23 and Me

Which one of you did this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>someone payed 200 dollars to do this

How did she know it was semen?

>DNA Testing Companies Like 23andme Admit Adding Fake African Ancestry To White Profiles In Order To “Screw With Racists”


why would she drop it?
women are so weak lol

oops hehehehe Owo

>American reading comprehension






this i don't get it, other people saliva is ok but semen isn't ?




>One guy as source

>Not actual data


Yeah whats up with that? I mean I'm a man and I love semen.

Well I wasn't against it, merely saying I wanted proof. Kek, it's well worth it just to imagine how many americans there are opening the envelope and losing their shit completely

Sperm has a random assortment of 50% the man's DNA, so it's not very useful for genetic testing.

dumb redditspacer


but why would she be so disgusted or afraid? she's a scientist that was expecting to handle bodily fluid but she panics and drops it

This was the funniest part of the article tho desu

love it

Because it was rape

No, this is

>[I]t's the sub-areas or implied ancestry that make people mad enough to call us."
>Oddly enough, "most of our calls have been from people wanting to be changed from Italian."

Can't wait for brits to become like this. Those hateful fucks will one day rue the day

Hold up... just hold up...
23 and me can change your DNA?

Because women are retarded.

The state of Ashkenazi Jews.

If you don't descend from Abraham you are not Jewish, sorry wh*Teoid LARPers, you aren't jewish.

>'Thats semen!'


and people were laughing when french justice forbided dna test done privately using this kind of websites, it led to this, absolutely disgusting.

I know how he got it wrong, he thought he needed sperm for a dna test

All you have to do is imagine the thought process, most humans are capable of it

>I had a woman who was OK with being adopted, but mortified to know that she had been born in South Carolina, and she threatened to sue us because she found that out. We had to let Legal handle it as soon as 'suing' was said, but I really couldn't believe she was crying over being born in South Carolina."
Is South Carolina THAT bad?

yeah. I'd rather live in Siberia than redneck territory.

>Can't wait for brits to become like this.
Neo-Germans seeking out their distant German heritage because they're all Turks is much more likely.

no west virginia is the worst for poor whities

Full of Brazilian-tier """whites"""

no, it's a lovely place


You're worse than Reddit scum. Gtfo right now

>tfw your DNA is being analyzed RIGHT NOW by an American company

I got a free upgrade on promethease.com for my health reports after I paid $5 a year ago.

The health report is more in depth than 23andme

Because smelling and having other people's sperm in your hand is what you want.

Fuck that shit you faggot.