So are we just gonna ignore the fact Russia is engineering a Trump victory?

So are we just gonna ignore the fact Russia is engineering a Trump victory?

>DNC & Hillary e-mail hackers are all Russian intelligence
>Wikileaks is, for no apparent reason, staggering e-mail releases.
>They're making sure to do it after she's the nominee, to ensure Bernie didn't win.
>Trump wants to shake-up NATO alliance, make member states "pay", maybe leave it.
>Trump owes significant debt to Russian investors, has many Russian interests
>Trump talks constantly about how he'll be "good with the Russians."

Trump is a fucking Manchurian candidate.

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia is based you faggot. If it's true, I welcome our Russian overlord.

Lol, I like how this is the new shill narrative. Hurr durr, evul Rooskies! The Dems are the ones that sent those emails; whether they were accessed by the Russians or the Swedes or the Mexicans, it doesn't matter. If they didn't want people to know, they shouldn't have sent those emails in the first place.

You can't Stump the Trump.


And if the evidence suggested it was the Mexicans who leaked the emails, you'd be suggesting that Trump was part of some secret Mexican conspiracy to build a giant wall of cocaine on the border.

Literally just showing what's behind the curtain.
It's the Russians!

Literally unironically not shilling. I think Shitlery has a deeper coffin of problems, but Trump is beholden to Russian interests and the red menace wants him to win. It is fucking concerning.

Russians aren't Reds

>Trump winning means he's working for the Russians


>Hillary wins and just rolls over for the Russians anyway when they just take what they want

So, what threat does Russia represent to the United States of America?

China is the one attempting to become the hegemony, not Russia.

So what makes Russia more evil than Islam and the Jews funding Clinton?

One just hides it better

russia is a corrupt shit hole lol

Not more evil at all. Point is both sides are getting controlled & funded, but the Sup Forums narrative of Trump being some redpilled savant is dangerous.

The Reds are in America now.

(((Hollywood))) (((Academia))) (((Media)))

The main purpose of college is to turn retards into commies. MUH 80K DEBT! EQUALITY!

I don't like Russia

But if America and Russia were friends one day we would rule the fucking galaxy

Yawn, democrat fearmongling after their horrible presention. Remember always blame the Russians. Dems were gonna lose with hillary or bernie anyways.

I thought he was supposed to start WW3 with Russia

Oh no, the Russians are going to get the candidate I support elected!

Russo-American Global Hegemonic Empire when.

>red menace
>not the democrats

Literally Russian boogeyman fear-mongering

What's the problem with America and Russia working together for once? Honestly with the amount of money we spend fighting each other we could invade China AND colonise Mars.

The fact that they wan't to dissolve all of America's international bonds such that they can expand their sphere of influence, baka.

There is literally no bad that can come from this.

If trump is elected, we have a president who isn't a fucking cunt to Russia all the time. What, do you think this is some sort of conspiracy and Donald Trump is actually Donaldsky Trumpovich?

You sound worse than Sup Forums, OP

>mfw trump sells alaska to the ruskies

>Russia has Americas best interests at heart, that's why they're helping trump win.

Meanwhile we are in a massive trade deficit with an ACTUAL communist country.

Good that's a nice ally to have

I thought the recent anti-Hillary line was that she was anti-semitic because she called Bernie a Jew in a derogatory fashion.

>So are we just gonna ignore the fact Russia is engineering a Trump victory?

Not me.

I'm going to send a Thank You card.

I wonder if Hallmark has one for this...

Fuck off normie

nice evidence bro.

Our bonds with who? Europe?

The Germans are the ones that keep the hardcore sanctions from happening to begin with.

Britain is now back in it's own drivers seat.

We need to start worrying about the Chinese, period.

No proof that Russia is behind it besides DNC lies.
If it were true then Putin is just trying to stave off the inevitable world war Shillary would start to serve the military industrial complex masters.

Why do you hate Russia? Are you Hebrew?

>So are we just gonna ignore the fact Russia is engineering a Trump victory?

Are we just going to ignore the fact that Hillary and the DNC bypassed the democratic process?

Thread theme:

Wasn't it Hilldawg that wanted to make Syria a no fly zone? Basicly start possible nuclear war?

As it is, Trump has pockets in Russia. To say he'd start shit with them is counter to what you're saying.

>exposing DNC corruption
>"engineering Trump victory"
Try not being so corrupt and dishonest, then it won't hurt so bad when you get your pants pulled down in front of everyone.


I love this new meme. If Russia wants to stop America from making the biggest mistake ever, let them.

Trump said that nuking Europe wasn't off the table and he has made his anti-NATO position pretty clear. This comes right after Russia invaded a European country. I don't know. Sounds like a ressurgent Russia is pretty real threat. This comes from an user that thought the EU and the USA putting billions into stacking the Ukraine government for joining the EU was irresponsible provocation.

It's in everybody's interest Hillary doesn't win


How is Russia manufacturing a Trump victory? Did they force the DNC to write that stupid shit? Did they plant the evidence on their server? Russia appears to be a based defendor of America and trusted friend for exposing frauds in the Democratic Party.

This may be the one time that Russia actually does us a solid after all the shit we did to them. You call it rigging, I call it whistle-blowing. If uncovering wretched corruption from that which Hillary is rigging to you then you need to take a long walk off of a short ledge of very tall cliff.

How like how the peaceful leftists suddenly want war with Russia, we want russia as an ally not an enemy

Why? You want us to turn a blind eye to Russia just until the election comes and goes?

And what's wrong with the United States being friendly with Russia and telling money-sucking Nato to fuck off?

Supposedly Trump has gotten a lot of Russian money for his business deals and is not in debt to them.

Uh? Russia doesn't allow LGBT rights...
Only a really gross person would want them as an ally...

Kind of like how Shillary sold US Uranium deposits to Russian shell companies for cash, right?

I would be willing to do just that if it keeps Hillary out of the White House.

Kill yourself you fucking shill.

Russia is a weak puny nation, we have more to worry about with the actual communists in our own country.

I don't know what's more concerning: the fact that the leaks are about to prove that Hillary is a corrupt, muderous cunt and that this is the norm for high-end US politics, or that Russia is blatantly supporting Trump to achieve some higher, unknown goal.

Both are pretty terrifying long-term results.

Starting to remind me of America

But what about investments FROM Russia? The accusations aren't rooted in him building a Trump Tower in Moscow. It's that he is in debt to Russians.


>Russia is trying to sway the election by showing how the Democrats have been using massive corruption to sway the election
Somehow someway this doesn't pass the smell test but I can't quite identify it


This user gets it.


I can take a "billionaire" clown. But Hillary will bring Merkel-tier authoritarian politics to our doorstep. She will sign things like the TTIP. We at least have a chance to avert this with Trump.

Don't you mean the Dutch multibillionaire and heir to the Kingdom, Donald van der Trump?

The truth is the truth, I don't care who's getting it to me.

>This comes right after Russia invaded a European country.
>Tfw people are unironically spewing neocon propaganda on Sup Forums

He isn't my favorite candidate. I prefer Johnson for the fucking record, but I will not sacrifice a vote that will increase Hillary's chances.

Again, kill yourself.

>Russia is fighting against Mudslimes
>Russia is bombing ISIS
>Russia supports traditional Christian values
>Russia wants to secure Europe against the Islamic horde
>"hurr durr Trump will work with Russia"

And I'm supposed to have a problem with this?

>the red menace

The 1980's called. They want their slogan back.

Not to mention
>wikileaks reveals the Democratic Party was very undemocratic by keeping Bernie from the nomination
I get the argument that Hillary was the more sensible horse to back, but they shot themselves in the foot doing so.

This whole election is really going to leave the American public jaded.

>Russia is blatantly supporting Trump to achieve some higher, unknown goal

They don't want to get nuked into oblivion or have another 8 years of a shit, locked out economy.

god bless the russians

>"in debt"

What, did some Russian invest in a Trump golf course or something?

Do you want Trump to buy him out with a check or will a gold card do?

It's not some mystical 4d chess move. Russia liking the candidate that wants to normalize US-Russian relations isn't some fucking conspiracy. If I was Putin, I would do everything in my power to stop a fucking neo-con like Hillary from being elected too.

>but I will not sacrifice a vote that will increase Hillary's chances.
If you live in a solid red or blue state due to the electoral college you won't be hurting either candidate.
Vote Johnson(even with his recent full retardation having a neocon vice president pick now pulling all the strings) if you don't live in a swing state.

He does look like Wim Lex...

lmao try living there you shill

>Russia is engineering a Trump victory


>no evidence to back it up
>people take it as a fact

And if we have russia as an ally all of a sudden gays would have no rights in america? You people seriously have the thinking capability of goldfish

>hackers are all Russian intelligence

Citation needed

Unfortunately Russians have nothing to do with this.

I just find it funny the media propaganda line is
> Russia is manipulating our elections
>By simply exposing how the Democrats are actually manipulating our elections
By this retarded logic if someone came out with 100% undeniable evidence that Hillary and Bill are guilty of conspiracy to murder leading to the entire American public hating her and voting for Trump that person is "engineering our elections"

Not an argument.

Not all assets are liquid, user.

Why Americans don't want Russians as allies?

nice try you fuggin gommie

God I hope you're right and I hope it works. Imagine an American-Russian alliance. Imagine how much kebab could be removed.

You faggot. This Russian psy-op story was a smokescreen meme you bastard shills at the DNC came up with to cover your tracks. Fuck You.

We have your assholes ON THE RECORD committing electoral fraud against YOUR VOTERS. Meanwhile we have the MAINSTREAM MEDIA taking it up the ass from YOUR FUCKERS, ON THE RECORD taking talking points, getting criticism and trying to instill ABSOLUTE PROPAGANDA into the minds of the American people. THIS RIDE HAS NO END. EVEN THIS IS YOU PROPAGANDIZING.

But I like Russia!

putin's daughter is top-tier as well

Shut up Hillary shill, she is the devil's palm.

Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: From grandma

Putin constantly talks of his motives being driven by "national interest".

Russia lacks the interventionist behavior.

China is the concern. Russia wants Trump because Trump wants to pull America out of the global political stratosphere and focus on isolationism.

Russia isn't bad. Your logic is.

Watch a Putin speech. He constantly talks about how Russia isn't the one trying to meddle with the politics of other nations - America is.

>People calling Russia the Red Menace
>With modern China hanging around
ayy lmao


look who's talking.

>they have thousands of nukes
>we have thousands of nukes
>we're both jealous over our ex-girlfriend (europe)

>Trump is a fucking Manchurian candidate.
Is that better or worse than literally hitler?

Those are 10/10 saggy titties, boner achieved.

I fail to see the problem.

W-Why can't us Americans have two red menaces, senpai?