Just saw this movie. Does anybody else actually hate this shit because the theme is just so hopeless and the visuals are just so fucking dreary and ugly? I really found this movie to be an unpleasant viewing. It was literally like watching 2 hours of "nightmare fuel."
Alien: Covenant
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That's not strange at all, except for thinking that it's an ugly film because it most definitely is not, unless you mean the creatures are ugly in which case again that isn't a strange opinion to have.
>The gore.
>The gloomy world they visit.
>David's creations / art work.
>The buildings.
>The gore.
>Obviously everything about the aliens.
>The hopeless message conveyed throughout.
I just felt the movie lacked anything positive at all. Like even a single sentence of dialog that could instill hope didn't exist. It was like staring into death and negativity the entire time.
There is a reason for this: the planet is hell.
Nigger what did you expect the message to be? Candy and roses?
Yeah this movie had potential to be a good sequel to Prometheus but instead it retconned a lot from Prometheus and was just a dumb Alien movie
Oh, poor you. Just watch something fun on Netflix next time.
>tfw we didnt see backstory of Engineers creating the first humans
What are you talking about, we saw that in Prometheus. It's not a very complicated creation.
I loved this movie. Fuck you, faggots.
What exactly was unanswered from Prometheus that you absolutely need resolved?
Jesus being an Engineer and being sent down to Earth 2,000 years ago
Why the fuck do the Engineers live on a planet filled with roman like buildings. Did they build them?
Did Engineers create humans or did they help apes evolve into humans?
Those aren't even questions of any relevance.
>Did Engineers create humans or did they help apes evolve into humans?
They dropped their DNA on our planet, we are made from their stuff. There is no suggestion that evolution didn't still happen or we were just popped out rather than slowly formed.
>Jesus being an Engineer and being sent down to Earth 2,000 years ago
There is no suggestion Jesus had anything to do with the engineers considering the visitors had a very clear message of "look, go here" and Jesus never mentioned any of that as far as I know.
>Why the fuck do the Engineers live on a planet filled with roman like buildings. Did they build them?
Why do humans live in cities filled with glass and steel buildings blocks? Did they build them?
>visuals dreary and ugly
Because the other alien movies had such colourful and vibrant environments. Both alien and aliens both had cold, metallic, rocky and wet visuals.
>Why the fuck do the Engineers live on a planet filled with roman like buildings. Did they build them?
Who cares? Do you really want a movie devoted to explaining that?
>Did Engineers create humans or did they help apes evolve into humans?
The opening of Prometheus shows the Engineer drink the black goo, disentegrate, and then his matter then becoming what is essentially the building blocks of life on the planet, eventually leading to humans. Why Engineers only share identical DNA with humans, and not, say, birds and fish can be blamed on bad screenwriting.
>Why Engineers only share identical DNA with humans, and not, say, birds and fish
It might be worded poorly in the film but we all share the same DNA building blocks, the difference is the actual assembly, the length and order. It is like a sentence written in Roman alphabet, the engineer sentence is very much like ours while a fish sentence is written with the same alphabet but expresses something entirely different.
I enjoyed this film, mostly because I'm a sucker for the visuals and aesthetics. It wasn't scary at all though. The scares were all completely telegraphed. Set up, tense music, jump scare. Rinse wash repeat.
I know these aren't horror films in the strictest sense of the term, but I still think some real suspense would do these movies some good.
>so hopeless
>visuals are just so fucking dreary
>an unpleasant viewing
Watch Alien 3 user, then you tell me about hopelessness.
It was just fine I guess. Really derivative and boring in the first half. How many times do we need to see the crew gets killed one by one routine? Really liked the scenes in David's lair and his weird lab and all. The film needed so much more of that.
>could have been a good sequel to Prometheus
Jesus fuck, you wanted MORE Prometheus lore and exposition?
>thread title is Alien : Covenant
>obviously a shill
>trying reverse psychology
>this movie is so nightmarish and ugly, don't go see it ! ;))))
alien 3 was 80% hopelessness 20% fun goofy british humour.... ghey movie
The only macho Alien movie is Aliens so fuck off.
I fuck it up, this was not for , but forSrry.
I am rewatching Prometheus right now and it's a vastly better movie.
Covenants script is stupid and the characters where all so dull and forgettable.
My personal favorite is still Cameron's aliens 1986
I just wonna give the movie an oscar for killing off James Franco within the first 5 min of the movie
I don't get it - am I supposed to hate the humans for their absolute fucking stupidity in this movie? Or is it just a bad movie???
>My personal favorite is still Cameron's aliens 1986
Your post was going so good until you said this
Haha Holy shit
Agreed. Alien and Alien 3 ftw.
Prometheus is alright for what it is also...
The point isn't that humans are stupid, but that humans are very primitive and fragile.
>Did Engineers create humans or did they help apes evolve into humans?
They are not engeniers. They are a race created by the engeniers, thats why they happily gathered waiting for the arrival of their creators.
And thats why they are not blue
There's nothing about a crowd of people welcoming back their astronauts that suggests that the engineers seen in Prometheus are a separate race.
I am having a hard time to consider if I like Prometheus better than Alien 3 or the other way around.
I consider both very underrated and I absolutely love the first act of Prometheus and accept that the second act gets a little generic but still it's a really good movie that is miles better than Alien: Covenant.
>Movie about the creation of humanity, and where the aliens come from
>Answers nothing
>Sequel that promises to explain everything
>"Oh the aliens were made by a human robot, and the engineers are all dead now"
Sure maybe that wasn't their home planet, or maybe David was going off blueprints that he found, but that isn't what the movie implied.
But I'd like a sequel where David has Daniels locked in a rape dungeon on the Colonist planet, and he continues to be Walter to the colonists who are slowly taken one by one by David to experiment on and impregnate until Daniels escapes and tries to warn/help them
But I know fox will just kill everyone off screen and the next flick will be a new cast coming to investigate the colony and are killed off one by one in stupid as fuck ways
Why do the Engineers have such a hardon for their own faces?
for real, i must have missed the subtitle of "they just want hugs and kisses"
>And thats why they are not blue
omg are you that guy who keeps saying that the Engineers are blue? How color blind are you m8 just stop
>Ridley Scott purposely designed the Engineers to be pale white to resemble the Ancient Statues of Ancient Greek Gods
I really like this
>But I'd like a sequel where David has Daniels locked in a rape dungeon on the Colonist planet, and he continues to be Walter to the colonists who are slowly taken one by one by David to experiment on and impregnate
>maybe David was going off blueprints that he found, but that isn't what the movie implied.
That's not what the movie implied, but it's outright stated that David was merely fine-tuning the original Deacon setting of the Black Goo.
David has an Alien farm now. He can create thousands of ayys with what he has. A sequel with a new crew trapped in that farm can be a good idea actually.
They create things in their own image.
>be me watching Prometheus for first time
>be me watching Alien: Covenant for the first time
>"Well this is boring. What's this? Crew members searching a planet they have never been at before oh and look.. within seconds they are infected and being killed off."
Anyone else feel the same way? I was bored with Covenant 20 minutes in despite the first infection happening almost instantly they landed on the planet but I still gave hardly any shits about the movie because all the magic of Prometheus was thrown out the door.
The movies will build up to david being the space jockey or some shit.
He will turn the colonists into eggs and crash his ship again.
It would be an interesting setting
Instead we'll get the crew of another ship sent to investigate the colony, made up the same boring 'mercenary types' we've seen since AVP which are fucking boring and more stupid scientists.
>to resemble the Ancient Statues of Ancient Greek Gods
Someone should have told that fag that those statues were initially coloured with paint
>tfw no scene of Shaw happily controlling the ship
Fuck you Ridley for not including this in the movie apart from a split second hologram of her
>It was like staring into death and negativity the entire time.
Sounds like my life
>The movies will build up to david being the space jockey or some shit.
post yfw it was Sup Forums that came up with this idea
It was actually me who stated this in a thread a few days ago.
This. I felt the same way.
>It was like staring into death and negativity the entire time.
>the legendary 1979 sci-fi horror classic with one of the most famous monsters of all time unironically turned into an Ancient Aliens episode
let this sink in, boys
Roger Ebert actually felt the same way about Aliens. I wonder how he would feel about this movie.
What was David doing on Naboo?
>Huge fucking city spread a mile or so in every direction from the town centre and temple
>Movie time skips them walking through the city so we see nothing but dark hallways inside the temple and stairs outside
What a fucking waste, first alien city in the series and they skip over the crew walking through it
>not uplifting or positive
it's almost like this is some kind of horror movie where the inventions of man turn on their creators
>Huge fucking city spread a mile or so in every direction from the town centre and temple
WAIT WHAT? The movie made it out that there was only a temple hall and the rest was just mud and dirt...
How big of a plothole is this
>At no point does anyone make note of the fact they're in a fucking dilapidated alien city
You also forgot
>David's goo only lands in the middle of the city
>implying no one was in their homes and survived
>implying every single enginner alien whatever they were was in the middle of the city at that moment
Okay so Alien Covenent doesn't feature the Engineer home planet
It features one of their colonies, where they discovered those black spores, which are a problem
The Engineers learned to deal with them, living in a walled city, took the spores off planet, and studied, modified them on the planet in Prometheus to use as a weapon. For some reason the Engineers leaved a map to this planet on Earth.
But why?
>all those jars
>the damage of a single jar in Prometheus
How did he not end the fucking world right there?
Why did the engineers react to it like a nerve gas instead of mutate into a biological hybrid
This really triggered me. So not one person mentions that these buildings look very similar to say Ancient Greece or even bothers to bring up why such a massive city is built on an alien planet.
No one bothers to ask David this at all
Apparently in high doses it turns you to stone
they refer to it as a necropolis several times
more importantly
>Prometheus has apparently become a cautionary tale or atleast well known as a disaster
>Walter has access to files on Shaw
>He knows she was an archaeologist and maybe MAYBE a biologist
>seems perfectly logical that she could rebuild a robot/synthoid with access to only alien technology no human should have any comprehension of
you never use a GPS to figure out how to get back home?
It's not a plothole, just shitty writting. They could have shown homes having impromptu fortifications nailed on, signs of fighting or fires/explosions of survivors fighting back in the last 10 years
Its reasonable to assume any survivors got fucked over by Neomorphs in the last 10 years, or David hunted them down and killed them. There does appear to be mutated engineer children in his lab/ study
what is getting lost in this storm of autism and pedantic fact finding is that Fassbender gave a magnetic performance almost unparalleled in modern cinema. this movie was worth it just to see that nigga do his mad scientist shtick
So the people of Pompeii were turned to stone due to the jar goo?
This would be a cool plot point for Ridley to bring up
>this movie was worth it just to see that nigga do his mad scientist shtick
no shit. Fassbender makes this movie worthwhile. Take him out and it's like a sci fi low budget shite
I'm just waiting for the RLM Half in the Bag episode on this.
the only real disappointment is that we didn't get to see Shaw mutated into a queen like abomination birthing eggs non stop to the point that she is either mindbroken or begging for death that never comes
still the implication that David more or less still did this to her pleases me, just wish we could have seen it
Oh my god. I just realised this.
>"So what did you think of Prometheus 2? I mean Alien: Paradise Lost, I mean Alien: Covenant"?
>Colonist are dumber than space truckers.
>with access to only alien technology no human should have any comprehension of
David had perfect comprehension of it all. he knows more about the Engineers and their ways than anyone
>the only real disappointment is that we didn't get to see Shaw mutated into a queen like abomination birthing eggs non stop to the point that she is either mindbroken or begging for death that never comes
That would be so fucking horrific. What are you trying to do? Actually scare people to death?
>tfw always the most innocent and pure have to have the most violent deaths
jesus christ dude
i mean i dig the horrific angle you are peddling but you are hawking this fetish double time in these threads
It was a bad movie. I think that sums it up.
>several people get murdered by giving birth to an alien
>"Hey let me go off by myself in the dark in this strange temple while you guys stay close. I will be fine on my own"
Fucking hell
the more I think about how David probably really did love Shaw, and likely thought of her as some kind of twisted mother to his monster children the more i get freaked out. that dude is fucking nuts
>"I can't let you out cos you may be infected... oh and don't mind me who has just gotten sprayed with blood from someone who has an alien crawling out of their back. I don't think I am infected."
The cinema sins on this movie are going to be huge
why is it that autistic people can't overlook small sketchy details that are largely irrelevant to the larger plot? are the incapable of suspension of disbelief or some shit?
>that smile
As many problems as I have with this movie; David by far is one of the greatest sci fi psychopaths of all time
so what's david's plan for all the colonists? is he going to put face huggers on every single one while on the ship? so he's going to have 2000 xenomorphs on the ship doing what exactly?
i'm guessing those 2 things he spit out at the end are for daniels and tennessee
He is going to use their meat to perform a grand symphony
How did the Xeno that got on board the Covenant at the end of the movie grow so quickly?
It was supposed to have burst out of Lope's chest only recently.
Yes. He will infect every single one of them and then somehow find himself on an Engineer spaceship while becoming the space jockey that we see in 1979 Alien after he mutates to a giant
These are expensive space truckers! $42,000,000 a ship, tons of minerals. It's not cheap!
That is fucking bullshit stop repeating it
no one except Weyland knew this though, we as the audience know with our observer bias but Walter should have been suspicious
To be fair, fear can make you do stupid things.
Loved all the outfits, /fa/ as fuck
Shaw did put David back together
because who the fuck knows if we will get another R rated Alien movie in the PG-13 PC infested entertainment industry, this might have been the last chance for something like this
here's hoping Ridley pulls through andDavid delivers in the next one though with Daniels
Hold on, did David kill the engineers? I thought it was a recreation of an ancient war.
One of the movie's only good scenes
yea but the point is with her field of expertise being Archeology and no access to the technology that actually made David she shouldn't have been able to