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weren't the cuts different? hilariously thin skinned how you.
Next two weeks are going to be funny af around here.

Anyway, wonder woman reviews are up, from official critics

Ignore OPs post

You can't really argue that Joker felt out of place in Suicide Squad. He was a shit character in a shit movie.

>suits are literal retards who are out of touch
>wrongfully believe forced "social media" is a way to reach people
>embargo actual reviews but allow ((((BIASED)))) viewers to tweet
>thinking anyone is fooled by this tactic

>Germaine lussier
>official critics


>germaine lussier

No, that was BvS. Test audiences were shown what eventually became the Ultimate Edition.

Yes. I can't remember the dude's name but he said that when he first saw the movie it wasn't edited like a bipolar person and really liked that original cut.

are all the new DCEU fims the best DCEU film?

DCEU keeps getting better and better. That's an ideal to strive for.

>it's funny it has humor yes that's what WE need
So did DC's last movie.

The wildly successful Academy Award winning one?


Yes, and also the best since TDK



>Wonder Woman is the best DCEU movie so far!

Ok even if we pretend for a second that this is a true statement, how badly did DC have to fuck yo to accomplish this? They had a Movie with Batman and Superman fighting each other and a solo Wonder Woman movie is better?

>Man of Steel
>Batman VS Superman
>Suicide Squad

To be better than those movies is not an amazing feat


Mouseketeers on fucking suicide watch everywhere. It's been hilaroius watching them melt down with Marvel totally shitting the bed everywhere but the movies. And now that a DC movie is likely going to be well reviewed it's full on attack mode to protect the last bastion where Marvel is at all relevant. This past year's been really entertaining.

"The movie is objectively good by all standards. The best DCEU film so far."

Well that's not a high bar amirite huehuehuehue

"The movie is great. The best DCEU movie so far."

Wow that's not a high bar at all heheh amirite


Stop trying to trick us again. I'm keeping my money this time. Sorry.

I thought the embargo was still up for another 2 weeks or so?

>It's been hilaroius watching them melt down with Marvel totally shitting the bed everywhere but the movies
The vast majority of MCU fans don't read the comics m8

Based Cereal Lord is going to lift it.


What? You're high.

Why we can't see reviews then? Only tweets of some random people who can be shills?

Indeed, it even has greater production values than Captain America Civil WAR, but that's besides the point.

Those random people are the critics who shat on BvS and SS. They aren't shills

>we added some dog food to our shit
>please buy our movie so we can pump out more capeshit
>listen to all these shil*cough* I mean, reviewers
Sitting this one out.

Damn, I hope you're not lying to me, because I'm tired of DCEU being underdog while being based on superior universe in all terms.

Either this is true and the movie is great or DC finally learned the lesson and they bought reviews like marvel does. Either way Sup Forums's meltdown is going to be the best part of this movie, just like Suicide Squad winning an oscar before the MCU

>Germain Lussier

I remember this name. What a movie wiz. Really has the thumb on the pulse of society with these reviews.