Fuckin how?
Fuckin how?
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How has Trump suddenly surged but Hillary seems to have lost no support?
Gary Johnson took a shit in the polls.
Kek works in mysterious ways
the RNC convention just happened and the polls always have a lag of ~5 days?
undecided voters
Some polls that aren't as favorable to Trump might come out soon.
Apparently, Trump bringing his A-game to the RNC made a lot of undecideds/independents switch to him.
Yeah like (((Wall Street))) Journal
Trump 2%
Hillary 99%
>Fuckin how?
Dank Memes.
Let's wait until all the freebies get handed out to see who likes whom more.
Power of Kek
I'm also guessing that he managed to rally up most of the former NeverTrump republicans. Cruz probably helped Trump when he pulled his stunt by painting the never Trump movement in a bad light
Gary Johnson isn't included in these polls
He's probably consolidating Conservative support and Independent support. The crosstabs would reveal that.
Also the DNC is cracking because of Bernouts losing and the email leaks (that aren't done yet and have not been taken into account, polls that support hillary might just take bernie voters that wouldn't vote for her and give them to her anyway) haven't even been taken into account yet.
Chances are that the democratic party will divide with the independents and trump surges to >50% if we're lucky.
When will we be able to see the effect of the DNC Leaks?
Trump is sitting perfectly, he appeared incompetent enough that the Establishment was confident it could win with Hillary. Notice he still hasn't rolled out all his policies on his website. Those will be brought out to control the media cycle in the wake of the debates.
Based Putin will haul out the Hillary emails containing the SAPs, and ties to global corruption.
>No Gary Penis
what is other?
confirm: are we officially designating Gary Johnson as Gary Penis
By the end of this week. Expect Hillary to lose another 4-5 points
then we can finally restore the west to its former glory and cruise around on the coastline in convertibles and listen to some soothing strings or some shit and drink whatever drink you enjoy
The DNC is cracking, the independents are a dead weight that will kill her.
Clinton has a 68% untrustworthy rate
Lowest dislike in her whole career as well.
That map is hysterically wrong. Trump will win many more states than that
Go north, Korean man.
Every single thread this discount gook posts the same thing...
fuck off with your defeatism
Has Clinton released her policies?
Every speaker keep saying Trump has no ideas or plans, yet they bring nothing for Clinton.
All Trump has to do now is come out swinging in the debates, something he has shown he can do
You posted this in another thread already. Ignore the shills. Trump will win.
WW3 starts 2020.
Trump flipping independents/3rd party support
Truly worst korea
Sven knows more about American politics than most americans. The democratic base is in complete disarray. Clinton's support is fractured, and millions are dropping the democratic party. This hands the election to Trump. You can thank Assange for crashing the DNC with no survivors. Trump should pardon him.
>when the 9% of people who support Johnson flip their vote on election night when they realize they don't want to waste their vote
Landslide victory for Trump.
Because you can vote undecided
I don't believe that poll or the poll showing Trump winning by 5 in Nevada. We need more polls to back this up.
you have to support trump. ive never seen a canidate more committed and more heartfelt towards veterans than trump.
those numbers are the old ones too
if her voters split to the independents accordingly then Hillary loses fucking 14% of her vote
reminder that this puts trump at +16 over hillary or so
Okay? All that did was cause Bernie supporters to see Bernie as a sell-out and they despise Hillary over the e-mails and such. Bernie supporters were supposed to be her saving grace, and she lost them. Have you seen reddit? They are having a meltdown.
Also, independents and silent majority vote for Trump. That's big enough already.
Either way, you are a shill, and need to leave.
I love the "Trump ceiling"
>He'll never break 20%
>He'll never break 30%
>He'll never break 40%
That was just the primaries as well.
Hell, even Van Jones on CNN admitted it's worrying when Clinton have to have the Obama's, Bill, Sanders, and every other Democrat out campaigning.
It's going to be like when the Patriots lost the Super Bowl to the shitass giants
I can't wait
Oh fuuuuuck!!!
>Trump up +10 pts in New Hampshire
Trump will win without women (half the country), young people, college graduates (one of the most consistent voting groups), and Latinos (the largest minority group in the nation).
Yes, Trump is going to miraculously win with the support of non-college white men (who are collectively outnumbered by the other four demographics I just mentioned).
also this is not taking into account the staggeringly low voter turnout of the democratic voterbase
like niggers who only vote for niggers in any respectable numbers
and millenials who only 70% even care about something as big as brexit (doubt british and american young kids are that different in political behavior if they're on the left, at least we're passionate about it)
So that means you can remove a shit ton of the niggers and 18 - 30 year old people and she loses 30 million more votes
After Hillary becomes the nominee on Thursday. :)
He will pwn her in debates just like he did Rato
Nevada here. Trump is YUGE right now.
Either after Clinton accepts the nomination or after she gives her speech on Thursday.
I don't know if she'll come out tonight to accept the nomination.
That map is inaccurate compared to the latest polls. Trump has the lead in Florida, Ohio, Nevada, and Iowa. He's tied with Clinton in New Hampshire, and the other swings states like Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Virginia have no recent polling data. This is important because a lot has happened, in terms of the RNC, the DNC leaks, etc., since the time of those last polls. Trump very well could even have the lead in those swing states right now, which would effectively switch those delegate numbers so Trump has over 300 and Clinton around 200.
Kinda scared that China and the Norks will rape your ass when the US stops giving you free protection? haha
Isn't that similar rise and fall in the middle a bit weird?
Any explanations for that?
Remember, these are people who were fucking with the polls. You can probably add +10 to Trump with those numbers
I can't wait for the debates
Am I exaggerating if I say that all the shit spewed from the DNC email leak is worse than Watergate?
This election has been a complete manifestation of the idea "There's no such thing as bad publicity"
What crime did Assange commit? Are you thinking of Snowden?
And this was before the DNC leaks came out
This time around it's pretty different and we're at a crucial part of the election, the conventions, the DNC has both their emails leaked and the bernie faggots at their throats, the DNC is literally cracking, there's no way Hillary won't take some kind of dip, even if the majority of the dip goes to the independents
I hope you're right. I just want to see the proof in the polls
It's the convention bump you fucking kangaroo. The cunt will get it too but hopefully Wikileaks will keep leaking shit that mitigates it.
Rato was a competition winning debater too.
>I'm with you!
Thats how
>women don't support trump
>college students have high turnouts
I'm not sure what you're smoking, but I want some.
every time
Praise kek
Yesterday a poll came out showing Nevada with Trump 5+
is that sarcasm akhmed?
I have no idea, they basically rigged the election process anyway.
They also think Trump has more hispanic support then most people think.
They are literally scared of him.
In the U.S, aside from those who vote the party line, most voters won't make up their mind until the week before Election Day
Undecided and "Independent" voters are more likely to vote Trump
Hillary is alienating even to the Democrat base
Rape. His own defense team said he slept with a non-consenting sleeping woman. That's called rape.
I think now is the time to pass a little thank you to the martyrs of Sweden, France and Germany who will ensure Trump the presidency, no?
might be a medias attempt at instilling a false sense of victory into Trump supporters, be skeptical it's US media we're dealing with and we know what kind of shit they manage to pull off everytime
How about you use Google to read one of the 10,000 articles on this.
Sleeping giant waking up yada yada yada... I hope the October surprise is someone giving Clinton a colonoscopy with a Freightliner.
>Chinese proxyfag scared that the entire nothern hemisphere might tell them to fuck off before 2020 and wreck their shit
why are they squinting?
The Clinton (((Gazette)))
Trump -306%
Hillary 5,000,000%
Latinos are like 30/70 Trump, so not all of them are buying the bullshit. Tim Kaine speaking Spanish like he was throwing a dog a bone was particularly shameful.
>Gary Johnson isn't included in these polls
Then why don't any of the polls add to 100%?
Clearly 3rd parties are included
You watch,
Screenshot this post
Around the debates whether in the debates or directly after the debates
Trump will make a comment about decriminalizing/legalizing/regulating/making an industry out of DUDE WEED LMAO 420 BLAZE IT.
And it will sky rocket him to landslide victory over Clinton.
Watching Trump this past year, it's clear he considers information an asset, with a monetary worth
He won't release information if he doesn't have to
Smart observation
Obama had a lot going for him that, lol, Hillary doesn't have at all
Young people won't get out of bed for Hillary
This is how:
1. Despite having pivoted to the center, Trump picked a solid and sane VP. That sealed the deal with the Republican party and will keep them happy
2. He managed to pivot towards the center during the primaries and reinterpreting what he's been saying making him more appealing to moderates and independents
3. He hasn't said or done anything crazy in a long while. He already has the media's attention and they're passively
As for Clinton
1. Bernie's people and hardcore liberal progressive fan are absolutely fucking furious with her. The FBI hearings, DNCLeaks, her centrist VP pick and her past is like jet fuel being poured into the already raging fire
2. Bernie has pulled her way to the fucking left which explains her VP choice. She was never in control of this and had to pivot towards the extremes to keep herself from losing in the primaries
3. Whereas Trump already has brushed arms with the media and has their attention, she hasn't. Now that she does want media coverage for the general she has a literal mountain of shit to overcome.
The DNC convention is also a massive trainwreck. She'd probably be better off avoiding and turning own debating Trump at the point because that would absolutely kill her.
Yeah he'd lose all of the conservative vote with that one and screw himself out of winning. He just needs to stay on the right path. One thing he could do is promise to release the picture of osama bin laden's death. That could help him
Trump's ratings have gone up due to the conservatives coalescing behind him after the convention.
Amazing, Hilldog's numbers have not gone down whatsoever, despite the verbal flogging from Comey and all sorts of corrupt bullshit that's come out. Although this is too early to take into account the DNC leaks.
Also, I do not think the dems will coalesce behind Hillary like the reps did with Trump. Trump was able to unite his party. The democratic party is in fucking shambles and they can't even hold their own convention without getting bantzed by bernouts
I am convinced a lot of these polls are drawn from responses from white men, and disproportionately so.
I mean have any of these polls published where their data is coming from?
Bush Jr. won his elections by flipping a couple of percentage points of the black vote in Ohio. Having the support of minorities and young people is irrelevant when minorities and young people are notorious for being noshows at the polls.
Brainwashing, user.