Are any of these youtube video essay channels actually fucking good?
Are any of these youtube video essay channels actually fucking good?
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I fucking hate these. this, kaptainkristian and nerdwriter and the reddit embodiments
no lol
unironically kill yourself.
Every Frame a Painting is pretty good. Nerdwriter can be good too.
But most of them are pretty terrible. I saw one about Persepolis being an "orientalist" movie and it gave me cancer
And why?
check out this channel
i think his video essays are pretty good and in depth.
other than that there are certainly a lot of bullshit arts out there.
How soon will you die?
no. never look for insight or knowledge on film or art from geek culture... beyond genre trope discussion/assessment anyways.
hell, even critic and journalist culture is offbase at this point.
Guarantee they are all made by people who have never made a film in their life. So no, they are not good. They are fucking cringe and useless. It's academia at it's worst.
This guy does okay essay, its sad that he mostly focuses on capefilms as its the only thing that seems to garner views
>Guarantee they are all made by people who have never made a film in their life
Channels like YourMovieSucks yeah, but the guy and girl from every frame a painting are freelance editors.
The criterion collection actually hired them to make a video essay for Tampopo so theres that.
This is my problem, I'm fucking sick of seeing pseudo, entry-level analyses of Rick and Morty or capeshit or fucking whatever flavor of the month surface level media everyone's already talking about. Are there any channels that actually go in depth on the technical side of film history or at least analyzes content with more depth than "The Hidden Existentialism of Guardians of the Galaxy" or whatever the fuck.
This might be the only one I've seen so far that's actually interesting, thanks.
literally OP
/our guy/, anyone else is a faggit
I feel really weird about how comfortable this guy is posting his channel when it's just total bullshit with pretty much no reason to exist
>that nerdwriter episode about how Children of Men is a critique of capitalism
>that cringy analysis of a shitty, dead simple Louie CK joke
Nerdwriter is the redditest youtube personality around
I like Movies with Mikey. There isn't any pretense of trying to be an end all interpretation of a film. It's "I like this movie, here's why."
Also, he's makes a pretty good argument that Fifth Element is a Die Hard movie.
Go back to being humiliated in your own thread, fucking crossdressing asian faggot.
is killkid really a cross dresser?
also, is killkid the most cancerous trip?
literally the most reddit thing since marvel. if you like them you belong on /r/movies
>tfw East Side Dave and Pepper Hicks will never bring back The Watchers podcast
>tfw they will not record another drunk commentary of Any Given Sunday
I would kill for a Sup Forums review channel where everything is either REDDIT or KINO, like TheBestGamers
The only ones I like from Tony are the Jacky Chan one, because he basically summarizes what we've all been complaining about action in Hollywood and provides a solution, and the music one about how temp music makes modern film scores bland.
Nerwriter is just milking reddit money. He's a faggot, and greedy. He probably browses Sup Forums but makes buzzfeed tier shit to make $$$$.
Lesson from the screenplay is alright. A bit autistic and pedantic.
This guy seems like an even more verbose Nerdwriter.
Overall, they are only good when they reveal some trivia about the industry. Like temp music, or some behind the scenes stuff most people are bot autistic enough to know. Otherwise, who wants to hear some faggot speak authoritatively about film "criticism" when non of them have ever made or written anything worthwhile. Oh don't give me that "my video essay is like a short film, so I'm a filmmaker" BS.
Dunning-Kruger effect. Literally too stupid to recognize how cancerous he is.
What's with all these so-called analysis channels popping up lately? Everyone wants to be an Every Frame a Painting ripoff.
loneliness is the zeitgeist of our time
Same reason Taratino gets to make movies. They can't make something originsl, so everything they make is derivative. ITS JUST A " HOMAGE" BRO.
Oliver Harper's reviews are comfy. Maybe redditlettermedia but only if rich evans is involved.
Rob Ager is the only worthwhile one.
the only Sup Forums approved one
I've been feeling the urge to make a channel where I watch poorly reviewed movies or popcorn/kids movie shit and talk about what's good about them. No analysis, no formal language or attempts to educate, just finding the best parts of bad movies and any reasons to watch them.
you mean like cinemawins?
Just had a look, kind of like that. The praise seems a little forced and formal though, and they're targeting every blockbuster that comes out rather than the shit movies of yesteryear.
>mfw listening to rob ager
no, they're mostly bullshit and pretend to "really make you think" but they don't make you think at all
why are these people so fucking retarded?
lmao holy shit
>>that nerdwriter episode about how Children of Men is a critique of capitalism
lmao really?
how cliche and embarrassing
when will these people and their cancerous ideology just fucking die?
Entertaining. A shame most of his videos are about random subject matters instead of picking these kinds of stills apart.
Nerdwriter watchers are hardcore redditors
too bad y'all don't speak French...
Now You See it
video essays peaked in 1973, this new wave is utter shit.
>mfw I unironically like Cinefix
Royal Ocean Film Society
Chez Lindsay
Lessons From The Screenplay
I actually think every frame a painting is pretty good. It mainly focuses on editing and camerawork/mise en scene and the guy is an editor himself so he seems to know what he's talking about. Unlike other channels.
>putting kaptainkristian on the same list
Shut your whore mouth
Now You See It
Lessons From the Screenplay
Nerdwriter is a complete pseudo intellectual. His video on Picasso is basically him reading out everything you'd find in the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article about one of Picasso's paintings.
Cinefix seem to actually know their shit.
How about this?
i like kaptainkristian he just talks about what he likes and his videos are really interestingly done
Pause and Select is damn good
Review Screw is pretty good.
nerdwriter makes me cringe with his highfalutin nonsense.
kaptainkristian is p good tho
Except kaptainkristian isn't a flaming sjw and puts an incredible amount of time and effort into his videos. Also there're not just about a single subject matter.
Funnily enough, kaptainkristian lurks on Sup Forums.
What about moonman?
Kaptainkristian and nerdwriter are absolutely pure cancer, every frame a painting is okay though.
Most professional movie critics haven't made a film in their life, but you only have a problem with it when it's Youtubers?
Every frame is good for what it is, entry level analysis for this starting film and television. Even if I don't always agree with him, he usually explains himself well.
Nerdwriter is cancer.
What really pisses me off about faggots like nerdwriter and kaptainkristian is literally anyone could fucking do what they do. There's no real skill or knowledge required to just shoot the shit about movies or god help us, cartoons, and they're making a fucking fortune just shitting out these fucking retarded friend simulator videos. Drives me crazy.
>Nerdwriter watchers are hardcore redditors
I can't begin to imagine how pissed of artists must be by this. A frame from a film is not even close to the technical and creative achievement of a good painting.
That's not the point of the statement. It's about composition
That's probably the best vid on the channel.
> I've never watched a single kaptainkristian video
And yet here you are pretending that you have. Why lie?
They're fine for laymen. The only time they actually cause problems is when the laymen think they're experts because they watched a few 20 minute youtube videos. 95% of the time they're just saying basic shit anyone who has spent their life watching / studying films can comprehend at the very least intuitively.
The opposite of this is of course Sup Forums retards who may have a deeper understanding of cinematography, but ONLY intuitively through exposure to vast amounts of movies acting like they're superior despite not understanding the mechanics and other aspects of film making.
Whole things a crapshoot 2bh, you can't paint everyone with the same brush, shades of gray ect ect, not worth raising your blood pressure over.
They are nowhere near shit like Extra Credits with video games spewing garbage opinions as fact, as well as factually incorrect statements and still lauded as knowledgeable contributors to discussion.
> Extra Credit
Was that the guy who made a long winded retarded video about how wireless space was limited and how we were running out?
He also does a History series that has blatant inaccuracies but is still popular because normies are fucking retards.
Tony is legit. Pedagogical and accessible for plebs, still insightful for patricians. His love of cinema is pure and not ego-driven. Essays are well-structured and with basic but important points. Keeps his reddit sensibility and SJW politics out of his videos. He was a breath of fresh air when he appeared, no one had done simple essays with this level of production quality and style without neglecting the substance, it was always one or the other but never the right balance. Doesn't force a schedule onto himself to release vids, just does whenever he feels he has something worthwhile to share.
Nerdwriter is the complete opposite, a complete fraud, nothing but reddit pandering, reddit ideology on complete display, poorly structured, incredibly pretentious (fucking hate this slowed-down voice thing he does to trick the viewer into thinking his words carry great meaning) despite saying nothing of worth. The fact that he always shows his face (Tony never did) is proof it's completely ego-driven e-whoring for easy crowdfunding bucks, the absolute cancer of youtubeshit.
Youtube is shit. Read In the Blink of an Eye by Walter Murch
>accessible for plebs, still insightful for patricians.
kek. otherwise, you're almost spot on.
I have no idea what this thread is about but I know this user is crying and wiping his runny nose because user used words
This guy's essays are pretty ok.
Criswell used to be good, but now his videos are like used a thesaurus for every word. His Girlfriends channel (art reguard) is astoundingly bad though, I can hardly understand a word that bitch says.
I wonder if Sup Forums could do any better.
This. They have nothing interesting to say so they supplement with high production value.
F for fake?
If anything, these fucks could learn a thing or too from it.
Nerd writer's latest couple of videos are a lot better with the speaking habit thing, which got on my nerves a bit with his other videos.
Holy fuck the bottle and the football was too much for me.
Every Frame a Painting has a video entirely about that.
She should show her weird alien cute-looking face.
cinefix is okay as far as clickbait top 10 lists go
I don't believe this is real
Rob asked for film discussion sites once and i reccomended Sup Forums in the comments because it suits his level of autism. He might even browse this place now kek.
He not only does the most in depth and original analysis, but actually seems to be a likable and genuine person.
Another good analysis channel is
>Darren - must see films
He is underrated as fuck and has done a few podcasts with ager i believe
>Film herald
Also does pretty good stuff. Under 30k subs.
>voxis productions
not analysis, but Sup Forums related and funny as fuck. dude shilled his stuff here once and it was actually outstandingly entertaining. If you're reading this i love you dude.
goes more in to how scenes were constructed/the production side, not really analysis, more a look of the history behind certain films.
>georg Rockall-schmidtt
Entertaining lighthearted stuff more than hard analysis. Doesnt just do Sup Forums stuff but is quite funny and his videos are comfy.
They also claim to have a shit ton of game experience, but as far as I remember it was a minor ass role.
The only good series they have is the animation one, but only because that one has actual correct information.
This channel has potential, the guy is a legit editor and seems pretty chill.
I like that Irish weeb guy.
A) He mainly talks about composition and editing
B) He's usually praising whatever it is he's talking about.
every liberal on the planet unequivocally supports femfreq, probably donates to them, and will tell you you're an unperson if you disagree. feminism is basically their religion.
enjoy knowing that every person you don't hate is just as retarded as you are outside of their own tiny little area of expertise. probably more retarded.
I'm liberal and I hate radical feminists like her. I hate the term feminism too, which to them, means equality. I hate Black Lives Matter too.
They're both fucking cults.