>not married
>no kids
I wonder why...
>not married
>no kids
I wonder why...
he's probably gay.
maybe he prefers to focus on his work
>wanting either of those things
>le I want him to be married 5 times like every other beautiful Hollywood couple!
Wow you guys are horse cock sucking faggots. Let him enjoy his oscar and money
21 same hairline here
Makes me feel a bit better tbf
Because he's a pussy slayer and probably has been through way too many women by now to think any one of the sluts he meets will likely be around for very long.
he avoided the spider webs
this. you either stay single or wind up divorced so what's the fucking point?
Smart men don't marry or have kids. Nowadays at least.
Keep telling yourself that, beta.
>OP doesn't know...
Google Alia Shawkat Getting Shaved by a Stranger. The weird "stranger" was actually Leo.
Only if it's whitey though.
>it's for intellectuals!
What does this sound like?
Why get married when he can just have 50 girlfriends?
He is directing me things to do, which was really hot. He goes, “All right. Take off all your clothes.” And then, “All right. I need you to go take a shower ’cause I want to go down on you and I need you to be clean.” And I was like, “Okay.”
So I go into the shower. And the whole time, I’m thinking, “Can’t believe you’re in the house with this guy. Like, what’s going on? Just go with it. You’re chill.” And then I come outside. He takes the towel. He puts it down. And he makes me stand in front of the mirror. And he has a razor. “I’m gonna shave you now.” “Okay.”
So I’m looking at myself directly in the mirror with my legs open. And he’s down on his knees. And he’s shaving my vagina. And I was looking at myself like, “You’re still in there. The real you’s in there. Just enjoy this.”
So, I sat on the bed. He had a warm bowl of water. He delicately shaved me fucking baby-clean. Like, nothing there. The whole time, I’m just trying to be like, “Mm-hmm. We’re into this.” And we continued to hook up. We started to have sex for a little while.
And then he completely switches.
He starts standing up and running around, “I can’t do this!” and “I’m not supposed to be doing this!”
And I’m there, with a freshly-shaved vagina, saying, “Uh, we are doing this.” He keeps walking around the room pacing. And then he comes back. And we’re hooking up. And then we start to have sex again.
And then just the same thing. Four times, on and off, like bipolar. And he asked me, “How old are you?” “I’m 20.” “You’re — you’re only 20? I shouldn’t be doing this anymore!”
>It's a "virgins obsess about racial reproduction rates episode"
Worst season so far tbqh
Why are Sup Forumsacks, the people least likely to reproduce, the ones who care so passionately about reproduction?
Why not practice what you preach?
I've wondered if it's Leo. She said he was older than her by a good amount, though, didn't she? I always pictured George Clooney as the pussy eater
Betas are the one who lock themselves down to a single relationship instead of playing the field and having a lot of experiences because they have such a hard time finding women who are interested. I find it hilarious that you sad neets use a single woman potentially letting you bang her as the metric for whether a person is a beta or not. It really puts things into perspective.
Because they wouldn't be able to support the kids and would need to go on welfare which would disqualify them from their retard club
>the people least likely to reproduce
That would be /r9k/. Lower class conservative whites have relatively high birthrates. You're just parroting jewish propaganda again, but it's not actually true. >Nazis are loser virgins lol XD
> the people least likely to reproduce
Based on what?
white people going extinct is a grim fate for humanity
Mao forbid anyone want to prevent whites from becoming politically and socially disenfranchised, stateless minorities in their own homelands. How counter revolutionary of them
Because he is NOT a dumb fuck.
>all these projections and baseless assumptions about people who merely disagree with your politics
why are you SO assmad?
the thicc life HNG
He would have been 34. It's almost 15 years older.
>t. virgin
>no u
take a joke like your wife take's nigger cocks, Blaine McCuck
Based on them being 15 year old neonazis who live with their parents and laugh at memes on Sup Forums
>He stopped
dude is probably dead
>Another line from an explicitly jewish script
You realize that referencing obscure racial pornography as an insult doesn't so much make your adversary look bad, as it does you?
post yf when you realize there has not been a human in the history of the earth to ever fuck as many women who are in the top .0000001% of the human genome as him.
Have you ever gone to a bar and seen a chad surrounded by girls and he's complaining about cucks, jews or muslims? No, because pol/t_d/sf are comprised of the internets most extremely bullied/isolated/bitter/mentally impaired garbage
This is a pretty neat image. All the god damn propaganda out there about race. It's crazy.
Jews are under no illusions about the reality of race. They tell us race doesn't exist and should be forgotten, while considering themselves an international element of a genocidal, religious ethnostate armed with nuclear weapons
How are you aware of the age-bracket, beliefs and living situations of anonymous users on the politics board of an anime website?
The level of bias in this post is pretty funny senpai
So you're saying alpha-males vote democrat then? According to the media, Donald Trump was an evil racist bigot
The foundations of this internet culture in its entirety was pioneered by creative, socially isolated people. And yet here you are, using it, being a part of it.
You don't have to have an active promiscuous sex life to be a human being with credible ideas and beliefs.
Donald Trump is a neocon shill who's job it is to keep the white middle class from realizing the political system has long abandoned them and is selling them out to international corporations. He's there to make nationalism and whites look as bad as possible for 8 years, kick the can down the road while doing nothing, and then pass the crown to the next globalist shill.
>that fake looking beard
Is Leo really a dude?
He s right though.
Leftist have screwed the system for married men or with kids.
Until we change the system is not in our best interest to have kids.
>Until we change the system is not in our best interest to have kids.
lel most of you are undesirables
Fucking this.
Is hilarious to say that considering we know how does the average Tumblr/Twitter anti-trump posting retard look like.