Why does she keep getting roles?
And, more importantly, why does she keep winning awards for them?
Why does she keep getting roles?
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She's walking the path of Angie Jolie
Angelina Jolie was at least attractive
Emma looks like a 12 year old boy, but with the jaw of a grizzled war veteran
because you keep talking about her. Everytime you mention her name, she gets a dollar.
Angelina Jolie looks like Jon Voight with tits. She was never attractive. Her sex appeal mostly revolved around her insanity, i.e. "I don't know if she's going to suck my dick behind the dumpster or shiv me in the spleen. I'm so scared I think I'm gonna cum baka famm"
>not attractive
She's everything Hollywood stands for. The ultimate jew puppet.
I miss real women
Because your tastes differ greatly from the average consumer of her movies.
Because she has the right politics
>wide shoulders with a man face
>not a tranny
pick 1 m8
A whole generation of kids grew up jerking off to her. She retains that power of them and she's vocal about the Jewish agenda
>Why does she keep getting roles?
Because she's young and attractive.
However a new batch of younger prettier women will come and take her place and she won't get roles any more because she can't act for shit.
Angie and Emma are not in the same universe. Both talent and looks-wise. Emma is the blandest A-list actress in history.
you are clearly a faggot
she's never won a real award, kill yourself
She looks and acts like a privileged child and is a terrible actor.
Harry potter worked because she was cute kid with an English accent.
I didn't imply she won an oscar, but she keeps winning shit awards like MTV's best gender neutral actor.
The plebeian masses seem to think she can act
there's no problem with that. She was in a big children's movie and won a meaningless award. Nobody takes those awards seriously
It's shameful for Sup Forums that prime Angelina is not even a meme.
her tits were padded in that movie
>those lips will never be around your shaft while you nut so hard you get dehydrated
I mean honestly.
No. Angelina was the chosen one from a very young age. She was the little girl that many producers and directors of 60s to 80s Hollywood saw running around on sets and social events in the 80s and they all developed a soft spot for her in their middle age. When she became a gorgeous teenager every door in Hollywood was open for her.
Watch this:
Random 16 year old models don't get recorded like this.
Emma, by comparison, was pretty much a nobody, and started on screen much younger. And as famous as she is I think she has a certain ceiling in Hollywood she won't be able to break through because she isn't part of the inner circle like Angelina.
>that video
what the fuck went so terribly wrong bros
she looks like she has downes
>but she keeps winning shit awards like MTV's best gender neutral actor.
>best gender neutral actor
What the fuck is this garbage?
There's an androgynous category now?
I don't see John Voight when I look at her.
I don't either. She's just gorgeous.
She has shit-tier genes, looks excepted. She's always been sickly, even before the hysterectomy and mastectomies.
I want to hump Queen Emma's legs like a dog
underage & b&
>Why does she keep getting roles?
We haven't seen her tits.
We still want to have sex with her (even though those bathing suit leaked photos weren't sexy at all).
>We haven't seen her tits.
speak for yourself
the bath video was confirmed to be her by CSI
There is something very disturbing about that picture. I'm starting to think the sacrificial ritual rumours about her are real
No it's separate from male and female, it's supposed to be "best of all", and they gave it to Emma fucking Watson
I cast all over her naked soles and pusy desu
I'm not one of those guys who obsesses over emma, but if you wouldn't destroy this pussy you need to diversify your taste
I already have this pic and I'm sure of it but I have to save it again just to be sure
i would let 10000 pedophiles fuck my daughter if i could come inside her
those fucking feet and legs are perfect
i would give both my balls