My country is just a proxy american colony.
My country is just a proxy american colony
isn't that great?
>My country is just a proxy israeli colony.
FTFY because america is just a proxy israeli colony itself.
so jews rule the world?
At least you are not americans backyard.
>so jews rule the world?
Yes? They're behind both Trump and Hillary.
you are as late as north koreans in terms of global education...sad
at least you're a country ...
At least you're not poor.
Oh hello. Welcome to the club, take a seat while we wait for England and Japan.
You want us over there Kimchi, to protect you from Norks and impregnate your women
Atleast your not Brazilian
More like America's toilet, that backs up on a constant basis....
Fuck off germany we are in no way responsible for your continued autism... the others though... what can I say kek
kys, I ain't cleaning that
You will and you will fucking like it, oh nigger of europe...
Honestly not bad considering the alternative is cousin Kim up north. Also this
Should ask filipinos. They got them so hard, they start randomly talking english in tagalog conversations.
That's what you get for being too weak to defend yourselves against North Korea.
Any other sane country would have abandoned Seoul and rebuilt out of the range of 1950's tech mortar bombardment, but you guys don't.
You just keep building UP AND UP.
You don't get it. One day, Seoul WILL be bombed. And the more you develop that city, the more people are going to die.
Without our aid, you'd all already be dead, and Kim Jong Un would be starving your people to death, too.
How is that bad
Your country literally survives off being in our backyard. You ungrateful fucking spics need to be eradicated, your woman taken, and let Brazilian's have your lands.
Nah. Its more like a rednecks backyard where they dump all the trash, that breed vermin that finally enters the house.
Is there a higher proportion of Americans living in SK than Koreans living in America?
What if you exclude our bases?
Support a unified Korea under DPRK rule, then.
This is actually a really good metaphor.
Don't feel bad. So is Europe. That's the benefit of winning WWII and the Cold War.
Wait, how do they survive off that?
Nobody's rushing to take over Mexico.
They're more powerful than every single country south of them on the continent combined, if you take Brazil out of the equation.
The 16 billion given in welfare benefits to illegals from Califronia last year alone, the medical expenses caused by illegal immigrants crossing the border to have birth for free here, etc etc etc this is Sup Forums and I don't feel like writing a novel but it's easily looked up. We take care of Mexico like a bastard step child we can't stand.
We're talking about Mexico the country.
Not wetbacks.
You owe us too, or you'd be Communist
Regardless your still fucking vermin and it's time we burned the trash, your woman are ok though and give birth to white babies when fucked by us. They might not be pure white but I'll settle for eggshell. Just so you know we send all of garbage to Canada, we wouldn't trust shit tier spics with toxic waste.
How does it feel like to be in the most cucked asian nation?
Don't worry brother, we will rise again to fight our opressors and regain the independence that is the birthright of our nations
>is thier a difference?
Look half wit, we give gibs, they take said gibs and go back to mexico.... which in turn contributes to the Mexican economy and not our own even if it's our fucking tax dollars that pay for it. Look up aid sent to Mexico in the last 20 yrs it's a nice redpill.
Is it really a bad gig considering the alternative is being an impoverished Chinese colony or worshiping the Great Leader?
Small countries are going to be swallowed up, and you can do a lot worse than being a filthly rich, glorified base for the US to fuck with the Chinese from.
Your country and Japan are just a buffer zone between China+North Korea and the US.
You do realize that the gibmedats used by wetbacks are not liquid funds, right?
There is a marked difference in what services wetbacks and regular poor-ass hispanics use, because cash benefits require more identification and proof of citizenship.
Mexicans in the US sent $23.6 billion to Mexico in 2014.
Sure fag.
Have a (you)
And China sent back MORE in that very same year.