What the fuck happened to job security in America?

What the fuck happened to job security in America?

How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage, no benefits, part time, and rotating hours?

How the fuck are you supposed to raise a family? Boomers could buy a house straight out of high school. How is this fair?

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Welcome to the real world, my little hamburger.

Life isn't fair.


You don't know anything about life being unfair, you socialist swine. You get all your shit paid for by the government.

Well you could always move to Europe and get bombed by Ahmed :o)

>How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage, no benefits, part time, and rotating hours?


Blame regulations. Companies can't afford to give everyone they hire benefits to work full time so they just don't hire/work them part time. And please... don't try to raise a family on minimum wage...

>mass hordes of mexicans
>mass supply of workers means job providers can lower what they give their workers
>people have to take it anyway because there's no other jobs
>mass competition for shit jobs

You dug your own grave.

Due to increasing regulations and automation, and corporations going global, America's economy transitioned from industrial to service based in the past 40 years. Don't expect these problems to be fixed in your lifetime. Government is the golden goose for many, probably including yourself.

>Boomers could buy a house straight out of high school.

Yes, but they still had to work to afford the house.

Real talk: After 5 years of working a low-paying job(high school teacher), I'll be able to buy a comfy country home.

You can have this too, OP.

But the secret is that you can't have a big house in the suburbs or city.

Buy a house in the country. It is affordable.

Get out of our great country you socialist pig.

The funny thing is that those Mexicans that don't go into the degenerate cities end up becoming homeowners because they save their money up, and then buy little ranch plots and live self-sufficiently

Yeah, a lot of shit needs to be run by high school/college students. Then they move on to actual jobs.

Boomers didn't have to pay half their checks in taxes or amass tens of thousands of dollars for even a down payment, because there were Republicans in the government.

And we are willing to pay taxes so that our children aren't over 100k in dept after finishing schools. Also that we aren't fucked money wise by getting sick or breaking a breaking a bone.

On side note. I watched a documentary about your medical security. Would you really be willing to risk your kids life by not paying taxes? Cause your medical insurance doesn't cover the nearest or 90% of most common diseases or medical care in the nearest hospital.

You dumb shit child hating brainwashed piece of shit you. You sorry piece of shit can't see whats common good or even good for you. You just think that paying taxes to cover your possible medical bill gives your money to others. Well yeah. But it also gives money to you from others if you really get sick. If you would follow our system at all.

The rich and powerful screw over the rest, what else is new? We are living in a capitalist's wet dream.


>tfw I'll never live the good life my grandparents lived. :^(


and banks

Jewish banks

blame the jews

Well, these people fucked us over, so fuck them.

Look at that suave Don Draper-lookin' ass motherfucker. You just KNOW that 5 minutes after this picture was taken he was balls deep in your Gram-Gram pumping your dad into her unshaved snatch. Afterwards he lit a Lucky and poured himself another glass of scotch while your Granny finished cooking his dinner.

Does this mean every single jew in existence is enjoying the good life?

Your Grammy was hot.

You got any sisters user?


Is there ANYTHING we can do to recapture this life style?
How did it come to this?

yes most the real Jews do not even own a TV and won't even operate electronics on the Sabbath.

What is for the goyim is not for them.

>How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage

> 2016
> being this fucking wrong


Most jobs aren't minimum wage

So only in becoming the jew can I defeat the jew?

I dunno, fambalam. Maybe move to some small mountain town, join the local church, meet a conservative QT and start a family. But that's a longshot.

I want off this fucking ride already.

most jobs avaliable to him...

Right Wing = Defend The Corporations "Muh Free Market"

Left Wing = Defend The Government "Muh Equality"

In reality Government & Corporations work together. Controlling one over the other has no effect as evident by the overwhelming corruption in both these areas.

No party to shrink Government AND control Corporations = Current Year Crumbling West.

Why worry about struggling, having to work more for less, competing with more people in the work force when we have things that really matter like Gay marriage, a choice of genders & mass immigration


I guess the goal here is make as much money as you can and prepare for the Happening if it ever does come.

>Most jobs aren't minimum wage
I dare you to stop all minimum wage work...one week should be enough. Let's see how Mr. CEO or Mr. Broker handle life when they have to do the dirty work themselves.

>implying your money will have any value during a happening

Because you're a lazy cunt that don't learn any skill anyone needs, you don't even worth the minimum wage your employer is forced to pay you.

What exactly isn't fair?
I learn programming while at high school and a bit after and got a software developer job at the age of 19, going to nice restaurants every day with coworkers is very fun.
0 Connections, 0 certifications, pure skill & talent.

And now retarded losers like you that smoked le weed at highschool or w/e are bitching about being worthless and want to steal my money with communism. Fuck off human garbage.

Not only that, but women in the work force.

When women stopped becoming housewives, and joined the workforce, the workforce doubled.

So, once again, women have ruined everything.

>"Hurr, I don't want to relax and home, go grocery shopping, make dinner, and take care of the kids, I want to slave a way 8 hours a day, for 5 days a week."

I like the way you talk the jew talk. Are you a girl?

Nope. Why would you assume that?

It wasn't an assumption. It was hope. I think I'm ready for a jew girl to come along and run the show for me.

>Start working part time jobs at 14.
>Pretty much save ever cent I can.
>At 22 buy a house our right.

Every things is pretty much affordable when you don't have to worry about things like Rent.

I currently have 127k in savings.
Why dont I feel secure?

IDK being secure and feeling secure are two different things. Even though I'm secure. I can't shake the feeling that the bottom will fall out soon and we are all fuck.

Life is simply unfair, don't you think?

>How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage, no benefits, part time, and rotating hours?

>part time rotating hours

Blame Obama. Remember this is the new normal.

Also most jobs are not min wage. If they were more than then recorded 1% of adults would be paid min wage.

In a world that needs high skilled labor we have blacks that view education as selling out and hicks that think everything they need to know is in the bible. Too many people who have little to offer.

because they want you to give up and join the army



>most jobs are minimum wage

its called inflation faggot. not job security

It's called buying shit beforehand dumbass. It'd be nice to have a little "bugout shed" on some property, filled with non-perishables, an armored car with aux fuel tanks out the ass, guns, etc.

This dosent add up from variety of reasons

we dont make anything we build nothing and we are in major debt to china what is stopping them from collecting on there debt

>buying shit beforehan
>implying shit isnt free during a happening
Enjoy your hard work. Because everyone else will when they show up to take the shit you worked for.

I got out of the army early

>How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage

>Most jobs aren't minimum wage

>OP posts a picture of a Jew
>OP lies like a Jew
>OP gets BTFO like a Jew
>OP will keep lying like a Jew

Enlighten us oh great jew.

>How is it fair

There's your problem. You expect life to be fair.

I wonder if there are any animals in the animal kingdom that feels things are unfair.

>most jobs are minimum wage
What liberal shithole do you live in? I just quit a job flipping burgers for $10 an hour and applied at my sisters in laws place where she makes $12.50 an hour in Texas. In fact, I don't know a single person down here who makes minimum wage. And the best part is I'll be making on average 400 a week to start off with when I start collecting bonuses. It ain't much but it's a job.

>How is it fair that most jobs are minimum wage, no benefits, part time, and rotating hours?
>How the fuck are you supposed to raise a family? Boomers could buy a house straight out of high school. How is this fair?

It's not.
Now be good kid and pay for their luxurious pensions, healthcare and other social security benefits that you'll probably never get to experience.



Heres another monkey that I found that feels things are unfair

Ive never seen any jobs around here that start out more than $10 an hour. None.

And I never hear of anybody getting raises that total up to much, maybe 10-15 cents at a time. They end up still making 12 vs their starting 10 and it only keeps up with inflation.

Granted thats not minimum but its soon to be (15 is coming). Also its not much different than minimum either.

Starting point for sustainability is 20 per hour.

Ive never heard of any jobs advertised personally that started higher than 16/hr. I may have heard of some fields hiring more, or that somebody happens to make more, but ive never seen any job postings for ones higher than that (and it was a factory job).

>average 400 a week to start off

I seriously hope this is a joke. There are not people who willingly work for wages like this...?

Bull Shit

The army has all sorts of fucking limitations for incoming recruits. You've got to meet a bunch of specs otherwise they wont look at you.

Maybe in a time of war (a real war) with the Draft in hand they would take more people.

But I wouldnt be able to get in. Im homeless, I have considered it - free room and board plus being paid - but I dont meet their (rather stringent) requirements.

Starting it ain't so bad. Especially when I already live in a 3 bed 2 bath 2 car garage for 1250 a month.

>get women into the work force thus doubling the eligible working population
>women are less skilled then men so this also drives down wages
>women need shit like long vacations for giving birth and raising children, also causing problems
>companies forced to pay high taxes, and other stupid shit by the government like Obama care
>fucking nogs and Mexicans and other dirty immigrants pouring into America also pulling down the wages
>on top of this you have constant pressure to hire women and niggers for "equality" thus driving down the wahrs farther

It's not that hard. Stop trading with slave countries like China and stop letting dirty troll Mexicans stream in to do simple jobs while also suckling welfare off the government tit and boosting the crime rate.

You watched a literal piece of healthcare propaganda and accuse someone else of being brainwashed?

>1250 a month.

wow, it gets worse.

Hey check out these trips I just made.
But there you go.
This is the united states man.

I dont know which corner of the country you're from but this is what I see standing on the ground looking around.
And ill add my own personal experience here:

My Dad worked as an electronics technician, fixing speakers, tvs, and stereo systems. His starting pay was 9.50 back in 1987 which was "nice" back then for where we live.

He ended up being laid off in 2009 and was still only making 12.50/hr.

Now he mows lawns for a landscaping company that pays him 10/hr. Man is 60 fucking years old.

Not really. I can already tell you obviously don't know shit.

Fuck, even the Cops start out $10 an hour around here. Ive seen the job posting on the community news channel. They get benefits in addition to that but seriously.

Guess the figure being behind a badge and riding in a car all day make up for it.

/thread desu


Me on the left

>And please... don't try to raise a family on minimum wage...
not that simple bro

> $10 an hour
>average 400 a week to start off

I make well over that in just tips a week, I seriously hope you guys are still teenagers or something. Makes me feel like barista training was somehow better in the short run

>450 tips a week
>free food
>16.50 an hour
>teenage cafe girl pussy
>schedule flexible still in school full time and don't brake a sweat

Best part is, my dads summer vacation homes rent out for more than you guys make in a year, one seasons rent. lol

Because inspite of all the government intervention supposedly on your behalf, it turns out government doesn't care about you.

>her unshaved snatch
way to ruin the entire fantasy

Sure it is. What are tye challenges in not getting pregnant?


Just abort it. Makes it easy the next few times around, kids are cancer

>most jobs are minimum wage
Only like 4 percent of hourly paid employees in the U.S. are paid minimum wage
Not even reading the rest of this stupid uninformed post


Is that your parents' money or are you just lying?