>trump overwhelmingly leads with the non college white vote
is Drumpf the pied piper of trailer trash and minimum wage?
>trump overwhelmingly leads with the non college white vote
is Drumpf the pied piper of trailer trash and minimum wage?
Disregard this thread
Uneducated whites are the largest electorate subset
>bernie led with children too young to vote
>hillary leads with islamic arms dealers, wealthy jews, single mothers, illegal immigrants and the deceased
Clinton leads among uneducated blacks. What's your point? Clinton also leads among uneducated women and uneducated hispanics.
What's your point?
Clinton leads among blacks, hispanics and women without college degrees. You're simply cherry picking facts to imply that Trump voters are dumb.
Whites, college-educated or not, always vote Republican. What are you trying to prove?
White people dont work minimum wage jobs. We have niggers and spics for that
I thought hipster college trash would love a piper but what do I know about that?
Theres not a subset of educated blacks or browns at all so...
Self hating poor whites vote democrat. Rich power hungry whites vote democrat to keep the niggers on the farm
Numale whites and cucks vote bernie through.
Clinton leads among blacks and illegal hispanics both of whom are uneducated.
he does dumb down...... a lot.
I'd find it patronising but america has a different political culture and I respect that
>left of the past
>we need to stand up for the working class
>left of today
>fucking trailer trash ignorant bigots who cares about them
And you wonder why white people are leaving your party in droves
The only reason you would vote for the crooked cunt Hillary is if you're a brainwashed nu-male/female. Yeah, trailer trash who didn't get brainwashed by socialist professors are going to support him, but so are smart people who are lemmings.
"Drumpf" never got off the ground, stupid. You sound stupid.
*aren't baka desu senpai
trailer trash whites are still better than blacks and hispanics. Trump's trash > Hillary's trash, which is truly the trash of the world.
Kek I don't know why I laughed so hard at that pic
65% of the country is white
80% are not college educated
It's the biggest group of voters
Nah not really. Poor people should be shot and put out of their misery. From ghettos to the entire states of Alabama and Mississippi.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Or at least not be allowed to vote
>working class
paradigm of the 20th century.
the problem with "working class" today is that they don't work. The reasons for this are convoluted but include governments getting rid of semi-skilled manufacturing that offered people employment and stability but also the failings of individuals
Unemployment rate among poor whites is a lot lower than poor blacks
exactley. they don't work
>being surprised that "college educated" young Americans support Clinton
>with all the safe space shit and brainwashing that goes on in those institutions
wew lad.
I'm college educated. I've got a Bachelors degree and I'm voting for Trump. I was a democrat since 04, but I've grown up, become less ignorant of the real world.
actually really. america was founded by poor people. Our average IQ is 105(for white americans)
Id she didnt have awful makeup on that would higher teir pussy
>founded by poor people
>religious shit bags who were too stupid to survive in yurop so they got shoved into a boat and sent on their merry way
>being proud of this
Wew! Gas the trash! Class war now!
He actually does abrnomally well with all demographics for a republican, besides hispanics and sometimes blacks.
Not bad, would bang
Clinton is over 90% in the polls with African Americans. Does this mean that she sucks nigger cock?
College educated people are dumber than people who chose to go into trades and earn money right out of high school.
Lol minimum wage r the niggers and hipster voting for Hillary cuntin
Yes, he's the people's candidate. He wants to give the lower 50% of Americans a 0% income tax rate.
Stupid white people struggling with poverty, drug addiction, and prostitution.
They're white, so it's okay to shit on them.
>college educated
>they want minimum wage increased
Who are the real idiots now?
Trump is going to win because old people are usually the only ones that go out en masse to vote.
what a great talking point you got there shills
No he is smart, he wont promise shit he may not be able to get done, its realistic.
>and the deceased
user "edgelord" maximus
He's the voice of the people. The marginalized blue collar working men and women. He will defeat the globalist Shillery and your big business establishment overlords. MAGAZINE bitch!
Min wage is pointless til the money supply is stable.
Dead people vote all the time in burger land because we aren't allowed to have simple fucking voter ID laws
I'm not old and I'm voting for trump
as someone with a bachelor's degree; apart from the specific field you actually study in, you honestly don't learn much more in college than you already have in high school
college educations are honestly overrated
>Hillary overwhelmingly leads with the non college black vote
Is Shillary the pied piper of pavement apes and EBT?
.5 shekels have been deposited to your account
"Stupid toothless hillbilly white trash poor people. I support Bernie because I care about poor people."
>and the deceased
>trailer trash and minimum wage
>Claim to be a "tolerant' liberal.
>Use every opportunity to insult and degrade people.
>Constantly project a holier than thou attitude
>Claim to be on the side of the working man.
>Deride them every chance you get.
And this is why Trump will be president, because you're obvious hypocrisy and judgmental, hateful nature has people in America fed up with your bullshit.
>Claim to be a "tolerant' liberal.
>Use every opportunity to insult and degrade people.
>Constantly project a holier than thou attitude
>Claim to be on the side of the working man.
>Deride them every chance you get.
so true
Are you calling working class whites "rats"?
Typical liberal elitism.
Opinions discarded.
>being 40k in debt = being an intellectual
>i-ignore the fact that the majority of democrats are uneducated nonwhites p-pls
>Help the poor blacks, gib mo money fo dem programs. gibsmedat
Electrician here 36 an hour, full benefits, and 9.50 an hour pension, I am the blue collar crowd. You wanna explain to me how electricity works you cuck?
Yeah I'd be mad at those nonwhites too if I was manual labor GED garbage ;) listen man, everybody needs plumbers and sanitation workers, just stay out of political discussions and voting.,,is that too much to ask for you bottom feeding faggot? Your family tree is worthless.,,just don't bring the rest of the country down to your level.
Why does left hate the lower classes so much? Aren't they supposed to be the ones to have them in the highest regard?
So you don't want the lower percentiles being able to participate in the voting process?
Trump is white people last chance to save their country.
>college degree
>means you're educated
Only a fucking idiot believes this. Unless you went for something that actually teaches you something useful like law, stem, medicine, etc, you're dumber than the people that decided to not go at all.
Would bang, but have double wrap.
>People who don't go to college are not brain washed into worshiping the (((ruling class))) and hating themselves.
>This is bad .... Free College soon!
They used to be able to do most of their brain washing with movies but (((Hollywood))) has become such shit that new methods must be used.
Anyone see the new Ghostbusters!
>not college educated
>has to deal with "diversity" in their jobs, their kids schools, their life
It really makes you think...
>I didn't go to college but I'm so redpilled after hours of studying pictures on Sup Forums
See I can play that game too, poorfag
No. He simplifies everything into easily regurgitated soundbites and avoids words with more than two syllables. He dumbs down. For him to do Anything else would be political suicide
I know these threads are put up by shills
but why do they not follow up?
They should seriously think about paying these motherfuckers more.
I notice these threads tend to have the opposite effect
Say friend, Why dont you post with your real IP? lel
they arent meant for discussion, lurk more
Its a simpsons reference
Dont you have a bull to prep?
They are mostly sheltered college kids who vote for sanders
they don't know what real life is like
>pied piper of trailer trash and minimum wage?
I suppose, but I'd also add the working class people that make the country move
>implying a college degree automatically entitles you to valid thought
Are libshits the pied pipers of the pseudo-intellectual movement?
>Be me
>Make 80k/year as ICT Technician 8yrs
> Started at 19, no college
>Friends make even more than me doing coding, datacenter shit, not a single day in college between the three of them
>GF spent 200k on college, works for 40k
>Millions of Bernie Faggots in the same boat
>I'm the dumb one for not going to college.
Suck a dick you brainwashed retard.
Your mom is hot.
Nothing witty to say OP? Please, use that college education to explain to me why i'm the idiot for not going to college and voting Trump.
More like people who actually live in the real world and not college
Still waiting OP. Btw you're welcome for that $9212.00 I owe as my share of the $865 Billion in federal student loans split between the mere 93 million people in this country who actually PAY taxes at the end of the year.
Poor whites are ugghhh!
But poor browns are yayyyy!
Like this post if you agree
Shouldn't you be rifling through dumpsters for food right now?
>Chumps for Trump
you have to be pretty stupid to believe what Trump shoots out of his mouth
Lol, im pretty sure im richer than more than half all anglo posters
I have a master's degree and I'm voting Trump. When will this meme end?
Also, people using this argument seem to think that having gone to college makes you a well-read person. Just think of all the retards you've gone to college with. Almost everyone attends college now.
>105 for white americans
Nice meme
Chinese americans are 104
Whites are 93-96 (can't remember the exact number)
Hispanic is 88
Black is 83
my kid graduated with 34K debt but he has a job at a consulting company at 65K and 8K biannual raises
plus company car, expense account and company laptop
you may also understand that in 10 years when your gf has acquired enough experience, she may be hired as a principle at 450K in a company that wants her skill
>go to Cal for EE/CS, with nearly a full ride
>make 92k starting as a web software engineer (II) at 20, with great bonuses and insurance
>get to travel every couple months to present and share progress
>going to get promotion to web software engie (III) soon and make over six figs
>am 21, now
So why didn't you just go to college, brainlet
(((academia )))
whites are 100 on pretty much all the iq tests
japs are 104
yeah, in the UK and northern europe
not in the US
And japs are 106, in the US