I'm sorry I didnt get none of it right, but I'm damn lucky you my boy ;_;
Can we talk about this movie? It was surprisingly good
I'm sorry I didnt get none of it right, but I'm damn lucky you my boy ;_;
Can we talk about this movie? It was surprisingly good
Other urls found in this thread:
When the hell did he say that?
When they're flying into space together
I held it together pretty well, but when the crewmate see's the fireworks and cheered I sobbed like a baby
Sup Forums is too busy spamming a thousand
>racebait Star Trek Discovery threads
>Colbert threads
>blatant Sup Forums threads
>blatant Sup Forums threads
>blatant Sup Forums threads
>blatant Sup Forums threads
And now with the embargo lifted on Wonder Woman all the Twitter reviews have dropped. So expect an influx of mass spam titled:
>Sup Forums btfo
>Marvelfags on suicide watch
>misogynists btfo
>how can X compete?
This place is a garbage fire
right before he died faggot. He said "he may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy" then he said that line
Pay fucking attention jeez
he probably couldnt hear over the sobbing of himself and everyone else in the theater
Naw it was the classic rock music blasting every 5 minutes
I didn't really buy it, he was gonna kill him in the previous movie. The rest was a real ball though.
Excellent RLM jopke, newfriend!
upvote ;-)
You're thinking of Suicide Squad
they didn't even play the full song for the Chain, they kept it with subdued mood music for the climax of the movie
You probably didn't even watch it
that shit has been stuck in my head for weeks now. get it out of me!
You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my walkman
Still trying to convince my dad to go see it. Every time I bring it up he looks upon me with disappointment.
Why is Earth not a space-faring civilization in the Guardianverse? Where do all the humans come from?
It made me angry that we were expected to feel sorrow over his fucking walkman getting smashed.
Kree did a bunch of genetic experiments of primitive humanoids, resulting in the high frequency of superhumans existing on Earth. We're not a spacefaring civilization because our governments don't care about going to space.
What? The first one completely set this shit up. There are 4 scenes that paint a clear picture of their relationship.
I was a gift from his mom and his last physical tie to her and earth you mouthbreather
Come on man. The Walkman was a gift from his mother and literally the only thing he still carries from his home planet. Of course it meant something to him, we know he's a man child on top of that.
Sounds like your dad is a faggot. You should fuck his asshole and call him a big, gay, sissy faggot.
They're human-like as is normal in sci-fi and comic books
Earth not being space faring meets with timeline of guardians with takes place in the 2010's.
>I hate this
>I know what to do
>Bump them!
Go to bed, long day of 8th grade for you tomorrow
you see this
it's like he didn't even watch the first movie
Why is Peter an asshole who doesn't return to Earth and give us all access to cool technology and FTL travel?
It was kinda boring actually. Mostly the clunky dialogue.
Seriously, in the original he completely let him go and accepted any flak he may get by doing so. They obviously had a father/son relationship if not a little messed up.
It's a mix of loyalty to their tribe vs. loyalty to their family and was completely established in movie 1.
Alright, so let's say Peter is the only Earth Human out in the wider galaxy. Why has he never thought to return home to share with everyone what's out there? Maybe set up a meet with some Alien scientists so that they can explain commonly used space-faring technology used by the other races of the galaxy.
Because he's been away from Earth for so long the uneven expansion of space has left him so huge the Earth is the size of his thumbnail.
Sidenote, how does he get AA batteries to power that thing?
>our governments don't care about going to space
This is a typical bullshit Marvel answer. It's just like the old "We love the Fantastic 4 but hate Mutants" incongruity.
Shit humor, plot, and pacing, but it looked pretty.
>bullshit Marvel answer
How is it bullshit when it's the truth in our world too? Where would they have gotten the technology for FTL travel and shit? No, seriously. Explain that to me.
Aliens? You dumb fuck?
He has no reason to. The only thing on earth that was important to him was his mom, since he was 10 or so he's been a space faring ravager and doesn't really know another life.
Realistically, why would he give a shit about sharing technology and knowledge with earth? He's not a scientist or in it for the greater good. He's a scruffy Han Solo type just trying to get along until the next job.
The galaxy is his home, not earth. He doesn't have any allegiance to it.
Movie was too silly. It was allowed to have some feeling to it without being interrupted by something insignificant. Enjoyable movie, not as good as the first.
lol be nice to him user its to much for him
Where are these benevolent aliens giving this kind of technology to the people of Earth? The fuck are you talking about?
People actually cried at this point?
It was a sad moment sure but I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters
Do you all have daddy issues or something?
my feely feels ;____;
shut up daddy issues kid
these kiddy marvel movies are so fucking pathetic. oh my fucking god they are fighting a literal GOD from the inside out and one of them DIES *gasp!*
Did the God crush him? Did he obliterate him? Was he annihilated? Demolecularized? VAPORIZED BY GOD!!!???? DESTROYED BY GOD!!???
no the talking racoon only had 1 space suit ...
fuck you
fuck you marvel
why do i pay for thse movies
I'm sure he can change the power source to something better. AA batteries shouldn't be witchcraft for people in space.
>tfw this was the last GOTG film before they ruin it by forcing crossovers with the rest of the human marvel heroes
>Earth is a barren wasteland and the governments of Earth have absolutely nothing to bargain for space tech
Get the fuck out of this thread you fat queef
A person can feels or he can make himself immune to being a pleb, but you can only choose one.
maybe some of the alien tech can help cure cancer so no other little kid has to watch their mom die like he did. Seems like a pretty damn good reason but idk man youre the expert here not me i just jack off
Uhh, you don't get to bring bargains.
GotG3 is still going to happen though.
desu they should've played the full version of the Chain.
Cut that whole Taserface segment, set a huge Dragonball style exploding planet fight to The Chain.
Am I remembering wrong or didn't Peter have a step-dad shown at the beginning of GotG1? Where did all these daddy issues come from?
that was his grandpa from his mom's side of the family
And it's probably going to have thor or doctor strange or some shit
Why do all these capeshit films still have Peter Jackson style shitty CGI? I thought that the quality would improve somewhat considering how many gorillions disney is making off of these.
i'm still salty they didn't play it
His mom is lying in bed cancer striken, and I believe dies as he watches. He runs outside and is immediately beamed up to Yandu.
I think her father was in there and trying to comfort him, but I don't remember any stepdad.
I was really waiting for the jam at the end of Fleetwood Mac - Chains to come in for a climactic moment but it never came.
Would have been perfect.
Soundtrack wasn't used as well as the 1st movie
But it's going to be about Warlock.
So? You think that will stop them?
Really now?
forgot about that
i take it back
What was the song when the Sovereign fleet arrives at Ego?
Why are you being so negative? Wouldn't you be happier if you stopped thinking up imaginary scenarios of things going badly?
It was actual Capekino, DChads will deny it but in their hearts they know its true
>Soundtrack wasn't used as well as the 1st movie
wrong. i agree with you on the chain though.
Warlock is going to be introduced before Infinity war right?
>dude I have to fight this archetypal evil father figure who destroyed my favorite thing and killed my mom by giving her cancer and is basically a minor god capable of destroying all life, what do I do
>I know I'll turn into a giant pac-man and make the WAKAWAKA noise
>Dude my autism sends me into such fits of blinding rage that it renders me incapable of remembering the format of a joke!
What did you mean by this?
No, there's no room for it.
I liked it a lot. I thought it was better then the first but I may have been swayed by the incredible young kurt russell they created. The opening was note perfect also
>It was surprisingly good
Despite the meme dance scene the first movie is superb.
Can you point to a single other marvel movie set to come out that doesn't involve crossovers?
Best case scenario, Gunn stands his ground about wanting GotG to stay separate and marvel leaves him alone because (unlike with ant man) they know he can deliver a movie that does well. But don't count on it.
"Wham Bam Shang-a-Lang" by Silver.
>don't count on it
Why not? It happened twice already.
I went and saw this opening night I think it was, and was pretty disappointed in it. It's not a bad movie, but it is unimaginably bloated with stuff we just didn't need. Also incredibly predictable, but that might just be the formulaic nature of Marvel movies at this point.
he's confirmed to not be in Avengers 3, but they said nothing about Avengers 4 so we can only hope.
not having Warlock in a story involving the gauntlet is fucking madness
This movie had some stupid ass shit in it.
like egos 180 degree attitude change like seriously when I put a tumor in your mothers brain I couldn't have worded that better? He is a celestial with one billion years experience some of the shit dialogue was really bad.
Yondu's sections were really good though, whole movie felt like GotG2: Yondu's quest.
and the dragonball z fight at the end of it was really stupid, I get it is hard to illustrate celestials fighting but that was a bit much.
Why did they never use the full song? it would be hype as fuck.
holy shit. you're right
Emotionalkinographie, bravo Gunn
I'm listening to this right now
best song in the whole soundtrack
And now the series is established and they're appearing in Avengers 3.
>Can you point to a single other marvel movie set to come out that doesn't involve crossovers?
>unimaginably bloated
How dramatic!
>180 degree attitude change
But he was never being honest with Peter, he was never a nice guy.
Lowpoint of the movie was dancing groot for three fucking minutes holy shit am I really meant to be entertained by the one thing for that much time
It was Yondu's movie for sure
>And now the series is established
Yes, just like it was established after the first movie. Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 came out after Avengers and weren't crossovers. No reason Guardians 3 should be.
You have no reason to be so negative. You need to let go of your hate and enter the love zone, man.
Today I got a 4 hour cause of IV Ketamine for the first time, primed with IV Versed and Ativan. Listened to Awesome Mix. 2 as it kicked it and fell deep through the k hole for the first time. Pretty prettay good.
As opposed to three minutes of establishing shots?
He was actually being honest the entire time.
>You watched your mom being slowly consumed by cancer
>You watched her die in front of you
>The last remaining memory of your mom, and the last remanent of your humanity is destroyed
Seriously how is this hard to understand? No offense, but do you have aspies or are you autistic?
I have a great father, but father/son stuff in movies and shows are the only things that make me really emotional
so yeah, I shed a tear
We're not all autistic.
Agreed that to the viewer he was pivoting 180 and disclosing way too much, but in contest he thought he had Quill completely in his mind control. Which was hinted at very heavy handedly by Mantis not soon before.
Normally, I feel that full disclosure monolog would have worked but Peter has such an tie to his mother that it instantly called bullshit on the whole brainwashing scheme.
I'll list off some examples then.
>10 minute intro tree dance scene
>rocket vs guys in forest
>everything involving Gamora's sister (especially the laughably stupid ship vs person on the ground part)
>dbz fight
>Return of the King length ending
It could have been 3/4 the length and much better. Like 75% of the movie is just green screen and computer magic.
Would have been better than "hey remember that thing you all remember from the credits of the last film here it is again but even more obnoxious
The concept was fine - groot doing innocent shit while everyone else fights in the background - but it went on for way too long.
women really love that shit and baby groot in general.
IT was more of a Vader and Luke situation I think. Even when Peter straight up betrayed him in Ego's eyes he only would punish him for 1k years which would essentially be nothing for an immortal like Ego.
I think that he should have been portrayed as the villain with no concept of time and no respect for life in general. That one line was uncharacteristic of him and should have been brought out in a different light and wording.
It should have been Ego was a force that had to be destroyed rather than he was straight up malicious.
yeah 2bh
the real feels involve that racoon