If Erdogan goes full caliphate, will you open your arms to Turkish refugees...

If Erdogan goes full caliphate, will you open your arms to Turkish refugees? Do you think I can get Anzu to move to my town? :3

turks move to BMW town, so i will take her for good

Anzu will come to brasil i'm sorry ameribro

Fuck no.
No Muslims. Ever again.

Considering most refugees will be young men again, probably.

>implying Anzu wants to live in a cucked nation that hasn't won a war in over 100 years

>implying Anzu wants zika

Anzu gangbang when

>WHAT was that you just said about turks, user?
>i'm afraid i'm going to have give you a ticket for that
>the penality is one kiss on my cheek...
What do?

Anzu is already in Japan. I understand that you guys care about her but don't worry she is with me now.

wtf I love turks now

Stop shitposting about this degenerate whore.

she has a boyfriend

>Anzu wants a 300lbs "strong" manbaby
yea sure

Kek, ""she"" probably has a bigger dick than you Nipomura.

>Do you think I can get Anzu to move to my town? :3
Stoned to death in the border, her future is under a burka, no more attention whorism for the roachy.

what are the chances she fucked that carrot?
she looks like a freak


Poor Anzu. She's fucked. She'll probably be sliced up if she ever cosplays again.

You mean cowards that won't protect their land?

I'm still amazed that eggman can pass so well.

>"oh, hold me user!" she says as she scuttles quickly into your arms
>you can feel her strong legs clutching around you, her warm chitin abdomen pressing on you
>"take me, user, i cant wait any longer" she shouts with passion, her antennas shuddering violently at the mere thought of your bulbous penis entering her

The only place Anzu is coming is to the great states.

That's a very cute Turk

Yall are fighting over a mentally ill guy who dresses like a chick yall fucking gay jfc

take good care of her senpai

She is awesome and I don't want some jihad jhonny to kill her.

Just like u lol

I want to fuck that roach

>mentally ill guy
Anzu is 100% woman, right down to her extremely feminine penis.

she is a real prostitute

I had a Turkish refugee in my kitchen earlier. I turned on the light and he tried to hide under the fridge, but fortunately I was able to crush him first.

Refugees not welcome.

just tons of makeup, he looks A LOT worse without

Women and children only.

OY VEY shalom my jewish Sup Forums-ler

>you will never be rich enough to hire her to cosplay for you while you go balls deep inside her.

why live?

Can't be too expensive, maybe 500€.

I hope Erdogan goes full dictator and keeps his roaches and all the terrorists around him down.
This part of the world simply needs people like Gadaffi, so they don't sperg out like ISIS

So, to be correct, this is a transsexual?


No, it's just a meme

So if Anzu is white why does she live in Turkey? Why would any sane white person choose to live there willingly? Constantinople hasn't been safe for whites in over 1,000 years.

Is Anzu even Muslim?

Unfortunately yes

Explain why we should run away from a caliphate. Thats all we ever wanted.

You should say same thing when will the judge of the court of independence ask you.

t.Buttblasted kamal-fag.

no, Sup Forums is so addicted to traps that it wants every woman to have a penis