Who sabotaged the blood test?
Who sabotaged the blood test?
the thing
The Thing probably has the most autistic fanbase (in a good way)
It physically pains me how rare horror films this well-detailed are made. Decades later and people are STILL debating if Childs was The Thing (he wasn't IMO).
The Thing
v I agree with this guy v
I like to think that he wasn't.
If the prequel is anything to go off of, which it is because Carpenter confirmed that it was canon, The Thing can't replicate non-organic material. Childs still has his earring at the end, so he should be humor. The no breath and drinking kerosene theories make me wonder though,
Here's a wallpaper for your time
Fuck, I'm tired
I concur that Child's wasn't The Thing.
I thought the black dude was the one who drank the kerosene only after Childs pretended to take a large swig?
Haven't seen the movie in a year or so.
That's why it's a flimsy theory. You see Kurt Russell drink it before Childs shows up. Maybe he was trying to kill himself before the cold or the thing does instead, but it's still a flimsy theory.
Macready says it himself:
>I know I'm human. And if you were all these things, then you'd just attack me right now, so some of you are still human.
If Childs was The Thing it could've VERY EASILY overpowered Macready in his weakened state. The Thing doesn't fuck around, there'd be no reason not to immediately assimilate him.
If John Carpenter did in fact say that the prequel is canon, then MacCready HAS to be the Thing.
I prefer the theory that the Thing was killed and they both freeze to death in the snow, but hey word of God and all.
The Thing (2011) should have been titled something else.
Obviously shit like "The Thing Begins" is cringy as fuck, but since it's a prequel, it should have been titled "The Thing From Another World." Like the original form the 50s
you can see the Bennings Thing's breath when he moans
Is The Thing the most dangerous alien in the universe?
I'm talking solely biologically. I mean realistically if The Thing ever made it to the ocean the earth would be 100% fucked.
The Thing In The Ice
Pretty much yeah. It's two biggest strengths are that it's intelligent, but also completely lacking in emotion.
Also what's the general consensus on The Thing (2011)?
imo I thought it was alright. Obviously not better than the 1982 one, but still enjoyable. Definitely needed more build up though. In the 1982 one, you get enough time to know all the characters and their personalities. The 2011 one has very little build up, the action starts way too fast, and the only characters that had any sort of character were MEW, the fucker who played Loyd in that Dumb and Dumber prequel, and Joel Edgerton
>but also completely lacking in emotion.
Someone post it
Carpenter also said the Xbox sequel is canon and it features Mac living, rescuing you at the end, and Childs dying and freezing to death (uninfected).
The film is meant to be left open though, as a self contained story. Looking for some be all end all answer defeats the point of the ending.
That shitty Things short story?
Nah, it's retarded.
"I will rape it into them"
If we're talking barebones plot it was... Decent I guess?
The terrible CGI absolutely ruined it though. I don't get how you can take a movie FAMOUS for its practical effects, and do... This.
Da Thang Back 2 Da Hood when?
There's a video on youtube of all the practical effects that were supposed to be in the prequel. It's sad to watch because it would have probably be the only film since the 1982 one to have God tier practicals.
The Thing Saves Christmas
The scale for this seems way too small.
And yes, the fans can be quite autistic, I like it though.
>Carpenter also said the Xbox sequel is canon and it features Mac living, rescuing you at the end, and Childs dying and freezing to death (uninfected).
I'm willing to trust this over the prequel. Even ignoring any prequels/sequels I don't think either one of them is infected. None of the evidence for it stands up.
Good fap material imo
Didn't Rob Ager use his autism powers to determine it was Windows?
Just remake all the Ernest movies with The Thing
Why didn't the Thing turn into a flying alien?
Stupid movie desu
Windows dropped the keys when he walked in on Bennings's assimilation
At least the boss at the end was good. Scary as shit I had nightmares for weeks and it made me so tired in school
Oh wait he says it was Palmer not Windows
maybe it never assimilated or saw anything with wings?
It can't create, just makes copies.
>saw anything with wings
It wouldn't fly but it should have become a penguin.
Why didn't the thing just become the snow and crawl out? Never understood this.
The Thing had an encounter with humans at the norwegian camp and saw how dangerous they were. Why didn't it bypass the american camp in dog form and go straight for the ocean to start assimilating all wild life on earth. I mean the dog went 2000km between the two bases so it obviously didnt need food and was very resistant to cold
Why didnt the thing just give itself fur or an organ which gives it a tremendous amount of bodyheat so that it could just walk wherever it wanted to go without freezing?
>tfw the teeth check scene
Call it homage or whatever, it just felt cheap. Also, they didn't have enough material to creatively kill off the cast 1 by 1 throughout the movie so they just fucking kill off half the cast in 1 fell swoop during that scene. Besides the CGI, that whole sequence really killed the ***prequel*** for me
It was being chased by a helicopter with a gunman you stupid nigger
I always took the whiskey offering at the end to mirror the whiskey he pours in the computer game at the beginning.
He said the computer game cheated, so he forced the game to end by breaking it. I think that means with Childs he recognizes the "game" is rigged, with him not having any way to tell if he's real or not. So he's either accepted he's lost and is quitting the game, or he's just given up on the game of figuring out who's a Thing and so he's just going to kill Childs no matter what.
Why didn't The Thing just talk and establish peace amongst the human?
Because it wanted to build a ship.
Also I thought in severe cold it would just go dormant, not be totally resistant to it.
The real question is why didn't it go back to its original ship.
It didn't want to, obviously.
It's the same answer as "why didn't they just let the Thing leave in its spaceship"? It wanted to assimilate them all, it didn't have to. It wouldn't have left the planet, it would have just flown out of the arctic.
>music starts just as Childs takes a sip
>MacReady smiles and gives a slight chuckle when he does
What did they mean by this?
Kurt Russell x MEW please
Taking the prequel into consideration
I like to think the thing learned how it couldn't replicate inorganic material
it assimilated Childs then remembering the Swedes picked up the earring and put it in
It does seem a lot smarter in Carpenter's film. The prequel thing just goes around killing in plain sight. The 1982 one, for the most part, tries to go in stealthily. Maybe it learned.
Did it learn how to get dubs though
It's either a chuckle of "you're not worried about getting infected from sharing a drink because you're already infected. I got you, fucker, time to burn" or a chuckle of "wow, if you're an imitation, you're good. fuck it, i give up".
If he didn't go check on the dogs at that exact moment, the movie would've been over very quickly.
Yeah that just made the most sense to me
It also makes the prequel a lot less shitty if you think of the thing as a monster that slowly learns to deal with its surrounding
How did the Thing know that it had to sabotage the blood, before they even realized blood could be used to test for the Thing.
Palmer gets assimilated during the Blair's outburst and sabotages the blood banks, using the key which Windows dropped in the storage room.
It's wicked smaht.
If we're counting prequel its because it knew because that had already been suggested in its presence so it responded appropriately. Back with just the 1982 version however, I'm not sure. Wasn't Norris and Palmer technically infected at the same time? Maybe it has a hivemind between its separate organisms because Norris was present when blood test was suggested.
>It also makes the prequel a lot less shitty if you think of the thing as a monster that slowly learns to deal with its surrounding
That's what I tell myself. Although, it's probably not true.
Palmer is the first one to be assimilated m8. Thats his shadow when the dog wanders into the room early on while Mac checks out the Norwegian outpost.
Shit you're right
What really buys me was how the norwegians handled the situation in the first film, throwing grenades around, blowing your own helicopter and shooting unarmed people without any explanation seems like a bad way to leave a first impression.
I mean didn't they at least know some basic english to tell the americans that the dog was infected?
How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?
Swim down and knock on the hatch.
Even the Americans were pretty retarded.
If you saw Norwegians flying a helicopter and shooting at a dog, obviously something is up. But nah, kill the dudes and take the dog's side.
In the context of the first movie I guess we can just assume they were hysterical with fear and they were trying to contain it. But otherwise yes, they were being painfully stupid and they should have known to speak English.
What would be your idea for an original Thing story?
Hard mode: no sequel, prequel, or explanation of the Thing as an entity or the ambiguous ending of John Carpenter's movie.
A common fan theory is that the ship in the beginning was piloted by other aliens, the Thing got on board, fucked everything up and they crashed. That would be a pretty good movie by itself desu.
That there were other things aside from the one that attacked the Norwegian camp.
This could go in several directions, like the thing attaching itself to animals and spreading itself around that way (so other scientists may be affected, along with fisherman/hunters). The Thing on a ship is another possible direction, but it might feel too similar to the original, I don't know.
Either way I'll be expecting my shekels if you turn this into a movie.
I dunno about a full story, but I always liked the idea of a Thing being such a perfect replication that even another imitation doesn't know if it's real or not.
One of the most interesting interpretations of the final scene with MacReady and Childs is that they're BOTH Things bouncing their imitated speech off of each other, and basically they can't figure out how to ask if the other one is like them without giving themselves away if the other one is human.
>"You the only one who made it?" "Not the only one."
I think a lot could be done with that. Maybe in a different Thing story, all the characters are assimilated before the climax, and the twist ending is the Thing just realizing it's already won and it can just drop the act, and all the remaining characters you thought were fighting for their survival were just playing out an act.
>twist ending is the Thing just realizing it's already won and it can just drop the act, and all the remaining characters you thought were fighting for their survival were just playing out an act.
I don't think this is inherently terrible but that means it was all a joke right?
The rec room scene was literally the only good one
>It can't create, just makes copies.
Of course it can create.
It turned a head into a spider and full bodies into other monstrosities.
Not infeasible to say it couldn't create wings if it wanted to.
> its a shitty "whad if da things didn't even kno they were things?" episode
Im glad carpenter btfo you faggots
It's not Jack Frost.
Now this really makes me want to play a good homebrew The Thing TTRPG.
No, I mean that by the end of the movie, the remaining "survivors" are just Things pretending to fight for survival to fit in with their surroundings, as they assumed the rest of the survivors were legitimate. Basically the imitations keep up their act because they fool each other.
The ending wouldn't be the Thing assimilating the last person, it would be the Things realizing the last person was assimilated 15 minutes ago and it already won. And then all the protagonists you were rooting for just go slack as they merge back into one whole. In a sense, even the movie itself would be an imitation of a premise that fooled the viewer.
Carpenter just said one of the men was a Thing on his twitter. I don't think he said that the other one wasn't.
Shut up
John Carpenter purposefully did not use one of the main actors' in the shadow scene so you can't tell who was the first infected.
Well either it way it was Palmer who sabotaged the blood, no matter when he was infected. Hes the only one absent beforehand.
Not about whether in the end one was or not, if one was it would know. The things also know other things so there wouldnt be any pretence or human interaction at the end if they both were.
Also it's literally canon that neither were things so the point is mute.
Don't be a cunt.
You can also notice Windows noping the fuck out when they find the sabotaged blood because he knows he fucked up by dropping the keys near the corpse.
> noping
You have to go back
You have to stop being a faggot who takes every chance to try and parrot muh reddit bogeyman
It's debatable if its canon or not.
Sure, the game says they were both human, and Carpenter called that canon. But then on his twitter, Carpenter said it was canon at least one was a Thing.
Really, I think the movie should just be taken as its own thing, and there isn't a canon answer. The genius of the last scene is that it can be taken in any way. Are they both humans recognizing the futility of their distrust and sharing a drink as they prepare for death? Is Childs a thing and MacReady trying to prod to see if he has one last job to do? Is MacReady the last Thing, chuckling as Childs drinks the whiskey because he just infected the last threat? Or are they both the Thing basically having a conversation with itself about what it should do next?
The lines are carefully constructed to support any of the four scenarios, because its supposed to make you paranoid and unsure.
I've always wondered why Garry didn't point that out. He would have done anything to shift the blame, but he never points out that he gave keys to Windows.
there's an overpriced board game coming out in November
I like that idea but I think it would be funnier if the things end up some how killing each other because they didn't know if they were fighting an imitation or a real human.
if you watch the directors commentary carpenter states that that there was no consideration given to the visible breath, it's irrelevant.
>Pajeet makes massive gains in the fields of aerospace technology
We know The Thing can live in a variety of environments, but as as aggressive as it is, both physiologically and tactically, do we know well it can compete with some of EARTH'S most virulent strains of bacteria? What if it goes int he ocean and some stray dinoflagellate just fucks it all up because it doesn't know how to invade such a porous, crystalline shell? For that matter, do we have Word-of-God as to whether it can also assimilate organisms of botanical origin, including plankton and algae?
Costs calories, my nigga
Very good theme and setting for the movie, shit plot. Very badly written and makes no sense at some points
>The real question is why didn't it go back to its original ship.
It was probably broken or something.
I guess, but if the thing was smart enough to pilot and build a space ship, you would think it would be smart enough to figure out that murdering a group of sentient creatures with weapons when you're outnumbered is a bad survival strat. But if this guy's theory is true, then never mind
bree sure "noping" originated on Sup Forums; especially on /x/ and /k/ "innawoods" threads. Usually when people would tell spooky stories and just generally be very gay with each other.
People who debate if Childs was a Thing or not are completely missing the point. It's demonstrated at the beginning that Macready is more than willing to break to rules to win.
It literally didn't matter if Childs was a Thing. Macready was going to kill him anyway to be sure.
Hooolyyyyy shiiiiiiiit. Is this Word-of-God or just your speculation? Because I haven't heard this theory yet before, but iss pree guh.
Kind of a side theory about Norris. I think he may have been been the victim of sabotaged food instead of a straight up take over. I've always suspected the line Fuchs says to Mac about everyone cooking their own food and only eating out of cans was foreshadowing in some version of the script for a reveal that was abandoned.
>poops in your path
hehe nothing personal kid