So much for the old "People who aren't good/pure/awoken only see him as a dog" deal.

>Still reading PVP

Kill yourself.

what is this

Oh social issues! I love those in cartoons as well as the real world

The desperate screams of someone who's furious that Brian Clevenger and Christopher Hastings got to work for the Big Two while he's still sobbing about webcomics not being as well-respected as newspaper comic strips

>current year

yo filthy goyim

What the fuck does he pee from then?

His nostrils?

..the answer is: yes, we should divie bathroom in male/female because that's 99.9% of population. The other 0.01% can use whathever bathroom they want because there is no specifically bathroom for them, and doing their necessities is more important than other people's sense of privacy. However, this 0.01% is for people that actually have some sort of issue that makes them neither male or female. If you're just pretending, fuck off, because it's people's privacy vs your fantasy.

PVP is still being made?!

Who on Earth reads it?! And WHY?

I haven't read PvP in years but I'm almost positive Cousin Troll fucked some bitches.

The same reason people still read Family Circus.

But newspaper strips aren't respected at all.


this is the first time ive read pvp in 7 years or so.

this is really boring and he's mixing the terminology of his target audience by making the hero a troll

Not how hermaphroditism and sexual chromossome issues work.

i don't know what's weirder, the fact that PVP is still going or the fact that Scott Kurtz is somehow still the size of a fucking house

Hasn't the troll's lack of gender been a joke before? I don't think this is "staying relevant" as much as "oh good, I have an easy punchline."

Transsexuals people (not all) are fucking idiots.

If they want "equal" then why they not pushing gender neutral bathrooms.

Nah. He's gone on dates with girls, his cousin's fucked them, and we've seen male and female trolls.

The gender thing before was because Skull was pretending to be a woman to fuck with everyone.

X0 or X? instead of XY/XX is exactly how it works.

Crazy thought here. How about we put toilet stalls and urinals in the same bathrooms?


But we do. It's called the mens room.

Some of them are.

You mean, how about we install urinals in the Lady's rooms?

na what's retarded is this moral panic that if you let trans people pee in peace where they please (like they already do, and have been doing all this time) that some how this will cause the rape of children and women to become common place and legal.

Clevenger and Hastings fucking deserved it, though. Their work is goddamn inspired.

I asked Kurtz how he felt about their success once. (Actually, just Clevenger's. Hastings hadn't done anything for Marvel yet, he was still getting Atomic Robo rolling) He ignored me and went to talk to someone else.

Presumably because that other person had food and you didn't.

Clevinger, you fucks.

my bad

PvP has always read like a bland ass newspaper comic, blatantly strawmanning his opinions was the last piece he needed.

Though I agree with his stance on this issue, the way he put it in his comic is less than graceful to say the least.

Strange, she looks like Kim Davis.

This reads like you think Christopher Hastings wrote atomic robo.

...Man. I don't see why I put that in there. Yeah, it does read like I think that. It's not the case, but... Yeah.

Go home, tumblr

Nice tatas is all I have to say.

Because urinals take up space. The women's rooms where I work have four stalls, one handicapped. The men's rooms have one handicapped stall and three urinals. This is a big problem for me because I love pooping at work.

Because that's retarded, that's taking a step backwards to segregation. Next you'll want "trans water fountains"
Just let em use the bathroom, it's not a big fucking deal.

Simple. Force of habit.

It took me years to finally quit reading Real Life comics, it'll probably be another few months before I finally give up on Kurtz. Started reading PvP back when it first started and webcomics were a big new thing and even though it sucks now, it's just... routine to read, you know? Like even though I'm not really enjoying it, there's the morbid curiosity to keep reading to see where this thing I've kept track of for so long ends up.

>trolls dont have genders
Tell that to Grendel and his mother.

noice trips

>comics that depends on commenting on media can't comment on media
>this has nothing at all to do with me not agreeing with their politics

It's not funny, I'll give you that. But PvP has never been funny. Not since a few years, but never. If you read PvP, you have bad taste. If you care enough about PvP to piss and moan about it on Sup Forums, you're autistic.

This is kind of on par with making threads about Sinfest, really.

>If they want "equal" then why they not pushing gender neutral bathrooms.
they are?

gender neutral bathrooms are retarded

just a bunch of perfectly nice fully grown, straight men wanting to use the women's room "in peace", lol

sinfest was funny once

Should we ban gay people from using the bathroom that matches their dicks too.

It seems to me like it would be easier to just leave things as they are and call the cops if there's some creep creeping it up in the bathroom instead of trying to preemptively identify sex criminals by examining everyone's genitals at the door.

I've always been amazed at how Kurtz made funny burns to other webcomic artists yet his comic has never made me smile once

Those already exist

Why don't they just make every bathroom unisex?

How about one big gender neutral bathrooms for everybody with one or two one-person bathrooms for people who are uncomfortable with sharing bathrooms with the same gender.

I've never read PVP before. Is the animated version a bad as CAD? They're animated by the same people, so.

Also damn those are some huge boobs. I'm all for that.

That makes sense, but how can you tell the difference between those with legit dysmorphia, transtrenders, fetishists, perverts, and trolls? Do people need to show a doctor's note before using the opposite bathroom?

I actually don't know why we have segregated bathrooms in the first place. I've never received a satisfactory explanation. I couldn't care less about where trannies use the washroom, and I couldn't care less even if a normal guy used the women's bathroom.

What's important is today I learned PvP is still ongoing. It was never funny.

> bathroom is for humans only
> not dogs or trolls or hamsters

The important thing here is that women are totally safe from men, in the bathroom or on campus or on the street. Only haters say otherwise.

I can't think of a single reason that a woman, say on a blind date, would want to go to the bathroom where no men are allowed. It doesn't make sense.