>tfw no qt american gf
Tfw no qt american gf
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She has a very masculine facial structure, like her dad.
fuck off yuroshit, this is an american board.
Oh say can you see,
By the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed,
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
Through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly streaming.
And thy rocket's red glare,
Thy bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through thee night,
That our flag was still there.
Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
>1080p DON
Surprising desu
they trickle down to lower trackers in no time
whos her dad?
Brian Williams
Kill to have her jawline.
Shut the fuck up
Where ya from, user?
yurup ;_;
>tfw American and no qt British gf to be found
>will never be cucked by her and raise a child that's not mine so I can rip a photographic implant out of my neck with a box cutter
that's the charm
>tfw your american waifu is fucking a british manlet
I want off this ride
You left out the part where he's a rockstar and you sweep the floors at Burger King
Found the triggered manlet
5'7" is manlet regardless of what you do for a living
Nigger I'm 5'10". Most girls aren't any taller than like 5'8".
According to Hollywood all American women are racemixing whores so I'll pass
>Nigger I'm 5'10".
Manlet confirmed
What exactly is a manlet? Under 6 ft?
Seems kind of silly if I'm taller than 99% of women I come across.
6 feet is definitely the manlet cutoff
If your height starts with 5 you are a manlet
best face
Fuck no, did you see the way that bitch eats fruit loops?
holy fuck. williams is such a sad idiot
Good ep
>tfw probably average woman height
But they told me as long as I have blond hair and blue eyes I am part of the Aryan master race ;_;
Lanklets are mostly just skinny ugly losers. As long as you don't look like fucking Thor nobody cares about your height.
I see nothing wrong with it.
>TWO of our helicopters were hit!
>uhhh uhhh ARE PEE GEE, AYY kAYY FORTY SEVEN uhhh uhhh
>No kidding?!
she's wearing heels
he walks two feet bellow most people's ground level
Why would he lie about something like that?
shit is this the mom from broadchurch? looks a lot better here
Thank g*d
Was it worth it, /blakbois/?
Was it worth it?
> TFW you realise that the white policeman in the beginning wasn't asking for the black guy's license because he was racist, but because he was going to write down his ID because of the many disapperances of black people in that area.
9 out of every 10 lanklets have horrid fucking "Slingblade" posture.
It's because the world doesn't fit them so they always have to stoop and look retarded
Why did she give this look? It made absolutely no sense under the circumstances.
>gut shot
>getting strangled
>suddenly have the time to give an "eeevil white person" smirk
It was fucking retarded.
probably just to get in his head: slight chance of him freaking out and momentarily backing off
She's 3 inches taller than him without shoes
6'0"-6'2" isnt lanklet tier, you just sound like mad manlets
How's her foot game?
This is the internet, anyone under 7 ft is a manlet. Deal with it
>you will never BLACK a qt white girl only to find out you were being BLEACHED all along
why do people with hair this bad keep it. crew cut always looks better
Calm down Kit, lol
tfw 5'8
she heard the cop car coming
I figured it was because she knew he couldn't finish her off
>tfw always found this quality attractive
I swear I'm not homo lads
If I visit a US college, will it be easy to have sex with qts? I'm a white euro btw
What are you a homo?
very. very easy
Because he's shorter than his gf and needs every inch of perceived height he can get