>in english, doc!
In english, doc!
Other urls found in this thread:
>In British, bruv
Im sorry pepe, your just a cartoon, your not real
>scientist explains something to European soldier
>"where's the subtitles on this thing?"
We ain't scientists!
>I will always be there for you
>In english, doc!
>Sticks pen through each end of a paper to explain a wormhole
>don't you
>forget about me
>Now leave, before my wife's son changes his mind!
>my wife's son died 10 years ago
wow that was time wasted
thanks fucker
list three amateur home interracial wife insemination video where these tropes happen or stop posting them
the most annoying part is when it was perfectly understandable in the first place
>girl beats up a bunch of detectives
>"well when you hand in your badges with four loose cannons..."
Why is it that when I create these threads they always fail but whenever I see them created by other people they're huge successes?
Is it some clique that I'm not a member of and my threads don't get blessed?
keep trying, I have faith in you
Just post the same thing every day and eventually someone will reply.
>"A diversion." - Legolas
Here's one of my failed threads: Any tips on how to up my meme game?
should have posted it when the dumb sharters are online
>give me your badge
>and your other badge
youre trying too hard, evidenced by the capital letters and fullstops, the wording also looks too intelligent, its supposed to look like it was written by a down syndrome
So, more like this?
>how did u no?????
>u just dold me
Perhaps with a more retarded pepe?
use this Aou
I mean Apu
Thanks, this should be good. I'll try it tomorrow during Prime American Hours.
>"in english please?"
>rolls eyes
>You're off the case
>and your OTHER case!
>Movie set in future England
>Scientist explains something
>Umm, in Arabic please?
I've made these threads maybe ten times. Some times they die with no responses and other time I just go to the bathroom and come back to 40 replies. It just varies.
It's weird how it works.
So satisfying to watch some kino and come back to find my thread has become reading kino, but other times I come back and find nothing and it's the worst feeling ever.
How is tgis meme called Poopey?
Only good joke from the movie
yeah Bruno and Borat are much better
Dammit this is gold
I want reddit to leave
>ice themed character
>"chill dude!"
>being this desperate for replies
here's one, I hope it makes your life a bit less pathetic
That post got five replies so hey. It worked!
>being this jealous
>Mr President how can be sure these so called "peaceful" so called "aliens" aren't communists? I say nuke them first ask questions later!
>hes not in the pepeposter discord
>you're off the bombing Ali, hand in your Quran, your machete and your bomb vest
>and your other bomb vest!
>i have brothers
>and your OTHER english?
>don’t die on me!
>burger explains a quranic verse
>"in arabic, please!"
>Go! Leave or you'll die too!
>We are not going to leave you behind!
>Can you see me?
>*blows his own brains out*
Every fucking time
wow that was time wasted
thanks fucker
឴ ឴
wow that was time wasted
thanks fucker
wow that was time wasted
thanks fucker
>As long as the sun, moon, and earth exist, you everything will be all right.
>Meteor destroys the earth in the next scene