Why does the DNC always have so many entertainers speaking?

Why does the DNC always have so many entertainers speaking?

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Because they lack any genuine political insight.
So they rely on entertainers to appeal to emotions.

Is she bulking?

The Jew gives them wealth and fame
But they have to give him their souls

Jews own the mainstream media

because notable people in the arts are willing to speak at the convention

yeah lol, Scott Baio, Dana White, and Mike Tyson are so politically insightful. Give me more unknown state senators and congressmen

dirty bulk

It's a circus. Circuses are full of clowns.


>(((the """arts""")))

The appeal to low information voters.

she is growing the fridge of social justice

yeah, notable people from all fields usually go to these things to speak, Ivan.

the RNC however had le ebin GODEMPEROR who literally had no relevant famous people speak on his behalf

They have to appease their Jew media overlords and act like they give a shit. Others I think are like all common libtards, in which they are over emotional children so they tend to be drawn into the dem party.

>Why does the DNC always have so many entertainers speaking?

You expect a party's politicians to speak at their convention.

Because the alternatives are junkies, retards and illegals

ah so le ebin GODEMPEROR is more down to earth and in-tune with the people, good to know who truly represents america and who represents the elite

Emotions are where leftists draw their beliefs from.
Why seek true information when you can watch The Comedy "News" Report or watch some kike movie and feel good about it?

>modern entertainment

>chloe moretz
>sarah silverman

Is Hilldog making a point of including as many fridge-mode women at the DNC as possible?

Or are they going to fix that in post as well?

its career suicide to support the guy "everyone" hates

Entertainers are just as dumb as their voters, but the voters are dazzled by "muh celebrities agree with me!!"

Is that how you're spinning it, you poor potato eating slavic aids-riddled faggot? He wanted a bunch of famous people to give speeches, Tom Brady, Mike Ditka, Tim Tebow, they all refused. The point of conventions is to raise the profile of the candidate, part of this includes having notable people endorse and speak for the candidates. le GODEMPEROR burnt all his bridges with his chaotic campaign and is now reaping what he sowed. This is the reason Ted Cruz didn't endorse him. Besides, who's more down to earth than a guy who lives in a penthouse glided with so much gold it would put the average Persian to shame?

Never post here again you gulag dwelling piece of shit.

they're called "the arts" . They don't necessarily have to be good, but they are a part of american culture whether you like it or not. It's ok, though. You guys had Scott Baio!!!!!!!!

This is basically it. Trumpcucks are just mad no one notable was speaking at the RNC.

>Scott Baio from Charles in Charge
>Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty
>Antonio Sabato Jr., daytime television actor
>Fran Tarkenton, NFL quarterback
>Dana White, UFC fighter

All entertainers who spoke during the RNC. And let's not forget Donald Trump, entertainer and star of the hit television show, The Apprentice.

>b-b-b-but it doesn't count when republicans do it!
Conservashit logic, everyone.

Because they are already paid.

>I-I-It's only Comedy! Oy vey! We're really shtupped this time Sarah!

>emotion-based liberalism
>massive overrepresentation of Jews in entertainment
>Jewish connection to Multiculturalism which is tied to Dem Minority Gov't-based platform

tldr liberals have mushy brains and no fuckin clue how the world works, and dont want to, prefer to be dazzled by circuses



I'd say Happy Days has had a whole lot more cultural impact on America than whatever the fuck these people have done.

Scott Baio is irrelevant. Stop trying to justify Donald Trumps lack of popularity amongst relevant entertainers.

Finished this yesterday


Is she training/lifting to replace Hemsworth in the thor movies?

>Why does the DNC always have so many entertainers speaking?

When you can't find any respected experts in the party, just whip out the lowest common denominator's favorite entertainers and the masses will forget that they're voting for a criminal while they dance in their living rooms to Katy fucking Perry's stage act between moms of dead thug niggers.

Sadly, I'm starting to really think that even if Trump wins, we're beyond hope at this point as a people. Americans have willingly swallowed the tard pill and don't seem to want to go back to normal.

B.. Ben Garrison.. is that you?

liberal hollywood degenerates have been democrats for a while now.

thanks, I had fun with this one and will do more

No, just an user sick of shills and corruption.

Thats pretty good man, you have talent!

Post it on the donald, it should be viral

Her hair looks like my backyard.

Underrated post.

very nice art and message

Am i the only one that hated this bitch even before she knew of hillary? Literally she looks like Ms.Piggy.

Post it on the donald fampai, you'll get a lot more exposure there.

Hollywood is full of leftists. their jewish handlers call the shots



holy fuck

Good idea. I'm going to start a site for my political comics and link it there.

Who gives a shit about what entertainers think? The fact that the dems dragged out the somewhat popular people they did means they are grasping at straws to keep their party together.

Only Sara Silverman kicked that plan in the dick with her comments last night.


Fuck. Remember when she was the waifu of Sup Forums?

Next, they'll have Kermit to talk about memes and engagement via social media.

Because only actors can pretend they actually like what the DNC and the leftist platform stands for. That and Hollywood tells them what to support if they want to continue working.

Everyone at Washington Post needs to be arrested and disappeared...

...maybe some free helicopter rides

yep you are the only one to ever have that thought

Because hollywood is full of democrats

Democrats are even dumber than the evangelical/mormon right. Stupid celebrities are like gods to them.

"Send in the clowns"

Is she getting fatter by the minute?

it's a fucking circus/carnival rally where they bring out pretty/relevant/famous people to shill their message

nothing more, nothing less. I was only pointing out that the RNC had literally-who's compared to the DNC

>Democrats mock the RNC for letting the head of the UFC speak
>Half the DNC speakers are comedians and movie stars

At least she doesn't call a fast growing minority group "rapists," and seeks to ban a whole religion.

Like, did any republican read that autopsy from the Mitt election?

Remember how Sup Forums said Obongo was "already done for?" Your vision doesn't reflect reality.

Bulking by the days m8. See here:

Bread and games

>Hi Hillary it's me Chloe

>Why does the DNC always have so many entertainers speaking?

Because the DNC is a joke.

Because the words are hollow so they migth aswell get hollow people to speak them.

> I grew up in a bubble but here is how this woman who also is rich understands middle America

>a shill gets pissy

you sissies better get out of this board, ASAP, it is not like we Hispanics like you, faggots

Damn she got fat.

Why all American have to be such a fatties?

Pls tell me this is shopped

I'm fully convinced Jim Carey corrupted her during Kick Ass 2 filming.

>random actors speaking out as proud Christians and patriots against a holywood establishment that ostracizes and mocks conservatives is the same thing as ultra rich jewish pop stars telling goyim to submit to marxism

okay thanks Mr. Relativist


This is actually an improvement. At least she has curves now.


Chloe "Kenmore" Moretz



The conservative movement is grassroots, real people.

Not prima donna celebrities with no intuition as to whats really going on in American society.

Damn shilling this hard, you must be new to the job of shit posting

So I assume you're voting for Johnson?

has a similar body to Jeb!s wife

No fucking way. That can't be real.

Where is the unedited version? It looks like someone hacked your computer and replaced it with this

Like I said yesterdays, the shills can't do this anymore.

shes literally spongebob-mode

That's a gondola

Idk but even they hate her

As much as pol hates him, Obama is better spoken, smarter, more convincing, friendlier and also black, that got him a fuckloads of votes. Mitt spoke agaisnt gays, talked morea bout the bible than about actual politics and was, overall, very awkward when on the stage. trump has none of these problems and is also running against someone that had a stroke and regularly has seizures in public, that without saying how dumb she is. The only way she can win is if somehow Trump stumps himself, because she did everything she could and more to stop him, but nothing worked so far.

I think it's the creature from the black lagoon

Because they actually think that average people listen to celebrities.

We don't.

I'm sick and tired of those celebs running around and telling us how to live our lives, especially when they're pushing a socialist / communist agenda.

Fuck them.

you are so fucking triggered right now m8

nice edit
someone post the original now pls

lol another fridgemode beast

Because most entertainers fucking hate themselves, and therefore virtue-signal nonstop.

They aren't proud of their country. They need to be proud of themselves for being tolerant and "good", rather than logical when it comes to determining the future of their civilization.

Progressives love Islam because they're both insane death cults.


Maybe there hoping for a job after they decide to leave acting.

I hope the pie was humble

this chick has no fucking torso and will balloon up to 230lbs by the age of 35. screencap this post.

Did any of you see that movie the 5th wave? It was such garbage, but if you don't take it seriously it was quiteee uuuhhh f-funny heghegheg