Does anyone else feel like this latest attack is different somehow?

No recent terrorist attack has made me as angry as this one. The Bataclan was shocking, Orlando was frustrating, Nice was numbing, but this? This is... truly monstrous. Maybe it's the low victim count and the personal nature of the killing that makes it feel worse than the attacks with higher death tolls. That there was only one victim means we know his name and his story and he's more than just one more number to be added to the body count. I don't know what it is, but it's different this time.

I never actually believed that Islam was inherently evil, I seriously bought into the #NotAllMuslims thing to some extent since I thought that all those people couldn't possibly all be bad. But at this point, it doesn't even matter that there are probably good muslims. If protecting our people - our innocent, our elderly - from being butchered like this requires us to paint them all with the same brush, then it's a necessary evil.

Does anyone else feel their thoughts changing because of this attack? Does it feel different than the others for anyone else?

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Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western philosophy, individual rights and liberalism.

There is no compromise between the two value systems.

We will either have perpetual conflict or one of the cultures will subjugate the other.

That's it.

For me, it was Charlie Hedbo.

If your answer to freedom of speech is murder, we have nothing to discuss.

Before the migrant crisis began I couldn't have imagined the cognitive dissonance I've seen in both my family, my college, and in the political establishment.
I've always been a conservative, but I've only begun coming to Sup Forums in the last year or so when I could no longer believe how far we've drifted from the natural state of a society.

Take this man- when westerners see this man, a small part of their brain instinctively respects him as an elder and wants more than anything to get revenge on the perpetrators, and yet they have been so successfully brainwashed that all they can think about is why this isn't Islam's fault, and how they mustn't be racist.

I see this as the ultimate test of the NWO, or the power-hungry leftists or whoever the fuck is behind it all- will the people of Europe trust their natural, healthy inclinations or will they listen to what is popular?

Muzzies gonna muz

This one makes me feel disgusted

I can't tell if I'm more or less disgusted by how the French don't even react

They've learned very successfully to live with terrorism

Stockholm syndrome has set in

priests are literally useless to society

It's because they got him to kneel etc, and did an Arabic sermon. It's the extra parts around the killing that make it even more monstrous.

Since finding out about the torture they did at the Bataclan, I see the event in such a different light. You can sense the pure the evil.

What are you gonna do about it goyim?

They're usually great guys.

>No recent terrorist attack has made me as angry as this one.

Totally agree with you and I'm not even Catholic.

This attack comes right after that french fuck president said that people have to "learn to live" with the terrorism.

He needs to be their next victim. His statement is the new "let them eat cake" of the modern era. I honestly hope he gets shot.

I don't give a shit desu, but i'm somewhat apathetic. Charlie Hebdo attack made me feel bad though, this one really felt like an assassination.

>found the atheist cuck.

Dude..they fucking beheaded a priest in our countries..these guys forever praised as the first mus'aders since the Ottoman stuff and earlier..
If this doesn't motivated them that they can win then i don't know what..

After everything else what happened someone had to come out like bush with his "wah on terra" stuff but nothing happened at all..

As fucking lame it sounds for 1000th time..

What do you think would happen if to christians from whatever country would walk into a mosque in saudi arabia or whatever and fucking beheaded an imam and took a video of it

It's not getting any play in the main stream press.

Wasn't this priest accused of pedophilia? It may be linked to his abuse of children, not terrorism.

Is that bait

Odds are this priest like so many "Christian" cucks invited the shitskins and promoted to make the Church more Mudshit friendly and less offensive to their cult

To tell you the truth going by the numbers its a less brutal attack of all the recent attacks this month as its only one victim.

In truth i believe its because he not only an elderly man but also a priest that disturbs people the most. Now more than ever we are having our noses rubbed in the truth that Islam will take no quarter and it dosent matter who you are or what your believe they will kill you and laugh while they do it.

Its seriously, at this point, has to take more then children and the elderly being cut to bits in the street to wake people up. Let that sink in.


>Does anyone else feel their thoughts changing because of this attack?

Not me. I kinda got the message in 2001.

They're trying really fucking hard to anger us (killing women and kids on our National day, killing an old priest...), and I wouldn't be surprised if one islamist burned a mosque down this week as a False Flag to make the muzz upset at Christians.

> Daily reminder that we don't know what was stolen this year in a laboratory in Paris which is studying dangerous diseases and biological weapons.
> Daily reminder that Hazmat suits were stolen in another lab, which is a very nice coincidence

This is being built right in front of our eyes and we are watching it habbening.

Yeah this attack made me really angry, I don't care about God ( i'm not a fedora tipper) but I'm literally shaking with rage and getting nervous.
What make me even more angry it's the libtards still putting the blame on the far right

It made me understand why Romans used to crucify people.

>The Bataclan was shocking, Orlando was frustrating, Nice was numbing

Why has Sup Forums not realized most of these were Israeli false flags?

Even reddit is more red-pilled than current Sup Forums:

Not he wasn't you mudshit.

I'm still waiting for the pope to beg muslims for forgiveness.

It was incredibly intentional. The nuns have said that they filmed it like shooting a show. They gave a speech to the camera probably saying how there would be more attacks and nobody was safe. The footage will be seen by police and never shown to the public - at least not while ISIS very much exists. It would only help them get their horrific message out.

paranoid nonsense.

>Does anyone else feel their thoughts changing because of this attack? Does it feel different than the others for anyone else?

Yes. There's no blaming foreign policy or wider political motives this time. This was an unprovoked and sadistic Islamic attack, plain and simple.

well, the #NotAllMuslims thing is true. They're ofc not all terrorists. The point is that their fucked up culture breeds terrorism wherever it goes.

I'm frankly just waiting for the first signals of an upcoming civil war senpai.

Joining army reserves soon, were locked in a ideological struggle with savages; but im afraid a lot of people have to die before we can fight back in full force (preferably the traitorous politicians and leftists, kikes and enabling multinationals).

It's eerie how fake this Syrian refugee family is.

What kind of family acts like this? So uniform in their falseness.

They are portrayed as being good, but to me they seem possibly evil even. Malevolent, like they are putting on a show, but beneath it all they are evil at heart.

JIDF pls go away. We know Israel did all the """terror attacks""".

>They're ofc not all terrorists.

The bigger fallacy is that Muslims are either extremists or moderates, completely ignoring the seemingly large number somewhere in between.

Nice was a deliberate attack on families. This was a deliberate attack on the foundations of Western civilisation. I have finally come to the conclusion there is zero room for Islam in the West - even peaceful Muslims create an environment where the negative aspects can begin to grow.

There's plenty of examples of how it has reacted to other incompatible cultures in the past, such as in India. And it turns out all other cultures are incompatible as it accepts no rival worldviews.

>Nice was numbing

It's pretty much confirmed that Israel did the Nice attack:

Hmmm I like that operator look for when shit hits the fan

Stop spilling your stupidity all over and moving the goal post, moron.

you (atheist) unironically are the ones who invited muslims to your country out of spite against christians.

fuck you

>JIDF pls go
Well, that's an old meme.
A wiki edit isn't proof of anything. Try to come up with more convincing arguments.

Until then, go back to your paranoid hugbox

The day of your accountability is coming.

>muslims killing jewish cartoonists
>i feel bad

>muslims beheading a catholic priest
>i feel apathetic

Fuck yourself, cuck.

I would believe it. Catholic priests are dangerous predators. Fuck christianity

I want to slaughter them and bathe my nations soil in their blood.


>mfw catholic cucks are just going to forgive and forget

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA your stupid western sect deserves to die just like your race

hello rabbi how you doin

And your pedophilic prophet even more, now kys mudshit

You goatfuckers just hate competition, don't you?

Pendant que Jean-Baptiste et Mehdi se battent, David et Mickael se frottent les mains.
J'me comprend.

I haven't been to mass in a decade, but this one felt.. personal and especially barbaric. How are the normie Catholics reacting?

It's very symbolic, that's why it hits so deep.


pope ≠ rural priest who everyone knows by first name

Now you're starting to get it. We must learn our lessons from history, and not lump groups of wildly different people together like we did in Africa, because it all just goes to shit.

Oy Vey

Has the pope commented the beheading of a Catholic priest in a church during sermon? Too busy licking the refugees' feet?

What the fuck? I leave my computer for a bit and come back to see that another terrorist attack happened.

It now feels like the new normal. I expect a terror attack everyday now. I will feel let down if there is no terrorist attack today

a lot of them don't know.

but i am raging, i didn't know the man. but the way in which he was killed has done it for me. he was forced to kneel, they slit his throat while they filmed it. i saw somewhere that he volunteered to be the one killed.

the worst part is that there is nothing i can do, i so much as even being to criticise muslims, the full force of the law is upon me.

the only solace i've had is from social media, more and more people are waking up to the truth

Yeah it's a bit crazy.

I know we have our own mudshit problems here, but I think if a priest got beheaded or a soldier like in UK, there'd be pogroms and shit.

At least I'd hope so.

Im so sad over this please pray the rosary,pray for the catholic church.

All white males please join the catholic church so we can defeat "cultural marxism"

Still it's not the atheists, it's "good christians" who are letting all this filth in.

Why are frogs so fucking self absorbed? You people are the most excessively faux macho but self centered pieces of shit on the face of the fucking Earth. Even if you don't give a fuck about religion, this man was a priest. a PRIEST. The very fucking backbone of French society till you pieces of shit decided to become one nation above God. Makes me fucking sick, your country is doomed. You're almost as African and Arab as us at this point, but you've culturally fucking gutted.

The pope said it was "barbaric" or something.

No real comment, no call for Christians to defend Christendom, no call for a crusade. Nothing.

He's a heretic, and needs expelling ASAP

>Has the pope commented the beheading of a Catholic priest in a church during sermon? Too busy licking the refugees' feet?
this desu

the pope is suppose to advocate for the west

Fuck off Muzzy

>No recent terrorist attack has made me as angry as this one. The Bataclan was shocking, Orlando was frustrating, Nice was numbing, but this?
Because it's true terror.

You are easily imagining the fear of the priest had, the fear the two nuns had, the fear the few elder church goers had.
Two violent enemies of your religion steps into your safest place and threatening you.
they must have been yelling at them to scare them, making then get on their knees so beg for their lives.
It's easy to imagine what else they must have done in terms of islamic faggottry to those scared elders.

And there was no help in sight. No god intervened. Helplessness.
The police is too scared to storm the place because it's a hostage situation.
No one to step in and save them as they recorded the beheading on video.

Can you imagine how scared and dreaded those two nuns had been when this happened? That's what makes you boil.

everyones letting these shit stains in. Lefitsm and Liberalism has set in in all facets of society.

Fuck you!

The disgusting Christians did that! Open borders, we are all God's children and this stuff.

Go to Jerusalem with you Cuckchristianity

Really? If you're now just feeling this way you're a faggot. Who cares if it was a priest or not, a life is a life. Entire families were wiped out in Nice most likely, young men and women watched their loved ones die in the concert shooting , people who they could have grown old with. It's all disgusting

It's going to become as common in Europe as the rest of the Middle East, if not more so. Eventually one of the affected countries will lose it's shit.


He will beg muslims for forgiveness for evil europeans killing those two innocent youths who just wanted to behead a priest in peace.

Pute d'arabe, dégage de mes terres.

We white males must go to sunday mass protect the catholic churches from islamic filth

Islam is not a race so you cannot be a racist for hating Islam .it is a shit choice shitty people make to follow a violent religion.

Sometimes it feels that is what everyone is waiting for.

You are young.
Nothing wrong with that, but all children must grow up.

>life is a life

Shitskins, sandniggers and mudslimes arent worth the dirt under my nails!

Imagine being French right now

Those Catholic cucks wash the feet of Muslims. I hope more priests are killed fuck em.


Well said.

>the pope is suppose to advocate for the west
For christians, modern practicing christians, aka 80% non white.

He is the last pope.

Nah, are you kidding? All atheists hate Islam more than Christianity. Christianity is much better than Islam. Which idiot would prefer Islam? Definitely not any atheist.

>Go to Jerusalem with you Cuckchristianity
I see you the divergence has worked. the soviets did a number on germany and europe

I'm catholic and french/italian so this one really pissed me off

This is it white males everywhere need to join the the catholic and orthodox churches. wemust protect the faith and protect european cultures

So any Frenchmen gonna go murder a local Imam or what?

>Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western philosophy, individual rights and liberalism.
No. Racists pigs like you are incompatible with the brave new world we are trying to build. I mean come the fuck on, it's 2016 for christ's sake.

Get rid of Pope Francis and install a more devout Pope.

He was probably a pedophile priest.

If you have not made your confirmation make it this upcoming year.
Pray the rosary sometime this week
Pray for the holy souls in purgatory.

Well said. Exactly correct.

Sainthood when?

By all accounts this priest was a good man and well loved and respected by his community. Kill yourself please

All religions are evil (excluding religions of cuckoldry like fucking Buddhism), the only things separating Islam are it's followers not being as moderate as those of, say, Christianity, and Islam being inherently expansionist in it's ideology in spreading Sharia through Jihad.

In hoc signo vinces

Weak bait. The end gave it away.

Pope benedict is still the real pope
Pope benedict knows the truth about muslims and jews being evil.

by removing christianity in society, there has been a void left in most of europe. Atheist created this via secularism.

Islam is going to fill that void. You atheist talked so much shit against christians. Now you get to see Islam.