Why are women so politically handicapped?

My Story.

My mom was watching CNN in the living room, so I tried having a political discussion with my mom and tried to convince her to vote Trump. As per usual, it's the same automated response you get from most trump haters "HES A BIGOT HES A BIGOT HES A BIGOT." I then ask her, without mentioning Bill Clinton, give me 3 accomplishments Hillary has achieved in her time as a First Lady, NY Senator, And Secretary of State.

Of course she doesn't give me anything. Because I know there's no convincing her at this point, I end the convo by asking her, "Would you rather vote for a bigot or a criminal?" And she literally said "I'd rather vote for the criminal."


newsflash: women are dumb. anyone with a mother should know this.

tldr; tried convincing my mom to vote for Trump, she won't vote for him because he's a big meanie racist

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I want a woman in the whitehouse! Hilldawg for president!

Fuck off Texas

Learn to subvert faggot, you took a sledgehammer to a brain surgery

And I reckon if you asked if she'd rather bang her son or a cactus she'd choose the cactus too

I'm so fuckign sick of you fucking cucks cucking up this board. If you can't turn everyone you meet into fullblown nazis by just making 10 minute rant then you're not really redpilled.

>Calling ANYONE cucks

Cmon now, Sven.

Being a "bigot" or "racist" in the West is the equivalent of being a "heretic" in the old days.

Women always were the loudest and most ignorant schreechers of the status quo.

Yes. Britbong is correct. To undo jew conditioning, you must become the jew.

>10 min rant

You sound like a manlet

For thousands of years, sine humanity has kept record, there have been many common themes among scholars, learned men, politicians, and generals. One of these themes is that women are incapable of free thought in the same way men are, need to be lead by men, and will destroy themselves and others if left to their own devices.
What makes you think that has changes just because men capitulated to give women the vote?

Op it's not bc she is a women, it's because trump is a fucking meme candidate and a bigot, only retarded or racist people are actually voting for him

>pic related

this. women are incredibly stupid, but they're also usually incredibly malleable. you just have to be somewhat subtle about it.

he's swedish, chances are he's taller than u.

This. I learned this lesson many years ago.

No it's not, racist people are just delusional and love to use mental gymnastics to rationalize their degenerate behavior

My mom is pretty fucking based. We were both laughing our asses off at Sarah Silverman's reaction to the Bernouts on TV.
>tfw your whole nuclear family is conservative.

anyone who's brainwashed by the media react the same way, Trump triggers them.

Feminism was the greatest trick on western civilization (((they))) played.

Women are not men

Why would you expect the average woman to follow or be decent at a male persuite like politics?

Do you expect women to be good at war? Good at building a house? Good at engineering a machine?

No of course not.

Women=\= men quit fuckig expecting them to be

More like #virtuesignalling.

Women are herd animals who are primarily concerned with their own comfort.

In the current political climate, the media (which they are obsessed with) has convinced them that their comfort lies in being a lefty. So that's what they go for.

The less media they observe, and the closer to survival they have to be, the more conservative they will become.



It's almost like western civilization banned women from voting for millennia for this VERY REASON

I didn't learn women are dumb until well into my twenties because of my mother, I blame her for that.

She is stupidly smart and I'm sure s ridiculously rare exception because of that, so for some reason I grew up thinking all women are like her. Fucking nope.

You should fuck her until she supports Trump.


>I end the convo by asking her, "Would you rather vote for a bigot or a criminal?" And she literally said "I'd rather vote for the criminal."
That's nothing new.

Hey Mr Geroe!

>anyone with a mother should know this.

No there are smart women just not as many as smart men

And there are lots of smart women that are still cucked by emotions and vote left cause of feels despite being very smart.

The fact is woman just are wired differently and a part of their evolutionary wiring is that they are more accepting of outsiders, less forward thinking and less respectful to traditional ideas of borders and nations.

They are easier swayed by emotional arguments and less likely to be suspicious

That's why the role of woman has always been that of caregiver and wife. Plenty of women have given good advice behind the scenes to their good husband as a modifying influence when men can be to harsh or suspicious

It's a vitally important role and there is a reason why in nearly every society throughout all of history women have been in this position. Because it is where they are needed

Half of the modern wests problem is that we pretend men and women are the same accept for cosmetic differences but hat isn't true.

Society doesn't function when women and men are in the wrong roles

>dark rimmed glasses
>weird trendy haircut

every fucking time... Globalists don't know how to hide anymore...

They aren't subject to natural selection, men are. The most stupid woman ever can pass on her genes, while a man in a modern nation generally needs to meet a certain requirement in terms of intelligence, work and status to do so ( exceptions apply especially in welfare ghettos ).

My parents are voting for Trump because they remember Hillary political career.

Any photos of your mom's ass?

This is when you follow up asking her if she would date a black man growing up and suddenly she will see how not crazy it is to be a "bigot"

The real question here is:

How do I get to cum on those titties?

> women are worthless retards

Wow op my mind is blown

Women don't deserve to be called that. That implies a higher understanding of not only the players on the field, but the field itself. And all of that requires:
>extensive studying of material that goes against the grain
>logic oriented thinking that entertains every perspective without bias to find "truth"

A woman with just one of these qualities is already a unicorn. Both is an impossibility considering our modern femcentric society.

Wtf I hate Drumpf now

Goys, goys, you're going about it the wrong way. Voter nullification is going to be your best bet in cases like these. Get them to vote for Jill Stein or not vote at all. Split the vote or demoralize them. It's your best bet when it comes to the polotically illiterate.

>Globalists don't know how to hide anymore
They don't want to hide, they want to inspire conformity.

OP here. My mother is super liberal. Like SUPER fucking liberal. I've never asked her if she has fucked a black dude (because why the hell would I), but I wouldn't be surprised if she has in the past.

>Inb4 Cuck.

Ask your mother, ask her straight up.

Get rich and then shun the fuck out of her user.

>my mother

The vast majority of women are

Marxism is basically the female brain morphed into a political and economic system

He's a bigot or a racist is the response I always hear from people when THEY bring up the USA elections. I always ask them what Trump has said that makes them think he's racist? They say he wants to kick all the mexicans out of the country or close the borders from muslims. I simply use logic to teach them he only wants the illegals out of there and will let them come back if they di it legally, so they can pay taxes and benefit from american work policies, ie; not be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers. And with what's happening in germany, paris and etc. europe, it's not unreasonable to want to close the borders to muslims just for public safety until things get sorted out a bit better.
It shuts them up fast. It surprises me how easy women are brainwashed to globalist rhetoric.

I keep trying to point out to my parents that Hillary is literally corrupt and worse than Trump, but they just keep saying "But Trump is Crazy, Trump's the kind to push the button."
By button I'm sure they mean nukes. Additionally whenever I try to point out that American police are not what CNN makes them out to be and that most of the situations, like the Michael Brown situation, are justified, I get called a state funded terrorist for wanting to be an American cop. What do you say to people who keep at this

why do you think we used to prevent them to vote ?

Bumping the correct answer

Yes. Women cannot be critical thinkers. The role chosen for them by God has been mother/wife. If they don't get to fulfill those, they will never be happy. Men can get on quite happily being alone.

You'll be called sexist for saying it but it's the fucking truth.

>mfw my mom is a Trump supporter

My mum gets mad every time Clinton speaks for using the woman card

>It surprises me how easy women are brainwashed

It surprised me too. For years. And then it stopped surprising me and I recognized the trend for what it was. Women are easily led because in general they lack the critical thinking skills and are hormonally more influenced by their feelings.

Feels before reals user


this is the only acceptable answer
t. 40-something old fag



My mom illegally immigrated from mexico in the 80's, but never took a dime of gubment monies. She supports trump as well, and hates Hillary with a passion.

That just not true at all. Women just need a Strong Man to tell them what to think. They will obey their master, just stop being so low energy.

>tfw based conservative family with women proud to vote for Trump and make fun of democratic women that fell for the "FURST WOMYN" meme

Look mate unless your mums high IQ or a sworn right wing supporter your wasting your time talking politics with her.

thats a nice mom

While you are not wrong, how is what I was saying false?

There are plenty of influential women throughout history and denying that there are women that give good advice and council to their husbands is just wrong.

Does that mean they should be voting or leading nations? Absolutely fucking not.

>why are women so mentally handicapped

dude the straight white conservative male with functional nuclear family feels

How's it feel to have a useless mother, user? My entire family is voting for Trump and yes that includes my mom.

wow women are dumb who knew

what's next, "guys I think the Jews have a little too much power"

On the topic of this, what is the best way to redpill people? I've turned two friends into Trump supporters, and one of them I've managed to convert into full Sup Forums-tier.

Both of them are good friends, so I guess that's why they listened to me and took in what I said. However I need to know how to convert casual libtards I talk to. I'm thinking of playing the angle of 'I was once pretty liberal, until....' etc. Then barrage them with things which converted me to the right. Like pretend to be their ally, seeing things their way etc.

women aren't real people

Write an essay paper and read it to them, make sure to cite good sources.

Liberal teen-> libertarian college kid -> nationalist

You will see this is the ultimate truth

My mom hates Merkel and loves Putin.

Women are a meme.

>Voting Hillary = stuffing cacti in your hole
Pretty apt metaphor, Britbong.

your mom looks hot dude

>chinese cartoon

is she a christian?

my mum told me about some prophecy about trump saving the west, or some shit, maybe jewgle it

god damn shes so hot but im not going to save her. know why? that fucking belly button garbage hanging there. Its fuckin gross and proves that women will do anything for attention

ill save her, and reeducate her in the ways of proper waifury

My mom is redpilled as fuck. When I was a teenager I didn't like her opinions as much, but as I've gotten older I've seen how right she's been.

She's fully on the Trump train right now.

OP if pic related, can I please fuck your mom, m8? I promise I'll redpill her.

>tfw mom only likes Trump because she likes the Apprentice

Oh well, a vote is a vote!

>be making based arguments against the clintons
>wife says 'sometimes you have to break the law to make progress'

Sounds like tacit permission to start beating her. To make progress.

who is this semen demon?

divorce your stupid ass wife

Is that your mom OP? She's hot, I'd put it to her.

Actually my mother was the based one

>ok with immigration
>hated his kids because they were white
>actually turned out to be a half-faggot (after finding this out my mom left because she didn't want ya to be influenced by that)

>redpilled (even on the Jew)
>asked who she would vote for if she was American she said trump

I am aware that I'm the exception not the rule

is that OPs mum?

But those things are hot

bigot < criminal

No probably not, however if it was that would make a lot more sense.

>op doesn't get that all a woman like that is good for is for fucking and nobody has ever actually cared what she said or thought.

Woman are conformist with absolutely no self control, they are a step above children. The Jews know this, that's why they worked day and night during the first half of the 20th century to liberate them from the oppressive patriarchy with the sole intent of destabilizing White society. Woman are short term thinkers who are not responsive to reason and make most of their decisions
based on pure emotion, hence why most woman support immigration and left-wing political parties.

If you're not going to dump that bitch then turn the argument on its head. Tell her Trump is doing the same when it comes to kicking out illegals and muzzies (even though we know this isn't actually illegal)

stop trying to change your mums political stance then you idiot. live and let live