There goes the last of my hope for TLJ
There goes the last of my hope for TLJ
He's right when you think about it
Star Wars came out before the holocaust though...
These kikes slip on a banana peel and call it a holocaust
literally how
well duh
You can't come out after something that never happened
spread your boybucci you little twink faggot
I thought the slain Jedi were supposed to represent all those monks the Chinese Emperor killed.
fuck off faggot
Star Wars has sucked since Empire senpai
People need to stop feeding the machine so they'll get the hint and quit making these shitty movies
They both happened in real life
Press F to apologize.
>the holocaust ptsd will never go away in your lifetime
Fuck you George
Why did Gorge have to fuck up RotJ so badly?
"Baby come back!"
>Seth (((Kelley)))
Sup Forums is ALWAYS right
Day of the Oven when?
I enjoyed the Ewoks, there I said it.
was that before or after your frontal lobe lobotomy?
>always been a metaphor for the holocaust
>Star Wars has never actually happened
Was he redpilled all along?
>They wanted to fucking kill Han Solo and Lucas saved him
Pretty clear who's the good guy here bud
>killing Solo so Disney couldn't rape him in the future
based af
Holocaust PTSD today, Holocaust PTSD forever:
I get that 100%
Never forget about the Holocaust. No one has had it worst than the Jews. The world must stand with Israel. Palestine belongs to the Jewish people. The abundance of Jewish people in Hollywood is not a sign of nepotism, and to believe otherwise is antisemitic. Discussing or challenging the words, actions, history, or power of Jews is antisemitic. Nothing belongs to you. You will never change anything.
I fucking hated the way Disney killed Han Solo off in TFA. I know Harrison Ford wanted to kill the character off for years but the way it was executed is fucking retarded. Kylo killing his own father means there are really only 2 ways his character arc can go: either a) he dies fighting Rey, or b) they half-assedly "redeem" him in Episode 9 right before he dies. There is literally no way you can have the villain kill his own father and then somehow have him do a complete 360 and have a happy ending. At least when George wanted to kill Han off, he would have given him a noble death of dying while saving his friends, instead of just throwing him down a bottomless shaft like he's a piece of trash. Fuck Jew Jew and fuck Disney.
>it's a "Sup Forumstards shriek get butthurt about a fake article" episode
Well said! The jews are the most opressed race who have been treated unjust for centuries due to jealousy of their many talents.
It can't be both ffs
I don't think they're planing on redeeming Kylo.
The reality of the situation is that Rey toys are selling out the ass right now, and it would pander hard to tumblr and the new generation if a strong independent woman got to beat up the evil straight white male.
Not everything that has similarities to something else is a metaphor of that thing.
Star Wars is childlike, borderline retarded space fantasy with silly spaceships and silly characters. Lucas probably saw the Dark Side and the Empire as the big, ultimate evl of the galaxy so he obviously had an image of space nazis in his head. That doesn't mean Star Wars is a metaphor for the holocaust.
I doubt it's passed on to genes rather than taught and burned into their brain
this guy is trolling you pretty hard m8765s
>That doesn't mean Star Wars is a metaphor for the holocaust.
No, but the director essentially confirming it kinda' is.
What is up with these Star Wars directors and strange political tweets? God, when did wearing your politics on your sleeve 24/7 become acceptable?
this is a fake article dumdum
Oy vey, remember the 6 gorillion jedis
>fake article"
too bad fake articles DisneyWars articles are indiscernible from real DisneyWars articles
Sorry RLM bent you over the barrel like the fucking cuck you are. How does Mickey's dick taste?
Why are you defending white supremacist organizations?
>Sup Forumstards bitch about fake news
>post doctored images from articles that don't exist
Hmm, really noodles my noggin.
except the empire was never racially motivated, never obsessed with purity be it ethnic or metaphorical and didn't even have a public leader.
The only argument to be made is that stormtroopers are like german stormtroopers and that Leia was like a jew being hunted down and that's a stretch.
The fact that people can't think of any other evil governments other than Germany during WWII is pretty pathetic.
Perception is reality my friend, and we are winning the culture war.
Stay mad Disney shill
Yes, you've saturated Sup Forums with shitposting that is even worse and less funny than the last wave of shitposting. I wonder if your wave of shitposting is going to be equally consumed by the next wave of shitposting.
It is.
Amazing internet accomplishments, though. You guys really hurt the box office of the last Star Wars movies quite a bit by winning over Sup Forums's neckbeards.
You didn't.
>user thinks he's fighting a war
>happy endings are bad
George did nothing wrong
What are you talking about? The Holocaust came out in the sixties.
>culture wars
aren't you a crossdresser asian faggot/racemixing promoter?
Let's be real here for a moment. Lucas is a prime simpleton. When he made Star Wars he didn't have the horrors of the Holocaust in mind. He thought about Flash Gordon and flashy lasers and spaceships and weird aliens and robots. There were no deep thoughts that went into Star Wars and Lucas understands nuance as much as he understands writing dialogue. He wants to make his shitty fantasy space opera seem deeper and heavier by saying that it has elements of the holocaust but in reality that's just talk to attempt to make Star Wars seem like it's more than it really is.
For all of the stupid shit in the prequels George, at least you were original. I'll give you that, man. It didn't feel like they were made by a boardroom committee. I'd honestly rather have you back at this point. You don't deserve half the hate you get.
The prequels were made by a boardroom committee. It was just filled with yes men too terrified to tell him that Jar Jar Binks was fucking stupid.
Who ever graphed this shit needs to fucking kill themselves, not even joking.
I do partially agree with you. I don't think Star Wars is this deep metaphorical beast that's suppose to represent this and that in today's society (at least it wasn't when Lucas was maning the guns).
That being said, I do believe that Lucas had vision for his work. Like yeah, he didn't execute it terribly well but even re-watching the prequels I feel that there was always a very distinct artistic flair to it. It wasn't always good (hell it was mostly not) but it always felt like someone who knew what they wanted and why they wanted it.
Now it feels like Star Wars wants to pander to whoever has the lowest brainpower-to-wallet-size ratio.
>sucked since empire
Did you even watch Stat Wars The Clone Wars?
Guess where you need to go back to. Just guess.
they are both works of fiction
you mean "gigantic space cube with force gods living inside: the series" ?
no thanks
>The prequels were made by a boardroom committee
That committee consisted of one person, George Lucas.
>Leia becomes Queen
Somehow you never imagined it but it's perfect
she's gonna beat him off, not beat him up
anyone ever seen to catch a theif? what kinda romance is there? id be curious to see why last jedi is inspired by it
How the fuck are you all falling for these over and over again?
Fuck off faggot, noone cares about your opinions, you will never be an abatap. When we find out your address, you're fucked kid. Kill yourself.