What the hell is wrong with these people?
American Media
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The entire party and the whole media were waiting on this woman hand and fucking foot and Sanders still got that many delegates?
Christ alive that's like playing on Very Easy mode and still almost losing
To be truthful is probably would of been more if he hasn't dropped out. Right before he dropped out he was far closer to hers. It would of came down to changing the super delegates minds, but when he dropped out he lost a lot of his support. It also divide the liberal and democratic. So Trump will have an easy victory.
is this with the super delegates?
They are part of the new world order conspiracy ss described by Alex Jones.
Where there any boos or protests inside the convention and during the roll call?
No because all those people were kicked out yesterday. Protester were being escorted out or had their signs ripped apart.
The DNC probably had the more ardent Bernie supporters roughed up and escorted from the venue beforehand.
>get caught rigging the system against opponent
Nope, they were threatened in typical Clinton fashion.
And they call us the fascists
so that mean that bernie would have won without the super delegates?
Fox News has a stream of this but MSNBC does not.
She still made 'herstory' tho
It's not really an accomplishment if she's voted for exclusively because she is a woman. You'd think women would want to protect the mantle of "first woman president" and give it to somebody great but instead they want to throw it to the most twisted, corrupt, and incompetent nominees in American history.
She really is making history, though. Of course, he who controls the past controls the future.