Why do we hate Mexicans?
Why do we hate Mexicans?
Because they are inefficient, unloyal assholes who would needs constant supervision to get any tasks done.
t. spic
Fucking leafs man I swear one of these days
Mostly because they won't stay in Mexico
We don't though. Americans are okay.
>literally hating an entire country and its people because of stereotypes
This. The ones who stay there or come here legally are cool. Oh, and we hate the Muzzie-tier cartel fucks too.
I agree.
If you're in a bad situation and need a better life, migrate legally, it takes more time but it ensures your stay, and it distances you from dumb illegal cholos like the ones that have gangs in LA.
Javier Hernández Best Mexican!!!!!!!
Mexicans are great when they live in Mexico.
We don't. But their social organization is inferior and militantly anti-meritocratic, and the elite push to flood our country with lower class Central American mestizos who vote as they are told is a transparent power grab that would obviate a second Constitutional Convention. Every Hispanic who loves the Constitution is welcome, and that sort of person tends to do really well and be a great neighbor. The Obama administration literally prints Spanish-language instructions for how to get welfare as a recently arrived illegal alien. Now why would they do a thing like that?
The problem is basically corruption. That fuck every single matter in this country and the cowards that flee are usually the uneducated border jumper that gringos hate.
If we improve our fucked system, there's no need to jump the border and thats something that stromfags in this board will never understand.
Immigrant commit fewer crimes than 1st generation americans.
t. the FBI
Two plus two does not equal five. All illegals are criminals by being illegals, and most are tied to other crimes, since a major way of coming here is getting mixed up with predatory snugglers.
This is believable if you exclude illegals.
>nigger like
>literally cut each other's heads off
>on welfare
>do pic related
>worst latinos
I prefer Cubans, Chileans literally any other latinos over these subhumans
The only thing good in Mexico and Mexican culture overall is just food, philosophy, literature, science is just shit.
Our piece of land in this world is so rich, yet we have NEVER as a nation accomplished anything.
We are a country literally build on slave morality and I don't see Mexico EVER getting pass it.
I mean, everywhere in the world is going to shit, so I didn't mind or thought about how shitty Mexico is, but now that America looks like finally is going to be a great nation again I can't help but to feel sadness that my country will never be great.
Then it's a non-point because there is no issue with legal immigrants.
We don't hate countries.
We hate bad behaviors.
Some are, more often than not, one in the same.
If you guys had English common law tradition like we did, Mexico would be a paradise.
Why? Because instead of standing up for their rights and doing what needs to be done to remove the cartels and corrupt officials, they run to the U.S. like the cowards they are then wave the Mexican flag. They are pussies, cucks - they are nothing but cowards. Their country is full of resources but they refuse to work in their own country.
That one small town who stood up to the cartels, I applaud. Of course, the corrupt government stepped in and disarmed those people, and we heard nothing else from them - because the cartels went back in and killed everyone. Why do we want migrants who refuse to learn the language of the country, refuse to have pride in the country, refuse to follow the laws in the country?
>hate white people
>against racism
They are descended from Spaniards does anyone need more reasons?
Spainiards prevented an Islamic invasion to Europe once so yes you do.
Ew imagine how it smells in there, burrito farts and tacos
They're skin color is different.
Do you guys hate Mexicans specifically, or does it spread over to Chicano peps.
Name a single Hispanic country that is actually good.
Spain itself barely qualifies.
Hispanics of pure European descent are great.
Mestizo mixes are subhumans and go in oven.
where are the white mexicans we keep hearing about?
>pic related
At least half of their blood is Indio rather than European, making them biologically incompatible with a first-world European civilization. There are only four South American countries to have achieved any level of economic or cultural success, and those are Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica and Chile. What do those four have in common? They each have very low ratios of indio-to-European blood relative to other South American countries. Ergo, if the US becomes Aztecanized by indios, American civilization will mostly disappear, closing off much of the possibility space for the future of mankind.
because all of them it's just like a niggers
I hate stupid fucks like pic related. They need to go back, since they won't let us put them through a wood chipper.
Over here we make fun of murrican spics because they never achieve anything besides trashy fast food jobs.
The big names of the murrican spic community are mostly from old families that were in the US long before some states became part of it.
>Why do we hate Mexicans?
idk senpai. you tell me
>implying y'all don't do this with Americans or Chinese
Stay hypocritical, leaf.
Hey ese can i get a visa hombre?
Yup. I live in NM. A lot of the old spic families are based like fuck.