>If you're worried about a Mexican who doesn't even speak English taking your job then you must suck at your job! hahaha
How do you respond to this shit, Sup Forums?
>If you're worried about a Mexican who doesn't even speak English taking your job then you must suck at your job! hahaha
How do you respond to this shit, Sup Forums?
But they never said that on South Park.
I'm not afraid of you taking my job
There are a lot of menial jobs that do not require you to speak English.
Those jobs benefit from paying people less than minimum wage which is why they would choose an illegal immigrant who will accept that over a local that will want at least min wage.
Also muh supply demand
The only requirement to take someone's job is to be willing to do it for cheaper. This is compounded by the fact that most jobs they take are entry level, hence not seeing teenagers getting summer jobs like they used to.
An even more damaging effect of illegals is that they drive down wages for everyone. You know why you could get a job out of high school in the 60's and 70's and make the equivalent of ~30k today? Way less immigrants.
No Mexican will take my job, it's the Indians doing it
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
It's not about immigrants taking individual jobs, it's about illegal immigrants being paid under the table that drive wages down, meaning less people in the workforce who pay taxes. This has a twofold effect: 1) there is less revenue for things like infrastructure projects and social welfare programs, this causes taxes to be raised to try to meet the different, or things like road and schools losing funding 2) higher unemployment rates means people buy less things, driving the cost of goods up
>implying a libtard is ever going to understand economics when all of their arguments boil down to "RACIST! BIGOT! MISOGYNIST!"
I'm sorry, but I work in the private sector. I have to pay your wife's son's school while competing with the illegal Mexican.
>If you're worried that someone who is willing to work for less than half of what you do and without any legal protections of the government then you must really suck at your job
most of mexican worker is unskilled labor
that's why us productivity is going to down
It's not a question of job quality. It's sheer supply and demand. If there's an overabundance of workers, it drivers value of labor (ie, wages) down.
They need to pay us more.
We're americans, we dont deserve being treated like that.
90% of all work could be done by 90IQ retards of they have sufficient training and discipline
In ancient Greece work was literally for slaves while true citizens debated philosophy and aesthetics in-between sets
>How do you respond to this shit, Sup Forums?
I thought you wanted $15/hr to do that job, libnon?
I am not afraid of foreigners taking my job, I just dont want niggers, muslims and shitskins around me.
I dont want to see or smell them nor do I want to pay a fucking cent of taxes for them.
Supply and demand.
Its not about someone taking your job. Its about 30 million fucking peasant workers dragging everyones wages down, especially our most vulnerable workers - under-educated inner city and rural folks, and taking jobs from American citizens. These unemployed people go on to "benefits" in which the costs are passed on to the taxpayers.
Why can't these motherfuckers think past the first level? In every economy there is a need for X amount of nurses, Y amount of accountants, and Z number of trash men. The government can't just pull tens of millions of unskilled labor positions out of its ass, nor can any company to do it
They're not taking my job faggot, they're taking nigger jobs so now I gotta pay for MORE nig babies and the destruction they cause from "racism".
Die OP
i explains the law of supply and demand and then ask the lib if he is employed. then watch em stud and run away
I wonder how leftists would respond if they were told that Sanders agrees with limiting immigration in order to provide more jobs to Americans, which is his position.
So much this. Asians take all the middle class jobs. Only uneducated dindus have any trouble with mexicans.
They lower wages whether you knee your job or now
Blacks and legal Hispanics are more likely to be effected and when they don't do as well, not only does crime go up but whites get blamed by default
Factory jobs are a huge part of the middle class regardless of whether an illegal can do the work or not, it's not a competition between USA vs illegals but instead about putting our country and the people who pay all taxes and follow all laws first
Further, if workers have no right to be concerned about their jobs why do unions exists?
Well, I'm not worried about a Mexican taking my job because I don't have a blue collar career.
But if I did, I would worry about an illegal (or even legal third world immigrants for the matter) taking my job because they are willing to work for a much less money which drives down wages.
My dad owns a auto shop business an employs some Mexicans who have green cards.
They work about 10 hours a day for minimum wage (8 bucks in my state).
The job that they do pays around 12 dollars an hour.
Whites who requested to work for my dad asked for around 14+ dollars an hour.
Hence, my dad primarily employs minorities.
This obviously hurts blue collar white Americans who once had higher paying occupations.
>billions of space pennies for the hungry
Damn it Obama! I'm hungry and I want my space pennies!
I'm not afraid of that; I'm not entering into manufacturing, agriculture, or other industry likely to be inundated with folks from south of the border.
I'm afraid of these people taking advantage of the already-beginning-to-crumble welfare state, I'm afraid of these people forming a voting bloc directly opposed to my ideals, and I'm afraid of split-loyalties at best and complete lack of loyalty to the nation at worst.
Welfare allows for immigrants to live with less than the minimum wage. Also, companies (Thanks to the lack of regulation) and employers can pay less than the minimum wage. It is not the fault of non skilled americans that their government seems to support illegal immigrants so much. If they eliminated welfare and punished business that don't comply with the law, immigration would be much lower. On the other hand: "they tak ur jabs"
They mostly take jobs from other Latin Americans.
Parker and Stone didn't do the illegal immigrant problem any favors by creating the "Took 'er jerbs!" meme. It's annoying.
Imagine you have a painting or roofing or plumbing or landscaping or any other kind of business that employs labor. You're competing with other similar businesses in your area. You employ laborers. You bill customers, and pay your employees wages and your overhead.
Let's say you pay your guys $15.00 an hour. Your wage costs go into your BIDS when your customers are shopping for someone to work for them. "I can do the job for $_____."
Your competitors bid slightly less, because they pay their guys under the table. (Illegal immigrant labor). They're not paying for unemployment insurance. They're not paying any of the state taxes. They're not paying $15.00 an hour, because Jose and Pepe will work for much, much less. You don't get the customer's jobs. You go out of business.
And Jose and Pepe don't care, because their kid still gets to go to public school, and eat lunch and breakfast paid for by the state (your taxes). Their family uses the local emergency room for health care. They don't pay taxes or social security, so their real wages are actually pretty close to $15/hr. anyway. If you're a young man who is just looking for some simple work to pay the bills and maybe work your way through school, you're out of luck because you find that Jose and Pepe "Took Yer JERB!", and anyone you tell that to uses that goddamn phrase back at you and laughs, and then calls you a racist.
Funny all these "pro middle class" democrats care so little about low skill workers and degrade them when they come to the party for protection
Indeed. Your main problems are corruption and welfare. When did the welfare state grew to this level by the way?
>I'm worried about the corporate class creating a new underclass to rule over, cheap labor
Sell it as you don't want them to be exploited by the big bad corporations. Works 90% of the time.
Im worried because I'm an unskilled laborer and frankly you dont need to know english to haul plywood or mow lawns
"I do suck at your job. What's your point? Are you saying that because I'm not skilled enough to work in a competitive economy, I don't deserve to have a job? Are you saying that I should be on the streets, begging for change? I thought you were progressive, but you sound like Ayn Rand."
More like I'm worried about economic migrants being paid well below the minimum wage, artificially inflating the markets that exploit them. If the early 20 the century taught us anything it's that labor is the best with little no federal protection. Same goes for "in-sourcing" where if you have a problem making $10 an hour less than the white q&a guy you replaced, you'll be deported to your home country after your visa is voided. Thank you for helping unregulated capitalism exploit our poorly educated!
What's sad is that a 16 year old me would fall for the "taking our job" meme which, really, just defects an incredibly uncomfortable conversation on taking in the less educated lower class from our southern boarders and the effects they've had on our economy.
Bait but i'll bite
I worked with them for years installing new sewer, water and storm pipe. We need hard workers to get shit done and they outworked the americans that I worked with nearly all the time. I was the only white nigger that got picked on a jobsite in jewYorkshitty to work side by side with the owner and the mexican he controlled. That was the true turning point in the reality of what I was part of, working on that jobsite.
Underground utilities aren't particularly mentally hard so you can have a group of mexicans bang it out, but they fuck up royally often. I was close with my boss so I had to run around while they were pressure testing the water main after all was said an done to shut valves down in a pit on the area the illegal scum built.
They aren't particularly smart, but they are infinitely harder workers. I will admit Americans are for the most part useless these days and if those fuckers emigrated the proper way and assimilated by speaking our language i'd be fine. I say fire bomb the planet and start over.
>unskilled labor
well done
Ask them if they are mocking the poor unprivileged souls with no access to good education or skills
I somehow feel life would have been better as a Roman or Greek who owned slaves than even living middle-class in today's society.
There was a Latino activist some years ago by the name of Cesar Chavez. He was against illegal immigration because he knew that the more unlimited, cheap labor that floods the market, the more wages become suppressed. You can't come to the US and work for a living and expect to rise up into the middle class if Jose and Pepe are willing to take your job for $5.00/hr.
When did the welfare state grow? As soon as both Republicans and Democrats realized they had nothing to lose by allowing it. As soon as Mexico (and elsewhere) realized they had expatriates in their emigrants who would send BILLIONS of dollars home and whose loyalties remained to the home country. Mexico was able to forestall the socialist upswelling that took place in many South American countries, by exporting their poor people to the US. It was a win-win situation. The only people who DIDN'T want illegal immigration is all the working poor and middle class in the US. And those people don't matter, because it's easy to label them racists or "compassionate liberals" depending on whose flag they're flying.
Ask them if they are fine with working class blacks jobs being stolen by Mexicans. Watch how they malfunction
No it wouldn't. Slavery is a supremely outaded and ineffcient economic system.
I'll make a deal with you, let them compete for jobs and dissolve the minimum wage simultaneously. Why not?
i'd ask why they hate poor people that keep society going by doing the shit jobs
Just like an (((((((educated))))))) person to defend illegal immigration against its victims' detractions.
why do you hate poor people? just because some people work manual labor doesn't mean that they deserve to be put out of a job by people who aren't even citizens. Typical libshit
>Mexico was able to forestall the socialist upswelling that took place in many South American countries
Seems somewhat true.
>The only people who DIDN'T want illegal immigration is all the working poor and middle class in the US.
If Trump wins i hope he doesn't literally build a wall (Which would be a big big white elephant); he should instead eliminate the welfare state and go after corrupt employers. Mexican immigration is quite low nowadays though it is moslty central and south americans. Say Jesus instead of Pepe, it sounds funnier.
I don't see how the middle class would be directly affected by this though.
>How do you respond to this shit, Sup Forums?
>hey Sup Forums how do I reply to this unfortunate truth so I can keep coping with racism?
Watch out OP, Abdul is getting uppity.
They are lowering the standard of living for the working class, by accepting far lower pay.
Illegals do not pay taxes and can therefore work for much cheaper than a tax payer can. It's common sense, really.
Because the lowering of wages to be able to hire someone who doesn't speak English, all while we're trying to increase wages.
As the person you replied to said they send it all home and their loyalties lie within their home state. Many had wives back home they left for years and they were right. Unfortunately they weren't decent human beings when they were established they were smug niggers and i'll never work with them again ever.
Fuck mexicans, guatemalans and whatever other country those fuckers infiltrated from. I judge it as all mexico and I loved it when they said i'm not a mexican and i'd still refer to them as mexican. As far as i'm concerned you are one step above niggers maybe even lower depending on the mood you consider the facts in.
Your drugs fuel many americans so you might be actually worse than niggers, yet at the same tiem you are in cohoots with the people ruling this world, they need the drugs to flow.
There's one thing I've actually been wondering about. If they increase the minimum wage in the US, wouldn't that mean that spics and niggers would be out of work? The primary reason to hire niggers and spics is because they're incompetent, untrained fucks willing to work for less than white people. But if the minimum wage is raised enough to make these jobs attractive to white people, aren't they all going to be hiring whites, who are going to be considerably better at the job in every way?
This is only true for highly competitive jobs (high demand of people), which only make a small portion of the job market.
Jobs that aren't highly competitive (high demand of jobs) work differently - instead of job offers trying to offer higher salaries in order to attract more or better employees, employees have to offer being payed smaller wages to stay competitive.
Immigrants end up dragging this part down, and it's the largest part of the economy. It ends up hurting competitive jobs too, because salaries there are somewhat relativized to "menial" job salaries. What you end up with is higher inequality, short-term profit for the capitalists, but in the long run the economy is hurt as fewer people are able to create new capital.
Clinton and other speakers were talking about infrastructure jobs.
Funny they even admit but don't realize that Americans don't want to work those jobs.
Bringing in tons of cheap labor (illegal immigrants) is probably ok with me personally since i am in a tech field.
But i vote for what is best for country.
T. Typical republican
Tell them they are taking black people's jobs. Are they saying black people suck at their jobs?
h1b's are suppressing your wages. Being in the tech field, you are probably effected by immigration more than anyone
poo-in-loos are coming for YOUR job, not mexcrements.
>Your drugs fuel many americans so you might be actually worse than niggers
>Not understanding how supply and demand works.
>Being this edgy.
I'm with you. A wall is every nation's right though, Mexico's southern wall against Guatemala is prominent. You don't want to sneak into Mexico via that border, I'm told.
Middle class has always been the bulwark against tyranny in any democracy. It's on the ropes in the US though, and sorely lacking in Mexico. Middle Class tends to be the successful small business owners, and property owners. They vote and have collective influence, but they're also educated and well-off without being so rich that you have a stake in the power game, which makes them (as a bloc) influential. They're who Nixon labeled "The Great Silent Majority".
I'm a business owner, and it's HARD to work your way into success. I'm not middle class though, as I don't have health insurance or own any real property, and have no serious retirement plan going.
say hello to your new coworker, rajeesh
Illegal immigrants drastically drop the value of labor. These are jobs I would do if I had to, and lots of other people would do, if unfair competition for wages weren't a factor. These spics are actually being exploited by businesses too cheap to pay a fair wage for those jobs. It's actually a good local argument for why globalism aims to, in the end, fuck everybody who considers themselves middle-class. The very definition of "rich get richer and poor get poorer". Nobody benefits but the 1% you were so enthusiastic about taking down a peg, once upon a time.
>Bringing in tons of cheap labor (illegal immigrants) is probably ok with me personally since i am in a tech field.
Have fun pay taxes for their welfare.
Most of the work they do is undocumented unrecognized by the government so minimum wage do not affect them.
>How do you respond to this shit, Sup Forums?
Bit like going back to the 80s and saying if you're worried about a chinese taking your job you must suck at your job.
>what is outsourcing
>You legally cannot be paid under min wage
>But Mexicans can
You literally, legally cannot compete with them. That's why.
And that's an inevitability. Being willing to work for less than minimum wage usually does come with a willingness to skirt the law as well.
Foreigners are a problem, period. You should pick and choose their elites, and only the ones that are politically aligned in your favour.
>I'm with you. A wall is every nation's right though, Mexico's southern wall against Guatemala is prominent.
What wall? There might be some few fences here and there but most of the border is undefended (Some parts have military units and police though, mainly because the carteles). I have actually crossed to Guatemala (In a car) to buy trinkets in small markets. Only saw a few federal police officers. Sometimes they do attempt to capture (And do a lot of other things, because corruption and discrimination) immigrants though.
You have the right to build a wall, but it won't help enough to compensante the resources invested. Build if you want though.
Oh, so you meant that the middle class political influence is being disminished, seems accurate and wrong indeed.
The middle class is actually growing in Mexico, though a lot of poor people feel like they belong to it for some reason. At least lies makes them happy?
I am part of the upper middle class here and i amazed about your middle class costs of life (College debt for example).
>An Example
Kill yourself you nu-chan faggot. I hate all you pricks who've turned this whole board into Manblr.
>waaah my normie friends on Faceberg said something I can't respond to help me with arguments guise!
Fucking die.
It's easy for them to take jobs when they work for much lower wages.
This face is my exact response.
>be engineer
>cant find stable work since h1b work visa poo's work for cheap
>spend time correcting shitty engineering made by cheap poo in loos
Ad hominem, argument invalid.
I constantly fantasize about killing Mexicans and the different ways to go about doing so. Here is one of my favorites;
>Use makeup to disguise myself as a brown skin. I bake or buy a bunch of food and candy that Mexicans like and use a needle to inject it with antifreeze and eye drops.
>Bring it to some event filled with spics and give it out or leave it
>Go to some predominately mexican community and leave it in a box with "FREE" written on it
>If parents give me shit, I'll say that a store I work at is getting rid of a bunch of goods and I can't eat it all
What think? How would you go about killing spics?
Vote Trump.
Follow them home, kill them, and rob them
>suggests that being worse than a Mexican means you suck
>inadvertently implies Mexicans suck, because you are below them
top kek liberals
>pennies for the hungry
>look at older nigger
>it's a hambeast
the episode was literally about how immigrants fuck up countries
but South Park always tries to present the guise of neutrality
odd how the only thing people took from that episode was the THEY TOOK UR JERBS like they didn't even watch the episode
I notice this meme is generally shared by office workers doing non-jobs. Weird how the middle class left is constantly sneering the working class. It's almost like mass immigration hurts the working class the most but liberals don't care as long as they can get their extension done for cheap.
>The jobs that they tend to take are typically lower wage and limited education jobs, and this disproportionately affects the lower class and minorities the most
The mental gymnastics on their response is always great.
Well and you could go work at a factory in the 60s or 70s, but you can thank globalist and chinks for that one
What if I believe both?
If you're worse than a beaner than you really don't deserve the job, and its hilarious that someone could be worse than a beaner
If you think you're entitled to a job with that useless degree, you must suck at your degree! hahaha
Fucking Northies don't have to worry about Mexicans because they live in states that ate 90+% white, and nowhere near Mexico.
They're all the biggest cucks for immigration, too.
So basically the response is "Mexico is in our fucking backyard."
Exactly, which is why the wealthy white argument is essentially pointless and why the minimum wage being raised argument is the more relevant for the upcoming election. Quite frankly immigrant workers deserve much more money considered the lack of healthcare and shitty living conditions during the summer months when they tend to work.
Illegals don't pay taxes and can work for less than minimum wage.
It's basic economics. Sudden influx of workers-> unemployment goes up and salaries go down.
You can' really say much because it's just a fucking retarded statement, the kind of shit I told myself when I was 12.
People who work IT jobs in offices it doesn't effect but those who do real jobs in trade and earn their wage through sweat and elbow grease it does because they undercut the wages required to do these jobs.
ask them if it's fair to have the smartest Mexicans immigrate here and take the jobs of the dumbest Americans. How can they compete when they have an IQ that's a standard deviation lower than the immigrants? Open immigration is was on the lower class.
"Lel oh shit you like Stanhope too?"