I just marathoned the first three episodes of this. When does it get bad?

I just marathoned the first three episodes of this. When does it get bad?

If the love triangle didn't gave you a hint then by episode 6.

>marathoned the first three episodes
Sup Forums pls
>When does it get bad?
Your mileage may vary, depends what you like up until now.

It only gets bad if you're autistic.

It's not going to get bed if you recognise a few things:

*It's a sequel
*There was initially not going to be a second, third or fourth season. Forgive the first season rush.
*Lesbians was pretty obvious by the end of second season. Only a asspie wouldn't spot it.

you'll understand by the end of the first season, OP. Keep plodding along.

The first episode. You have shittate user and should anhero plz.

Season 1 finale ruins it all, season 2 continues the downhill spiral.

This. Final episode of season 1 is a rushed mess and the rest of the series never recovers.

>implying season 3 isn't God Tier

It's a slow steady decline into stupid from here

Don't fall for the meme. It's better than Avatar.

Maybe in the alternate universe where Korra and Asami were close friends and their relationship felt natural, but unfortunately we're in the Berenstain Bears timeline

it's still mostly mediocre at that point, finale is where it gets really stupid

then season 2 is consistently terrible. watch it for varrick and the Wan episodes then you'll get to season 3 where the show actually becomes good

Whether you like it or hate it depends on many things

Are you optimistic about the motivations of writers? Do you prefer your lore explained? or mysterious? Can you look past an unlikeable main character due to likeable side characters? And most importantly, are you hoping for more of the same stuff provided by the Last Airbender?

Personally, I hate it. As a big fan of fantasy fiction for the sake of settings, I feel as though the explanations they gave were shoddily put together and overall totally unnecessary, not only ruining this series, but retroactively ruining Avatar: The Last Airbender as well. But I'm a shitty fa/tg/uy who views cartoons by their value as a TTRPG setting

>Hypocritical villains who don't even know the history they love to circlejerk so much
>Korra acts the least like a protagonist and closer to a dragged plot device in that book more than any other
>Entirety of that Earth Queen subplot that amounted to nothing but being one of a few cherrypicked examples to support Zaheer's point
>Wasting time on the whole Kai and Airbenders plot, which also ended up amounting to nothing whatsoever
>Blatant pandering seen in many forms, e.g.: Varrick appearing for exactly two scenes to do nothing of importance whatsoever
>That scene where the great wall of Ba Sing Se falls in a matter of seconds because one guy knew lavabending, despite the fact just one generation ago, they were at war with the Fire Nation, which was at an all time prosperous boom, and had plenty of specialties revolving relevance around lava
>hay lol i can magically lava bend (no, being terrible at Metalbending is an awful excuse for this)

I seriously don't get how people think Book 3 is so great when it's riddled with almost as many writing problems as 1

>Wasting time on the whole Kai and Airbenders plot, which also ended up amounting to nothing whatsoever

Oh and I forgot to mention that this was painful particularly because Tenzin was still a terrible teacher who didn't know what he was doing. It's irrelevant that he had to go from teaching Korra to a class of like 11 people. we spent large parts of an entire season of Tenzin bickering right before and knowing his shortcomings as a teacher. Repeating it so blatantly for what must've been at least a quarter of the season's worth was just insulting and poor form.

>inb4 contrarian xD

Look I seriously don't care if you like Korra but if you're going to defend it at least treat yourself with some intelligence.

>*It's a sequel
So what?
>*There was initially not going to be a second, third or fourth season. Forgive the first season rush.
Is he supposed to forgive wasted time too? And bad conclusion?

>>Hypocritical villains who don't even know the history they love to circlejerk so much
Is this even supposed to be bad thing now?

Book 3 was the least bad, I think

It has decent ENOUGH villains, a struggle, and finally, FINALLY, Korra doesn't asspull her way to victory

But I think LOK's biggest problem was its tendency to introduce new characters instead of developing existing ones

Don't think the love triangle and pro bending has taken over yet. I think it starts going downhill from episode 4-5.

Alright lads, let's ask the only question worth asking

Was Korrrasami a rating stunts, or just two men with a /u/ fetish realizing that that they might as well go all the way


Soon, user. Real soon.

Needed more big stinking brown feet

Episode 5 is when it's starts falling down

If we want to give Bryke any credit, it was a stunt. If not they're just idiots.

The problem, Satan, is that if it's a stunt they're horrible cynical people

But if it's not a stunt they're well meaning retards

Korra constantly jobs in her own show and it strays too far from Last Airbender to be any good.

In the end, what was the moral of the Legend of Korra?


>first three episodes

user, marathons are measured in seasons, not episodes.

Nothing came of it anyway, so i'm thinking it was a stunt to not look like complete failures.

Book 2

None of that addresses how the second season was absolute shit though. Or how the first season stalled a bunch on love triangle and dodgeball shit. Or why there was some retarded mecha fight at the end.

If you whine, bitch and twiddle your thumbs for long enough, eventually other people will solve your problems for you

Would you guys watch a Legend of Korra movie, with the knowledge that the bad guy would be generic but you'd get lesbian shit and good animation?

You forgot to mention that the nonbender that knew all about the airbender culture, and for some reason even how they fight with airbending coincidentally gets airbending.

And that in two weeks he is adept enough to defeat masters of other elements

And that he invents a new technique in two weeks just because "he had the mindset", when plenty of masters before him (including Aang) were more airbendery than him.

>Beginnings, A New Spiritual Age and Darkness Falls
>Not 10/10 episodes

>Korra doesn't asspull her way to victory
she loses instead

Hey, at least that useless crap of shit faced consequences for once in her life!

I would actively avoid it if it included Korrasami. Easily top 5 worst decisions of LoK.

i hope you're baiting.

Beginnings is a great episode.

The rest of the season, outside of varrick was shit.

Nothing would change the fact that season 2 f Korra has one of the most rerarded finales in the history of fiction, quite on par with Mass Effect 3, similarly it wasn't just self-containedly horrible but completely fucked lore of the original series.

>Beginnings is a great
when will this meme die? I gave up all hope for it when Wan was the first guy to have the idea of asking the turtle to stay with the fire and the other guys were "hey.. why didn't we think of that?"

It gets worst when he condemns the planet by stupidity.

constantly repeating the same mistakes because of your flawed entitled character for season after season somehow is no problem in the end because of magic shenanigans.
No protagonist with so little brain, self control who doesn't learn anything during his journey should be allowed to get as far as Korra did unharmed. That's just poor writing

No, Beginnings was the single worst episode in the entire series

The rest of the series was, at worst, bad on it's own merit. Beginnings ruined Avatar: The Last Airbender as well. Beginnings made a good series worse simply by existing

S2 and S4


Good fight scenes are nice, but if all it has going for it is good fight scenes, I'd rather just watch the fight scenes alone on youtube or something to avoid shitty plot and shitty characters

Esencially this.
I love the fight scènes in LoK; but as an action/adventure show it's rather mediocre

Has this board gone full retard? You can't even recognize quality when it hits you in the face? Beginnings was better than anything in ATLA.

Beginnings removes mystery

Mystery is what makes a fantasy setting interesting.

Beginnings could have been written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett working together and it would still be a shit episode, because it's very concept should never have come up

It was good on its own, but it isn't on its own. It it strongly connected to all of Avatar and is contradicting some things or just poorly explaining a good mystery. So the main problem with Beginnings is that you can't just look at it in a vacuum.

All the lost potential in character development in book 3, and 4. They would literally draw up plot points only to drop them on a whim.

>gets the power of fire by asking the turtle
>turns out spirits were assholes the whole time, but Wan wants to give them a chance anyway
>"let's free Satan"
>Avatar's powers are just two giant tapeworms in a good/evil contrast
there was zero reason to explain the avatar. Doing so kills all mystery. I think the only reason they showed those episodes is to try and show that screwing up is okay, and that spirits "aren't that bad" (when they started a fucking war with mankind).

It destroyed the lore of the original. Out of nowhere it inserted the banal light vs darkness dichotomy into a setting based on eastern mythology where concepts like that don't belong. As the other user said it retroactively made AtLA worse.

They explained it well. It all made sense. No need to cry because of muh mystery. There's still tons of other mysteries left.

It explained the avatar in a series called "Avatar"

>*Lesbians was pretty obvious by the end of second season
Bryke even admitted in their whole "korrasami coming out" post on tumblr they didn't start setting it up until S3

>three episodes
the fuck?

It'd be fine if there was perhaps another layer to it. Perhaps them being called out for it, or knowing exactly what they were doing was maybe an excuse for something, for two examples. The problem with the Red Lotus in particular is they act extremely profound over it to the point where it's obvious the show wants its audience to understand it thoroughly that they think what they're doing is genuinely good. Choosing to flaunt moral superiority because you didn't care about the source material you supposedly love so much is just thoughtless to the point of annoyance and carelessness.

Actually they admitted to not setting it up until partway through writing book 4, for fear of getting shut down.

They have however said that they believe it developed organicly through book 3. Which is obviosuly wrong, but that doesn't stop shippers from being retarded.

>They explained it well
did you even read anything that i wrote?

Both in my opinion.

One half of Bryke has Asami as his waifu, couldnt manage to make her a villain at the last second because he liked her so much.

Because of that he keep shoving her, and giving her new talents until she becomes a boring character that happens to know everything.

The other half of Bryke is extremelly white knight, and like to say how progressive he is.

You pick both of these and what happens? LOL LETS PUT THE WAIFU WITH THE MC IT WILL BE PROGRESSIVE!

Simply this.

They are hack writters and pratically George Lucas, I still like them as people and I respect a lot their work ethic, but they are just horrible writters.

There's nothing worse than the slow, creeping realisation that the one wonderful thing you love so much was only so good because of a fluke, and everything else the same creator makes is awful

It's like playing Elder Scrolls games, or reading Dune novels

Marathoned the next three episodes. Ok, so episode 5 was pretty dull with the love triangle and pro bending stuff, but it seems to be getting back on track now.

I'm pretty sure it gets back on "track" with more love triangle pretty soon.

fit chicks are hot, but not low maintenance.

I want Korra to spoon me while watching TV.

All the interesting worldbuilding you're seeing, the fun shots of the city and little glimpses about how technology evolved in the Avatar world? You'll see exactly none of it ever again, get comfy in the fucking Pro Bending arena and prepare to never see another part of the city again.

go and watch the whole thing with blind optimism to emulate the original viewing experience. Then you can be as disappointed and jaded as the rest of us

Season 2. That's just a freefall nosedive.

underated post.

Book 2 is where shit hits the fan. The Wan episodes are good but the rest is garbage Book 3 is visually interesting but also pretty boring and book 4 manages to be ok, but is still bellow ATLA in terms of story telling.

>people unironically like TEEN DRAMA

Season 2 then picks up at season 3 and 4.

No, no, no.

Only go into season 1 with blind optimism.

Then lower your expectations drastically every time you start a new season.

>Beginnings was better than anything in ATLA.

Never. MC gets the best girl.

I was deeply in love with The Legend of Korra until the bullshit finale. The direction they went with wouldn't have been so bad had they not resolved everything in the last 10 minutes.

Where did it go wrong?
>Violent power hungry entitled cunt sneaks into Republic City
>Someone angry at bender inequality get her attention
>openly states she wants to use violence against him
>Later challenges the leader of a political movement to a duel

You'd think somewhere along the way that Korra would learn that wanting to punch out dissenters is what caused the movement to grow the way it did.
>Leader of the equalists is revealed to be a bad guy
>but worse than that, he's also a bender himself
>No moral conflict ever sees the light of day, you think you see it just under the surface of the water but it disappears and is never seen again
>Also lets give the equalists super advanced weapons and have them take over the entire city just to make sure every little kid knows they are villains and therefore all their complaints are invalid
>Then we can have Korra threaten the guy on a soap box later and feel totally justified

I want more lesbians and gay people in cartoons and shit so younger non-typical children can see they have options.

I fucking hated growing up in the 90s as a lesbian and being told by literally every single media outlet that straight was the only way to be.

my girlfriend and I recognize the flaws Korra has, but embrace them with the successes and greatness it also has.

Why can't the rest of you do the same? It was a good TV show. If you didn't enjoy it, why do you keep on insisting on coming into these threads and plastering them with your negative opinion?

Because unlike you, sudden lesbians isn't enough to make up the flaws of the show for us.

I don't know about others, but i did like some parts, and i wanted to like all of it, but what i liked was removed or ignored and in the end they hid behind "progressiveness" and changed the course of the show and whats comes after.

>I recognize the flaws Korra has, but embrace them
Shut the fuck up.
Equalists go from political dissent to full on dictatorship just to avoid anything less than "good/evil" story line
Book 2 had a story where the entire problem would have been resolved by Korra just going on vacation for a few days before opening the second portal. She could have done nothing at all and it would have avoided the entire problem.
>Dark Avatar

I'm all for homosexual relationships in media, but not cop outs. If there was any hint at the subject before, I'd be fine with it.
In season 1, Korra actively went after Mako when she was seeing Bolin and Mako was seeing Asami. But if she's interested in Asami it only shows up in a 2 second scene of them holding hands before fucking off.

>it was shit, but it had lesbians so it's ok

>it was fantastic, but those dyke cunts showed up and ruined everything for me

>implying it was anywhere near fantastic
it had a handful of good moments amongst a sea of shit.

Not him, but i wouldn't even mind actual homosexuals in the show, but they could atleast have showed them or included them instead of forcing the MC and a side-kick to change into lesbians to save some face and not be remembered as the show that got taken off air, despite having a ton of money and support behind them and a fantastic prequal to get viewers from.

Reminder that a superior Studio Mir show is coming.


Saw three more episodes and it's getting really good now. Loved the Tarrlok fight and all the stuff with Aang, Toph and Sokka. So far episode 5 is the only one I would say is anywhere near bad.



Do you even know what "edgy" means?

>Do you even know what "edgy" means?
Do you?

So turning a guy's frown into a smile is considered "edgy" now?

Or is it the senpai part? Please, enlighten me.

>*Lesbians was pretty obvious by the end of second season. Only a asspie wouldn't spot it.

I watched Korra knowing what would happen and there wasn't a hint of romantic interest until she comes back to Republic City in Book 4. Even then, it's dropped completely until the last scene of the show.


I'm sorry, but you obviously just had your heteronormative goggles on far too tight. It was plain as day.
