fuck are you using your trip outside generals, pleb
I'm pretty collectivist tbqh
I look like this guy. Am I white?
Slovenia should be in and maybe Croatia too
Fuck you, immunity cat will protect me.
Still gonna.
Because I can.
you need either blue/green eyes or light brown/blond/red hair senpai
somewhere between a white french
You look like a mix between that tech wigga who looks like he could produce the next school shooting from iCarly and that autistic bug-eyed kid Sheen from Jimmy Neutron
you're white enough for me to fuck desu
Don't be mad Mariusz.
If you meant Caucasian, then this map is correct.
If you meant European Caucasians, disregard Anatolia, but not Constantinople.
Nothing I'm not already used to
>Ireland is white
Feels good man.